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Help with several questions, new to SL!


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I'm considering going premium, to get my own house in the world.

1. so, will I have to find a place to place this house or is it a world of it's own?

2. Will it come with a default house, or will I have to buy one from the market?

3. If yes to #2, how do i use it 

and I'm wantign to get: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/The-Bed-Buddy-20-Ultimate-Edition-34-Somes-Xcite-206-Total-Animations/425348

To animate the bed with

4. How would I use this

5. Do I need to purchase a bed (unless I have to buy a prefurnished house, in which case leads to #6 question)

6. Can I still place the 'bed buddy' animations over a bed, if it alread has default ones?

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As a premium member you are entitled to a Linden Home.  They come in a few styles and you can pick based on availability.  They are unfurnished.  You get a prim allowance of 117 prims to furnish them with.  You will have to buy your own furniture for them.  Here is more information

The bed Buddy is just another animation engine.  You will have to supply the bed.  Complete instructions on how to use it with your own bed should be included.  I am not familiar with the product  It is one of a number of engines you can get.  I suggest you try it out and compare it to others before buying it though, particularly animation engines that feature Motion Capture or mocap animations which are recorded using humans rather than just using an animation program. Mocap animations are generally much more realistic.  I would never buy animations without seeing them work first as the quality varies quite a bit and you generally get what you pay for.  You also may be able to get a copy of the instructions in world at their store before you buy it, or IM the creator and ask for a copy.

It appears that the engine lays on top of furniture so you can put it on anything pretty much, even if the bed already has animations in it.

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The home is yours as long as you pay your membership fee and don't abandon it. 

The engine can be used as long as you don't lose it or break it and the scripts remain viable,  Since it is no copy and no transfer it is possible that you may lose it if you leave it someplace, or SL messes up and it is lost from your inventory or the sim crashes and its gone after it comes back.  The scripts could stop working right if LL releases new code that makes them inoperable for some reason.  This is rare but it is known to have happen in the past.  Note that LL will not replace anything that is lost or broken or compensate you for it,  no matter what the reason and the creator is not obligated to do so either, although some do if the item is no transfer, you ask politely and can provide proof of purchase.(A copy of the transaction record from your purchase) These are the risks you assume when you buy something.

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Azurean, no offense, but with your low level of knowledge I'd suggest waiting before you go premium. Discover the world, learn your ways around SL, learn all the little tricks and tools, stay homeless for the time beeing. I spent over 4 years in SL, even selling land for a while, before I considered for the first time that I need/want a place of my own. And I never had a lack of phukbuddies.

Life's too short, particularly in SL, to waste the time sitting around at home.

Besides SLex isn't as great as many ppl think it is, not even the most fancy (and fantasy killing) anims won't help with it.


Ok, to your questions: as premium member you have the choice between ...

- either a Linden home, that sits with many many more equal houses on a ghetto-like continent and is good for almost nothing. Look in worldmap and see how empty these areas are. That's because ppl only go there to get dressed, not to live there. Having property in a Linden Home area is considered bottom of  the barrel.

- or buy your own parcel of 512 m² (117 prims), and pay no tier on it. Well, in that case your house is not included in the 117 prims but you can buy your land wherever you want. As a premium you're not restricted to 512 m² but may purchase as much land as you can afford. The initial 512 will always stay tier free the rest will cost you.


Anyhoo, you find all  the answers to your questions on the LL website where it's all explained in detail.


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You have to be premium in second life to own land. But you do not have to be premium to use land. There are lots of other SL users that rent land out. Allot of them even rent land out with the house and furniture. All you need to do is pay the rent, set the bed buddy up and you will be humping away in no time.

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Orca Flotta wrote:

Having property in a Linden Home area is considered bottom of  the barrel.


according to Tyche Shepherd's last survey is 41,689 people living in the bottom of the barrel

seems also there is a waiting list to get in to the more popular housing estate types. bc linden havent provided enough Linden Homes sims


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16 wrote:

Orca Flotta wrote:

Having property in a Linden Home area is considered bottom of  the barrel.


according to Tyche Shepherd's last survey is 41,689 people living in the bottom of the barrel

seems also there is a waiting list to get in to the more popular housing estate types. bc linden havent provided enough Linden Homes sims


At a rate of 128  512sqm parcels per region, that equals 325 regions.

That is more than 10% of the grid now.

Velly Interesting.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

16 wrote:

Orca Flotta wrote:

Having property in a Linden Home area is considered bottom of  the barrel.


according to Tyche Shepherd's last survey is 41,689 people living in the bottom of the barrel

seems also there is a waiting list to get in to the more popular housing estate types. bc linden havent provided enough Linden Homes sims


At a rate of 128  512sqm parcels per region, that equals 325 regions.

That is more than 10% of the grid now.

Velly Interesting.

Actually, it would be more like 64 Linden Homes per region (or less). The prims required for the houses must be accounted for in the region's 15,000 prims. The homes aren't packed together like the old First Land 512sqm parcels; there are paths and small park areas on each region too. That doubles the number of regions, but it's nowhere near 10% of the grid. There were once 30,000 regions. The number is smaller now. but I don't know what it is. Say it's 25,000 regions - that means the Linden Home regions would be approximately 2.6% (650/25000) of the grid.



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Bree Giffen wrote:

Those linden houses are pretty close to each other. I'm not sure you'd want to have such a ... uhm.. feature rich bed in your home. But then again it supports 3 to 4 people so maybe you do want to have your neighbors visit.

jejejejjeej (:

parcel visibiltiy/chat off. restrict sounds

neighbour can only perv the green dots on minimap then. and left to imagine what they missing out on

if you not invite them over for a cup of tea and a bowl of sugar that is


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Parhelion Palou wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

16 wrote:

Orca Flotta wrote:

Having property in a Linden Home area is considered bottom of  the barrel.


according to Tyche Shepherd's last survey is 41,689 people living in the bottom of the barrel

seems also there is a waiting list to get in to the more popular housing estate types. bc linden havent provided enough Linden Homes sims


At a rate of 128  512sqm parcels per region, that equals 325 regions.

That is more than 10% of the grid now.

Velly Interesting.

Actually, it would be more like 64 Linden Homes per region (or less). The prims required for the houses must be accounted for in the region's 15,000 prims. The homes aren't packed together like the old First Land 512sqm parcels; there are paths and small park areas on each region too. That doubles the number of regions, but it's nowhere near 10% of the grid. There were once 30,000 regions. The number is smaller now. but I don't know what it is. Say it's 25,000 regions - that means the Linden Home regions would be approximately 2.6% (650/25000) of the grid.



my brain really wasn't working this morning.  thanks. 

but considering those numbers....it could be aded as another reason why the first 1024sqm should be tier free.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

but considering those numbers....it could be aded as another reason why the first 1024sqm should be tier free.

i vote for that

someone else cant remember who exactly. said on here that maybe linden could give a Premium either a linden home or a 1024 tier for another place on normal mainland. i thought that was a good idea and have been supportive of it ever since


another idea was for linden to start doing infill housing. like put some Linden Homes parcels on regular mainland. i think that a good idea as well


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Upping the free tier to atleast 1024m² is only fair, as a Linden home has a Land Impact of between 60 and 120.
With the Tahoe-style houses being the worst. And maybe adding another 512m² for those, who pay a whole year in advance.

16 wrote: "another idea was for linden to start doing infill housing. like put some Linden Homes parcels on regular mainland. i think that a good idea as well"

That one came from me -and others possibly before me. If done right, it would make the Linden homes an integral part of the mainland and it would allow the forming of communities as well. Plus more commercial traffic too.
The separate Linden-home continents are a bad idea from the beginning.


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16 wrote:

another idea was for linden to start doing infill housing. like put some Linden Homes parcels on regular mainland. i think that a good idea as well 

My first thought about that idea is that some people would end up with Linden Homes in very ugly places. Maybe not initially but you know what often happens to mainland. If they could do it a whole sim at a time, it would be better.

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Phil Deakins wrote:

16 wrote:

another idea was for linden to start doing infill housing. like put some Linden Homes parcels on regular mainland. i think that a good idea as well 

My first thought about that idea is that some people would end up with Linden Homes in very ugly places. Maybe not initially but you know what often happens to mainland. If they could do it a whole sim at a time, it would be better.

One of the things the Linden Home's SIMs have by their nature is zoning,  They are strictly residentail.  That does increase their desireability.

A limited amount of zoning on the Mainland could really be good in the long run for the Lab.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

One of the things the Linden Home's SIMs have by their nature is zoning,  They are strictly residentail.  That does increase their desireability.

A limited amount of zoning on the Mainland could really be good in the long run for the Lab.

Been saying this for a while.

Take or make an experimental 30 sims.

Split them into 3 groups: strict, medium, and light zoning. Split thos again into some themes for what they will be zoned by.

The strict themes would have a full list of LL enforced rules for what you can build / do. No commercial, commerical only, builds in a given theme, etc.

Medium would have either some thematic general rules, or resident made rules - and be enforced by the residents themselves (voting or electing an enforcer) using various powers created for the experiment.

Light would just have very basic rules about blight (open sky below 1000m, no giant prims, reduced glow/fullbright, clean up the lawn of boxes and clutter) - enforced through ARs, or the residents picking one of their number on a regular basis to be the enforcer / manager.


- Run that for 3-6 months, letting the people who live and work there on this test continent get the land free like linden homes (but still pay tier, and able to buy/sell the land) based on a lottery of volunteers, and answering regular surveys.

Make the results public after the fact, and if any of the ideas are popular, roll them out on ONE of the existing continents...


There's enough land in SL that's unclaimed that you could run this on existing mainland, but finding that much land in a contiguous state would not be possible... unless you force moved some folks (like the one where I mentioned Bay City)...


- And that's the real rub... We do need -some kind- of zoning. We need to find out what kind would work. Its not really sure what would go over well, so we need to run experiments...

But people have a lot of $$$, time, and emotion invested in their SL land... so how do you set up the experiments without causing trouble?


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Phil Deakins wrote:

16 wrote:

another idea was for linden to start doing infill housing. like put some Linden Homes parcels on regular mainland. i think that a good idea as well 

My first thought about that idea is that some people would end up with Linden Homes in very ugly places. Maybe not initially but you know what often happens to mainland. If they could do it a whole sim at a time, it would be better.

yes true about it better being a whole sim for linden homes

like at Celebes/Bohol. is this island city in a kinda greek summer style that the Moles made. i would love to live there in one of the little houses



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Perrie Juran wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

16 wrote:

another idea was for linden to start doing infill housing. like put some Linden Homes parcels on regular mainland. i think that a good idea as well 

My first thought about that idea is that some people would end up with Linden Homes in very ugly places. Maybe not initially but you know what often happens to mainland. If they could do it a whole sim at a time, it would be better.

One of the things the Linden Home's SIMs have by their nature is zoning,  They are strictly residentail.  That does increase their desireability.

A limited amount of zoning on the Mainland could really be good in the long run for the Lab.

just about the residential. well the opposite really

some one else made a suggestion on time that an alternative to a Linden Home could be a Linden Shop. put them along the roadways and space then out a bit so that they not all just in one sim/place like at Luna



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Phil Deakins disturbed some electrons to proclaim: "If they can acquire whole sims and zone them as residential, it would be good. Especially if they layed them out like the Linden Home sims."
(Emphasis mine)

Seriously? Rabbit hutch central: http://sl.jadeclaw.de/Snapshot_018.png

Rabbit hutch central indeed: http://sl.jadeclaw.de/Snapshot_009.png


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Pussycat Catnap wrote: "Light would just have very basic rules about blight (open sky below 1000m, no giant prims, reduced glow/fullbright, clean up the lawn of boxes and clutter) - enforced through ARs, or the residents picking one of their number on a regular basis to be the enforcer / manager."

I guess, that alone would remove most (> 90%) of all eyesores on the Grid.
That becomes visible, when a landlord holds a certain amount of parcels on a sim and actively
enforces zoning rules on these properties. That alone keeps out a lot of the junk seen elsewhere on the mainland,
as renters on surrounding parcels follow, what is around them, even if their landlord doesn't zone anything.


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16 wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

16 wrote:

another idea was for linden to start doing infill housing. like put some Linden Homes parcels on regular mainland. i think that a good idea as well 

My first thought about that idea is that some people would end up with Linden Homes in very ugly places. Maybe not initially but you know what often happens to mainland. If they could do it a whole sim at a time, it would be better.

One of the things the Linden Home's SIMs have by their nature is zoning,  They are strictly residentail.  That does increase their desireability.

A limited amount of zoning on the Mainland could really be good in the long run for the Lab.

just about the residential. well the opposite really

some one else made a suggestion on time that an alternative to a Linden Home could be a Linden Shop. put them along the roadways and space then out a bit so that they not all just in one sim/place like at Luna



Could do like we still see in places.  The store owner living (having their apartment) above the store.

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Long before you go premium, I would suggest taking some classes at Caledon Oxbridge, NCI, and / or Builder Brewery to get an understanding of things like land ownership, prims, permissions, and so on.

Also explore around inworld for a while, find some friends and a community you like - and use that as a guide to determine how best and to where to make that move into having land in SL. You should find a reason to want SL land, and only then get it.

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