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Is it possible to NOT dress like a **bleep** in SL??


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One great source for low cost items - mesh and the old granny-body-paint wear, is Bare Rose.

Almost everything's under 200L (I think everything, but I haven't checked the full inventory to be sure). Often coming in multiple color variations for that price.

NWN's blog notes them today, but I've been going there since 2009.

At the price range, its a great way to experiment with new styles or to try upgrading from the old 2003-tech for mere pennies.



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Nuhai Ling wrote:

Sure, sure there are great designers in SL with fabulous cloths but no matter how stylish or conservative we dress, a good portion of men will always look at us as objects. If you accept that, then I would say, "Nope, not a chance in heck that we won't look like "bleeps" in SL!" :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:

BTW, I am not objecting... I take it as a compliment. In fact, it would stink if I wasn't getting attention from men! I even enjoy getting IMed by the shoe fetish men; it makes all the hours of shopping for the perfect pair worth it!:matte-motes-smitten:


You did say "a good number of men" so can't disagree there, but by the same token "a good number of men" don't objectify women and/or prefer a different "look."

As stated previously I don't wear anything close to s1utwear (just using that as a generic term for the type SL clothing the OP mentioned). I dress very conservatively and modestly but I do enjoy fashionionable/lovely clothes and enjoy wearing evening gowns.  When I first began going to dance venues solo I honestly didn't expect to be asked to dance due to my more modest gowns as opposed to what most/many of the other female avatars were wearing.  To my initial great surprise, I was generally asked to dance within 5 minutes, sometimes less, of arrival while many of the more scantily clad women stood around, some of whom even posted in general chat, "Does someone want to dance with me?"

Here and there, depending on how the conversation/rapport with the dance partner progressed, I actually told them I was initially surprised to be asked to dance with so many other women dressed a bit more provocatively.  Each of the men said the same thing in their own way which was basically the other look was so common (meaning so many women wore that look) that I stood out from the crowd.  Some men said they prefer a classier look and the times I go out in a vintage '40's outfit, I attract men who enjoy that look.

I definitely enjoy receiving attention from men; however, we are all individuals so the type of man I prefer receiving attention from varies from the type another woman prefers, etc.  No one right or wrong, just personal preference.  My point being that wearing s1utwear does not attract all men. ;)



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Perrie Juran wrote:

Switchkitty wrote:

I've been a resident on and off for a few years since SL started and am still having a hard time finding clothes that don't make me look like a stripper or an escort. I don't have an issue with being sexy and all sometimes but c'mon...

Any suggestions out there as far as reputable clothing designers go? Thanks.



Will these work?


*giggles and slips out the door. 

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Heart Brimmer wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

Switchkitty wrote:

I've been a resident on and off for a few years since SL started and am still having a hard time finding clothes that don't make me look like a stripper or an escort. I don't have an issue with being sexy and all sometimes but c'mon...

Any suggestions out there as far as reputable clothing designers go? Thanks.



Will these work?


*giggles and slips out the door. 

Funny. ;)

Which could bring up a whole other discussion. *Grins*


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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

One great source for low cost items - mesh and the old granny-body-paint wear, is Bare Rose.


Almost everything's under 200L (I think everything, but I haven't checked the full inventory to be sure). Often coming in multiple color variations for that price.


NWN's blog notes them today, but I've been going there since 2009.


At the price range, its a great way to experiment with new styles or to try upgrading from the old 2003-tech for mere pennies.



I'm always ready to recommend Bare Rose. These days they put out 5 or 6 mesh outfits for every non-mesh, so they maybe won't please everyone. They range from some of the briefest to some of the most modest outfits I own, so you can go amazingly slutty with them if you want to.

I haven't seen a mention for DeLa yet (I might have missed it). They do a great variety of classy casuals & some dressier stuff, mid-range prices and some really great coats and jackets.

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how you put together an outfit can make all the difference i got https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Peqe-Kate-GlitterAir/2966604 today from Peqe worn as an outfit on it's own with heels or high leg boots it's quite sexy 

i put it together with a hobo fur mesh jacket from (fd) @ collabor88
silver trousers from *COCO*
F-Wings trainers from 2Real
and it turned a sexy outfit in to a casual outfit


i also find adding something like trainers or my favourite hoody from *ARAI* can tone down a stripperish outfit for day to day wear

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Perrie Juran wrote:

Heart Brimmer wrote:


Which could bring up a whole other discussion. *Grins*


oh yes! Which is why I slipped out the door. lol 

I was beginning to wonder if any one was going to say anything.

/me slips out the door behind you.


/me laughs....I just HAD to! *grabs your arm, pulls you out of the way and shuts the door VERY quietly...hoping no one will notice.

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Kelli May wrote:

Pussycat Catnap wrote:

One great source for low cost items - mesh and the old granny-body-paint wear, is Bare Rose.


Almost everything's under 200L (I think everything, but I haven't checked the full inventory to be sure). Often coming in multiple color variations for that price.


NWN's blog notes them today, but I've been going there since 2009.


At the price range, its a great way to experiment with new styles or to try upgrading from the old 2003-tech for mere pennies.



I'm always ready to recommend Bare Rose. These days they put out 5 or 6 mesh outfits for every non-mesh, so they maybe won't please everyone. They range from some of the briefest to some of the most modest outfits I own, so you can go amazingly slutty with them if you want to.

You kinda have to question the thinking of anyone even bothering with pre-mesh these days from a creator point of view. Its dead tech to look like a 2003 body paint avatar.

And with Bare Rose's prices - from a buyer's POV unless you just don't like their sense of style.

Plently of old junk still around for those who like 2003 - not much point in competing with such a shrinking picture.



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Heart Brimmer wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

Heart Brimmer wrote:


Which could bring up a whole other discussion. *Grins*


oh yes! Which is why I slipped out the door. lol 

I was beginning to wonder if any one was going to say anything.

/me slips out the door behind you.


/me laughs....I just HAD to! *grabs your arm, pulls you out of the way and shuts the door VERY quietly...hoping no one will notice.

Your cover is blown...BOTH of you!

*Smiles as I place a slendar finger to my lips and closes the door behind me*

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Locke Nider wrote:

Leia36 wrote:

Nice thread, so many shops to explore :smileyhappy:

Nobody has mentioned Snowpaws, Kastle Rock, or Utopia. All three deserve a mention here.This gown is from Utopia.



*looks at pic*  Err...I think you need to read the first post again.  

Well if that gown is "s1utty" then probably your idea "Modest" is a burka. Perhaps it is the AO is was using, I also had to rush because halfway through my home sim went into restart.

That gown is art, it shows just enough leg on the side to be provocative without being 's1lutty'.  This is not Gor, no one is going to collar me because I show a bit of leg...oh wait, I'm already collared *grins and winks

@ Perrie Those outfits are quite specialized, but IMO over the top and quite old. Here is what some free women are wearing in Gor nowadays


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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Go to a 9-5 office job in that dress. Walk down a street in it.

And yeah, read the first post again...

Its not designed to be worn on the streets or in an office, like Czari mentioned before, gowns are meant to be worn ballroom dancing or at a jazz club. both those venues are valid to the OP. Last time I checked you don't wear jeans and a tank top to Franks place or the RL equivilent in your city/town when you are out with your partner.

Let me put it to you another way.

You are going to a jazz club with your partner, he has hired a limo and he wants to show you a lovely evening.

You want to look your best for him and are prepared to spend a bit to look awesome. What do you  wear?.. A burka? or do you go shopping for something that is sexy and shows a bit but is still quite modest and classy?

For me that is one of my favorite gowns and I would not have a problem wearing it out for a romantic evenings dancing and whatever with my man. I have done so in the past in RL and I will do so again with similar gowns (If not quite so elaborate). Some girls are dressy, *shrugs I happen to be one of them.

Showing a bit of leg does not mean you are a **bleep**, here is a link you might want to see.


ETA, You need to reread the OP,  I don't know many hookers, but I seriously doubt they would wear a gown like that.

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Actually I have known quite a few prostitutes, and even more human trafficking victims. They don't dress the way folks think they do. Its a pretty miserable existence too - but that's beside the point.

There's a look, trampy or oversexualized. And that is the look most of us gather the OP is trying to avoid.

As the OP used a euphamism and not a laundry list we can't be sure, but I would be quite suprised if they wanted something so sexualized as that gown. 

There's a whole world of potential looks between 'burqa / nunlike' and 'trampy' - two looks that Goreans should be familiar with since those are their only choices when in that RP. I doubt the OPs conception was so narrow as 'prostitute'. Personally I gathered they meant the larger view of over-sexualized. I'd gather they wanted to look "normal."

Most of us are not Paris Hilton or a Kardashian, and so wouldn't want to be in that dress even at a formal ball. Save for maybe the 'Exotic Erotic Ball' in San Francisco...



As to topic, here's a combo I've put together from a coldlogic top and a skirt from 'Etchaflesh'. Second shop is borderline-fetish in much of its inventory, but has nice versions of this common mesh skirt.


- There's a whole world of SL beyond the sexualized side of things. :P


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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Actually I have known quite a few prostitutes, and even more human trafficking victims. They don't dress the way folks think they do. Its a pretty miserable existence too - but that's beside the point.

There's a look, trampy or oversexualized. And that is the look most of us gather the OP is trying to avoid.

As the OP used a euphamism and not a laundry list we can't be sure, but I would be quite suprised if they wanted something so sexualized as that gown. 

I am afraid that is a matter of opinion, and mine differs from yours. I have folders full of outfits that are far more revealing than that gown and I fail to understand why you find it 'sexualized'. The shop I bought it from specializes in haute couture and is very pricey and I think that if I had to tell the customers and the store owner that people here consider her creations  's1utty' they would be mortified.

So for your benefit and those nay sayers that have nothing better to do than poke holes in what I and others think is a gorgeous and classy evening gown I will post this. Just keep in mind that there are far far far more s1luttyier outfits than the one I posted.

You seem to have zeroed in on my post and have ignored my original intent, to mention a shops that I enjoy shopping at for everyday outfits as well as more formal attire.

I feel that it is not really the dress that you dislike but me.

Kastle Rock Eloquence Teal mesh



There's a whole world of potential looks between 'burqa / nunlike' and 'trampy' - two looks that Goreans should be familiar with since those are their only choices when in that RP.

Wrong, there are shops full of different looks for the different cultures of Gor. Please don't make assumptions.

I doubt the OPs conception was so narrow as 'prostitute'. Personally I gathered they meant the larger view of over-sexualized. I'd gather they wanted to look "normal."

Most of us are not Paris Hilton or a Kardashian, and so wouldn't want to be in that dress even at a formal ball. Save for maybe the 'Exotic Erotic Ball' in San Francisco...

Your world, your way, If you are here to mirror your RL exactly then good luck to you. I fear that were everyone like you SL would be very dull place indeed. Most fashion shops would have to shut their doors. Indeed why have SL at all, surely RL is far more important and well..Real?

I love dressing up
RL and SL and going to glamorous venues with my man. SL gives me more opportunity to do so and shops with period pieces like Rag Dolls are always fun. Why do you want to stop me having my own fun my way and perhaps sharing it with others? Here is something like what I would wear on an average day in SL at my 'job' at the Adult Hub


Kennedy's quick jeans, :{MV}: broody mesh pullover, JRC bangles, hair by Damselfly



As to topic, here's a combo I've put together from a coldlogic top and a skirt from 'Etchaflesh'. Second shop is borderline-fetish in much of its inventory, but has nice versions of this common mesh skirt.


- There's a whole world of SL beyond the sexualized side of things.


 Equally is there a whole world of SL beyond neko. I could make the same assumptions you have made about gor and BDSM with neko, but I don't. I know that for every generalization there are many exceptions. People are people, you get bad eggs everywhere, no matter your race, gender, language or interests.



Your condescending post is something that bugs me about these forums. Do you honestly think I don't know what to wear to the shops or to a business meeting in RL?

Transference and assumption. You assume everyone is the same as you, transfer your values to everyone and think everyone should think like you. Well here's some news, no they do not.

You took the tone of this discussion from a friendly swapping of favorite shops to a cat fight, because you don't approve of my taste in formal wear? Who in the hell made you the fashion police? Sometimes I think I am just too nice with people.

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Leia36 wrote:

Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Actually I have known quite a few prostitutes, and even more human trafficking victims. They don't dress the way folks think they do. Its a pretty miserable existence too - but that's beside the point.

There's a look, trampy or oversexualized. And that is the look most of us gather the OP is trying to avoid.

As the OP used a euphamism and not a laundry list we can't be sure, but I would be quite suprised if they wanted something so sexualized as that gown. 

I am afraid that is a matter of opinion, and mine differs from yours. I have folders full of outfits that are far more revealing than that gown and I fail to understand why you find it 'sexualized'. The shop I bought it from specializes in haute couture and is very pricey and I think that if I had to tell the customers and the store owner that people here consider her creations  's1utty' they would be mortified.

You took the tone of this discussion from a friendly swapping of favorite shops to a cat fight, because you don't approve of my taste in formal wear? Who in the hell made you the fashion police? Sometimes I think I am just too nice with people.

I believe I was the second or third person to point it out to you. You chose mine to zone in on though, naturally.

Price doesn't change the nature of that outfit - it is sensual. Your two later outfits were better - perfect to the request actually. You could have started with them, and avoided the reactions.

And I suggest you go read the actual statements in Gor about how women are required to dress. There's a notecard they are only too happy to hand out that has a series of comments from Mr. Norman on the low status of women, and how showing any skin is justification for being kidnapped and raped. And the only other choices are the 'panther look' (which makes you 'fair game to be so hunted' or the 'slave look' (nude and submissive).

 You can get it at the Gorean Hub, so its not a hard notecard to find. Gor is not BDSM. Don't offend the BDSMers with that link.


Do I dislike you? It might surprise you - but no. I vehemently disagree with opinions you have put forth here, and have also disagreed with like opinions you've put elsewhere. That is different. Discussion / debate of a -topic- is one thing, and I try to keep it there - provided the other party can also keep the debate topical (which we're mostly doing here). If somehow we stopped disagreeing on certain topics, that would be the end of that. Nor do I pursue you over it - this only comes up again -after- those topics come up, or something we disagree on occurs somewhere we're both commenting (as in here).

As we both seem to have strong opinions about a topic we're passionate about - we are likely to continue arguing it. But that is where it ends. I -do- have a background, as I hinted above, in dealing with victims of human trafficking, slavery, and prostitution. So I have extremely strong feelings on the subject.


I do -NOT- think your outfit fits the word "s1utty". I never put that claim out. I do feel it is sensual, and I also felt that the OP's intent was to find non-sensual outfits. So when someone else pointed out that they felt the outfit went too far, I agreed with them with examples of why.



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My intent was to find decent looking clothes that don't make my Avi scantily dressed. In Real Life I am a very sexual/sensual person who is far from "vanilla"- in fact I am very active in the BDSM lifestyle. In other words, I am far from being a prude but I also don't dress scantily all the time nor do I dress like I'm a grandma or in burqas either. For me there is a time and place for certain outfits and that slides over into my second life. I also don't have a beef with those women that like to dress in such ways, more power to them however that's just not my style. There is nothing wrong with a bit of sexy going on but many outfits in SL are a bit ridiculous looking to me and just scream "crap". Let it also be known that in the mid to late 90s I not only was a stripper in real life but did some elite escort work in the day and didn't dress like a skank. Maybe this is why I don't find it necessary to dress like one now be it in my real life or SL.

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No need to justify your wish everyone's opinion or wish is valid here...er...in my opinion. Lol

(Unless you are a survey taker. BLAH)

Everyone has made such good suggestions and I am no fashionista so I will just add that I now find my basic clothes on Marketplace with keyword searches. Try pants or skirts outfits. You can even get really nice ones for 0-10L if you don't wish to put much money into it. And of course you can pick whatever price range you like.

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I think that perhaps we have both been guilty of being too vehement in our opinions. I still maintain that there is nothing s1utty about that gown. However that does not mean that we cannot agree on certain things.

Believe it or not, I agree and support what you do in your RL and I wish you the best.

I don't really want to derail this thread so I will leave the rest of my comments for another thread, good luck to you and see you around.

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