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To RODVIK - Request meeting with Merchants on CommerceTeam concerns

Toysoldier Thor

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I sure hope that Rovik and Brooke will respond directly to the requests that were very clearly posted here by the Merchants as Customers of MP.

The Commerce Team OCT UPDATE thread only responsed to a FEW of the items - and almost all of them were the tactical  "buring fires" issues happening right now.  The Commerce Team completely avoided the items that were talked about the most.... like restoring weekly meetings and engaging in more 2-way diaglog and showing us their longer term plans for MP and making a commitment to some of the features WE the actual users of MP want for MP.

The OCT UPDATE also had the Commerce Team throw up items to respond to that were clearly not even mentioned in the thread - which means it was just a few hints of items the Commerce Team must have pulled out from its internal wish list of things they plan to do to MP.

Rodvik, also ye to respond to items mention in the thread that ONLY he could provide answers to.

So Rodvik, when might we expect a response (in the form of answers & explanations) from you ?

Brooke, when will we expect responses from you that the October Update avoided?


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Dear Rodvik and LL team


We are today the 4th of november 2012.  Yes the 4th november 2012. i insist on the day we are because of some reasons. Because, honestly, if i was only considering SL and not my calendar i wouldnt have probably never guessed we are today. And this for some reasons im going to explain :

                             -- your last answer in this thread has been long time ago yet and the last business team update has been in the 19 th of october. Nothing since this day. Again your answer was the same list you serve to us since some monthes, with a " we are working on it"... OK... so how many centuries will you need for working on this and give us updates and fixes ?

                          -- my marketplace displays 4 wrong pics since march 2012. Let me count ... march, april, may, june, july, august, september, october and now... november ....1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.... yeah.... 9 monthes already ! pfiew !!! times flies so fast ! 9 monthes and you still didnt find how to delete some pics on the market place website that shouldnt be there. Sighs...

                         -- Today has been the "ponpon" (like we say in France)... your servers that you seems to look so carefully after, had a major issue.... it took me 4 hours to be able to log in SL, and 8 hours to be able to log in the website, and in the market place... of course in the meantime, i didnt even tried to rezz anything, because im bored to loose items after your unsheduled rollbacks.... So ive lost 8 hours of work on my business... but yeah... i have a full time job already, my sl business needs at least a full time aswell... but yes... 8 hours for fixing a server issue in US and in 2012 sounds something really reasonable....no ? yes after all... this is not like internet was existing since 20 years now and USA wasnt a third world country ..... why did i thought the contrary ? i was just conviced that yes we are in 2012 and SL is a US company... but where is my mind ? Today,  i felt like i was in 2000, trying to log in a metauniverse that was owned by an third word country company.... but well... who cares ? Surely not you, since you didnt even thought necesary to give us updates all this 8 hours long.... No... no updates during all this time... Of course ... why giving us updates about the bug and the fix in process ? This is not like there was thousand of pp trying to log, or hundreds of creators that needed to know for planing a new schedule for their sl work. no... nothing of this... indeed. As usual...

When its a matter of taking my monthly money, there is never glitches... When i buy l$, you want to have answer from the credit card i use. You surely wont give me the l$ without an answer from it.... I pay every monthes for l$. I pay for a service. I want to have updates when it s needed. You owe to us updates.. 

It can be about the MP points we told you here in this thread, it can be about server issues and unschedulled maintenance.... we need updates and you owe these ones to us.

This is your company, and you manage it like you want, indeed, but we are customers, we pay for a service and its legitimate we ask to get what we pay for .

I guess if you go in a restaurant and you dont get the food you ordered and paid in advance you wont be happy with the service.

Even if we are only customers of your services this is not a way to treat us...I read here often pp complaining about bad custom support from sl merchants, but i start to think that even bad these ones have still better than yours.

Since 2 monthes now, there are periodical major issues, on marketplace with the enhancement billing issue, and inworld (almost every week, and sometimes several times in a week !). This starts to make the SL business really really hard, and discouraging....  i buy L$ every month with my rl money. i never take back any SL money in RL. i always reinvest what i earn in sl. so i dont owe you anything. Im not working for you. But i pay you for a service. You owe me a service that i pay for and at least, if you cant provide the server bec of tecnical service you owe me updates. This is the less im asking for.

You know Rodvik, im really sad to see how you dont care about us... how you (and your team) are so careless to let us know about the things we have asked for here. I dont think and i cant believe your purpose is to treat us like this... but you have to hear it... its how we feel it on the other side...

So please, tell us when what is ur planed schedule for the improvement we asked for in this forum, tell us when you will finally be able to delete these wrong pics in our market place stores, tell us if we have to wait 9 more monthes for this bug is fixed.... and when a new major issue will happen  inworld, no matter the time it will take for being fixed, ask your team to give periodical updates in the grid status page.

Thanks in advance

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I would like to mention to the Commerce Team, that Houses, and Homes, are NOT Building Components.

Every time I see it, I am forced to question the logic, reasoning, and motivation.

Is there a Group, being given special favor, because they Provide Homes?

You're already farming the farm by taking a percentage. I can't compete with you, and I refuse to join something I know is wrong.

end rant

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Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

Dear Rodvik and LL team

                             -- your last answer in this thread has been long time ago....

                          -- my marketplace displays 4 wrong pics since march 2012.....

.....it took me 4 hours to be able to log in SL, and 8 hours to be able to log in the website, and in the market place... of course in the meantime, i didnt even tried to rezz anything, because im bored to loose items after your unsheduled rollbacks....

When its a matter of taking my monthly money, there is never glitches...

I want to have updates when it s needed. You owe to us updates.....

Since 2 monthes now, there are periodical major issues,.....

....You know Rodvik, im really sad to see how you dont care about us...

One word describes it all. Abandonware. SL is arguably abandonware, or at least most of the way there. All LL resources, time & effort (including any profit SL continues to generate for LL) is being rolled into other LL projects, not SL. LL doesn't believe in SL anymore. The longer they don't believe in it, the faster it all slides into the gutter, which only proves to them more so not to believe in the product anymore, and they work on their new non-SL projects all the more feverishly. LL is a generic-thinking corporation now, they lost (or fired) all the magic they once had.

Feels sad for me having successful business here since 2007 (& still continues to be so to this day!), yet knowing my business is built on a small shrinking island, (LL is that island) an island of quicksand that is eroding fast & soon to be vanishing underwater.



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Knowl Paine wrote:

I would like to mention to the Commerce Team, that Houses, and Homes, are NOT Building Components.

Every time I see it, I am forced to question the logic, reasoning, and motivation.


These were the categories that were set up when SL exchange was launched, so it was not actually LL's decision to name these categories. However in the nearly 4 years that LL's have owned the website they have failed to update the buildings categories to something that actually makes sense. I bet this would be a few hours work at most.

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These were not the categories for SL Exchange. I can't remember exactly how they were, but they did not make you go Huh? like Building Components.


No I am afraid the problem is that whoever was entrusted with setting these things up simply did not understand the meaning of the word "componenet" (it is rather a long one). He thought it meant something like "stuff" instead of "parts of stuff".  I guess either the other members of the team did not know the word either or they did not want to hurt his feelings.

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You are wrong. I remember having a conversation with my business partner about this exact subject when we put our first build on SLX in 2005.

Also a quick google search shows  a snapshot from SL Exchange in 2008. It was still owned by Apotheus Silverman then and Building Components is clearly listed in the catagories. 



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WADE1 Jya wrote:

Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

Dear Rodvik and LL team

                             -- your last answer in this thread has been long time ago....

                          -- my marketplace displays 4 wrong pics since march 2012.....

.....it took me 4 hours to be able to log in SL, and 8 hours to be able to log in the website, and in the market place... of course in the meantime, i didnt even tried to rezz anything, because im bored to loose items after your unsheduled rollbacks....

When its a matter of taking my monthly money, there is never glitches...

I want to have updates when it s needed. You owe to us updates.....

Since 2 monthes now, there are periodical major issues,.....

....You know Rodvik, im really sad to see how you dont care about us...

One word describes it all.
. SL is arguably abandonware, or at least most of the way there. All LL resources, time & effort (including any profit SL continues to generate for LL) is being rolled into other LL projects, not SL. LL doesn't believe in SL anymore. The longer they don't believe in it, the faster it all slides into the gutter, which only proves to them more so not to believe in the product anymore, and they work on the
new non-SL projects all the more feverishly. LL is a generic
thinking corporation now, they lost (or fired) all the magic they once had.

Feels sad for me having successful business here since 2007 (& still continues to be so to this day
), yet knowing
my business
is built on a
small shrinking
island, (LL is th
island) an island of quicksand
is eroding fast
to be vanishing



Exactly.  Some of us have seen this article, others haven't.  I've been holding back on posting it, but this seems like a good time.

This explains a lot of things; even the responses of most of the posters are an insight into the target group it appears Rod is trying to attract, either in SL or, more likely, his other endeavors.

ETA:  This is the paragraph that really gets me:

“When I was thinking about leaving EA,” said Humble during a recent meeting. “I was going to do my own company, and it was going to be around creative spaces--games that emphasize creativity tools more. When the opportunity came up and Linden Lab got in touch...first of all, Second Life? Is that still around? [laughs] I looked, and it was really, really healthy. Also, it was a company that was ready made to do a whole bunch of other products, which I wanted to do.”


(Bolding mine)  For someone approached to be the CEO of a company near and dear to many of us to basically "laugh" at SL is a slap in the face.  The last sentence, to me, explains how Rod spends his time within LL and why we're not hearing more from them on SECOND LIFE issues.


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Noting that the date of the original post was "four weeks ago". Remembering my admonition that giving only lip-service would result in even more outrage .. and eventually rebuild into an even higher degree of customer unrest and troubles for LL.

And yet .. cautions unheeded .. we are again seeing the same disrespect for our needs, our concerns and our requests.

I must ask again, is there really a reason why LL finds this method of doing business better than a more traditional and acceptable manner that is and has been used by so many others for 100's of years? What impetus causes them to continually fail to perform, fail to react .. and generally deliver the most deplorable level of customer service extant anywhere else?

Thankfully the REAL businesspeople of Second Life, the independent Merchants that keep the economy going and keep money flowing into LL's account are decent, honest and responsible people. If we behaved in the same manner as LL, I believe the entire SL Grid would have sunk beneath the waves many years ago.

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Darrius Gothly wrote:

I must ask again, is there really a reason why LL finds this method of doing business better than a more traditional and acceptable manner that is and has been used by so many others for 100's of years? What impetus causes them to continually fail to perform, fail to react .. and generally deliver the most deplorable level of customer service extant anywhere else?


Because, based on the above, it appears Rod is more interested in creating more "games."  My fear is that SL will go the way of the Sims eventually. :(


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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Darrius Gothly wrote:

I must ask again, is there really a reason why LL finds this method of doing business better than a more traditional and acceptable manner that is and has been used by so many others for 100's of years? What impetus causes them to continually fail to perform, fail to react .. and generally deliver the most deplorable level of customer service extant anywhere else? 

Because, based on the above, it appears Rod is more interested in creating more "games."  My fear is that SL will go the way of the Sims eventually.

This is exactly the outcome Rodvik has ensured with his promotion and dedication of the company to their new titles. (BTW: My comment on that article has mysteriously been moved to almost the last one on the last page .. odd that, eh? LOL)

SL has for a long time been a platform that attracted and retained dedicated "Residents". While that title gathers a lot of negative commentary, it is also indicative of how people use SL. It is a place where we tend to live, to inhabit and to occupy on a routine basis. I dare say that most of us think of our time in SL not as a sideline bit of entertainment, but as an integral part of our daily existence. We think of our time in SL as part of our lives.

But game platforms such as the titles now being developed and released by LL are decidedly in the other camp .. the camp of "dabble and visit" .. the places where folks drop by to waste some time, dabble and futz around a bit, but not a place where they consider themselves to really participate or inhabit. Granted, there are games where people "live" in much the same way as they live in SL (one example that springs to mind is Eve Online). But even the End-User Creativity exemplified by Patterns and the others do not really lend themselves to customers making them part of their daily lives.

I understand why Rod has turned the company toward developing new platforms and products. It's a wise maneuver in order to retain the viability of Linden Lab going forward. But the method by which he has made them come to life has resulted in even more retraction of LL resources from the SL platform .. and thus pulled the company further from long-term sustainability.

SL is a proven performer. It is a product that has shown it can survive some massive hits and still continue earning a profit. But it seems to me that fact has been used to justify even more ignorance of its needs instead of serving to make them shore up the weak points and build those virtues into the new titles.

Time will tell, but IMHO, the direction changes we are seeing are the preliminary shouts of an ultimately fatal course change for LL. It would be an even greater shame if the death of SL is caused not by the failure of the platform itself, but because the company branched out to ensure survival .. and instead fell on its face.

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Exactly.  Some of us have seen this article, others haven't.  I've been holding back on posting it, but this seems like a good time.

explains a lot of things; even the responses of most of the posters are an insight into the target group it appears Rod is trying to attract, either in SL or, more likely, his other endeavors.


So what does this mean Rodvik ? 

ive read the article told by Czari.. What does this mean.... 

Considering the fact that you seem to not care anymore what is happening in SL and considering what i just read in the article... I need some explanations to understand....

You came to sl to take its strenght points, and prob its money, (OUR money)... just to satisfy your willing to build games that you couldnt do in EA ? ..... 

You want to strip SL of its possesion to give to your new projects ?

Is it this you want to do ? And is this the reason you are hiding yourself and dont come honnestly to answer our questions ?

Aww, Rodvik, i have no words to describe what such behavior is inspiring to me..... 

ok, do your dirty job....

we have a  saying here  'from something dishonesly aquired there is never good profit..." 

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Darrius Gothly wrote:

This is exactly the outcome Rodvik has ensured with his promotion and dedication of the company to their new titles. (BTW: My comment on that article has mysteriously been moved to almost the last one on the last page .. odd that, eh? LOL)


Very odd indeed.  Your response was a breath of fresh air after I'd waded through all the "F*** SL" (and variations thereof).  Scary bunch - I wouldn't want to be in a game with any of them!!!


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Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

You came to sl to take its strenght points, and prob its money, (OUR money)... just to satisfy your willing to build games that you couldnt do in EA ? ..... 

 It's the shareholders' money, not ours.    

I have to say, I think that it's wise for LL to be developing things like Patterns.  Presumably they've seen that a considerable number of people are playing Minecraft in preference to SL.    What do you do about that?   One solution would to try to make SL (or parts of it) more like Minecraft -- which would be neither a wise nor popular move, I suggest -- and another is to produce, independently, a rival to Minecraft, which is what they've done and, it seems, with quite some success.   

Maybe some people who play Minecraft will be attracted by Patterns to try SL..  Maybe they won't.  Either way, it's increasing income for LL, and I don't really think it's at SL's expense -- having several successful products is far better, for all sorts of reasons, than only having one product, not matter how successful it is.


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So RODVIK.....

As all the Merchants on this forum thread as well as those reading this forum as well as many on other SL related social media sources like blog sites, twitter, SLUniverse, etc. all predicted...

Your token posting in this thread was nothing more than LIP SERVICE

You came on this thread and promises us all that you were listening.  You then made some vague promises in this thread that you have instructed your team to consolidate all our concerns and provings some REAL answers and REAL action.

So lets recap:

A week after your token visit the merchants posted on this thread and mde their demands very clear.  They asked YOU and your team very direct questions that they/we wanted answers to.

Your Commerce Team actually did post in this thread and tried to interpret what we all were asking for.  Problem was that Brooke and her team were not really listening since our TOP REQUIREMENTS were not even mentioned and Brooke listed items that we did not even mention.  This means she was just trying to once again impose ther team's functional priorities in the list as opposed to listing ours.

No mention was made by Brooke on her understanding of and commitment to act on the need for a WEEKLY MERCHANTS USER GROUP MEETING.

Then there is you Rodvik.  Direct questions were asked of you.  And unlike Brooke who at least had the respect to respond in this thread with a list of our top concerns (even if they were not accurate), YOU have never returned.  YOU have not answered any of our questions.

SO....  here we are about a month after your token Lip Service posting to the Merchants....

No answers from you and the Commerce Team.  No actions taken.  NOTHING!


As Darrius warned you after you responded.  If you are going to enter into this trhead with promises and its proven that all you are providing is lip service... then there will be hell to pay by the Merchants.

I guess lip service is all you offered us.  Us customers of LL that generate 99% of all your SL content thank you for your utter disrepect.

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Darrius Gothly wrote:

.......Time will tell, but IMHO, the direction changes we are seeing are the preliminary shouts of an ultimately fatal course change for LL. It would be an even greater shame if the death of SL is caused not by the failure of the platform itself, but because the company branched out to ensure survival .. and instead fell on its face.

Good post Darrius.

I saw this on some blog I was reading the other day which made me feel slightly more hopeful for the future of SL or at least SL v2. 



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Pamela Galli wrote:

Yes but Building Components did not include Houses, as I recall.

If my memory serves me right it used to be 

Building components ---> structures ----> Residential structures

                                                            Commercial Structures

                                                            Multipurpose Structures

                                                            Other Structures


I couldn't see any screenshots of the old subcatagories though so I could be wrong :matte-motes-big-grin-evil:

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Innula Zenovka wrote:

Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

You came to sl to take its strenght points, and prob its money, (OUR money)... just to satisfy your willing to build games that you couldnt do in EA ? ..... 

 It's the shareholders' money, not ours.    

I have to say, I think that it's wise for LL to be developing things like Patterns.  Presumably they've seen that a considerable number of people are playing Minecraft in preference to SL.    What do you do about that?   One solution would to try to make SL (or parts of it) more like Minecraft -- which would be neither a wise nor popular move, I suggest -- and another is to produce, independently, a rival to Minecraft, which is what they've done and, it seems, with quite some success.   

Maybe some people who play Minecraft will be attracted by Patterns to try SL..  Maybe they won't.  Either way, it's increasing income for LL, and I don't really think it's at SL's expense -- having several successful products is far better, for all sorts of reasons, than only having one product, not matter how successful it is.


It might be wise for LL to diversfy, but not at the expense of ignoring SL.  As I mentioned above, if I, as the CEO/major shareholder of LL offered the CEO position to someone and they LAUGHED and asked, "is that still around?" I would have ditched that person and looked for someone else at least more informed about SL since Rod was supposed to be soooooo informed about the "gaming industry."

Also...Rod's comment of "Also, it was a company that was ready made to do a whole bunch of other products, which I wanted to do.” (Notice the "I" in there?) doesn't sound like someone who is worried about shareholders as much as a kid who has a platform to try out all his new shinies.

Personally, I've been ready for a new CEO who understands what SL is for a long time.  Rod - as far as I'm concerned, in the immortal words of Donald Trump - YOU'RE FIRED!!!



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But they're not ignoring SL; there's plenty going on, both in stuff behind the scenes, like trying to fix region-crossings, and in the new work they're doing on materials and so forth.   Personally, I thought pathfinding was a bit of a waste of time (though I said that about mesh, too), but they've done that, and keyframed motion is getting established.   I don't really see any evidence that SL is being starved of resources to fund the other projects.

I dunno.  While I've certainly got reservations about some stuff he's doing, I equally certainly think Rodvik gets what SL's about far more than did his predecessors; M didn't get it at all, and even the Sainted Phillip Rosedale a lot of the time seemed more interested in His World, His Imagination than in what residents might want to do (as an Adult Content creator, I will never forget that shipping us off to Zindra was his idea, almost the last announcement he made before leaving the first time, and it was M who implemented the idea and Rodivk who's just about fixed the damage his two predecessors did).

Certainly, on the (admittedly short) track record, I think that looking for someone who'd probably never heard of "the Tau of Linden" to run the show for a while was probably one of the smartest things the board ever did.

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What is really sad, disappointing, and actually really telling about Rodvik in the role of a CEO is how he actually publicly made statements to a very frustrated yet important segement of his company's flagship producr/service (SL) and then completely renegs / abandons his promises.

If you are a CEO and if you DECIDE you will personally and publicly engage with your customers with promises.... you had better be prepated to follow up.  Even if it is to mandate to your team that you want to see visible actions taken on your behalf.

For Rodvik to break his promises and also for him to allow his staff to also fail to take any action.....

Well we all predicted we knew the quality of CEO he was.... but Rodvik has broadcast is skills as CEO very clearly.

Merchants of SL.... we are on our own as LL all the way to Rodvik does not care about our frustrations nor our requirements as customers of LL.

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Rod's got a gaming background and what we're seeing is that writ large.  Pity he doesn't have an understanding of virtual worlds and their ecosystems..  Or he might, LL does have an amazing amount of data - except these days I don't think they have a business data analyst to interpret it.  As we all know, getting stats is one thing, interpreting them correctly is something else.

The bottom line I suspect is that his cv will look a lot better if it says..  "introduced x,y,z new products with x income growth/marketshare and deployed a,b,c features to the games platform", rather than "got most of the broken stuff fixed".  To give him his due he did try to improve new user retention but since he's decided the viewer is off limits to major change (said long ago) and they don't want to invest resources to nanny people when they first arrive I can understand he's abandoned that.

I don't think either M or Rod actually get us saddos who actually have moved in, settled down and created lives in here (even if it's only a business life) and I don't think that either of them (certainly M didn't) take us seriously as they either ignore us or give us the impression that we get in the way of their grandiose plans.

The comment about laughing in that article I take as a deliberate insult.  He was working on the sims online iirc and he should have been abreast of the competition and whilst sl may never have been direct competition I would have expected him to be keeping an eye out to see if there was anything happening in here that he could poach some ideas from.

Phil's abandoned us (which is probably a good thing) and we outstayed M, despite him wanting us gone, but you know I don't think we're going to survive Rod as I don't think he's going anywhere for a long time yet.  I have this sinking feeling that when SL finally closes its doors it will have an amazing array of new features put in during his time but it will be unusable. Simply because most of the features are broken in some way and there's nothing directly new and usable in the day to day.  Glossy but irrelevant to the people who actually generate the income for LL.

... changing the subject completely, has anyone heard from Dart?  he hasn't been on here for 3 weeks.

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Innula Zenovka wrote:

Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

You came to sl to take its strenght points, and prob its money, (OUR money)... just to satisfy your willing to build games that you couldnt do in EA ? ..... 

 It's the shareholders' money, not ours.    

I have to say, I think that it's wise for LL to be developing things like Patterns.  Presumably they've seen that a considerable number of people are playing Minecraft in preference to SL.    What do you do about that?   One solution would to try to make SL (or parts of it) more like Minecraft -- which would be neither a wise nor popular move, I suggest -- and another is to produce, independently, a rival to Minecraft, which is what they've done and, it seems, with quite some success.   

Maybe some people who play Minecraft will be attracted by Patterns to try SL..  Maybe they won't.  Either way, it's increasing income for LL, and I don't really think it's at SL's expense -- having several successful products is far better, for all sorts of reasons, than only having one product, not matter how successful it is.


First, where did you read i said its bad for a company to have several products ?

This is not what i said and i even didnt talked about this topic. Of course its good for a company to vary its activity... i wont never tell the contrary. What im saying is that its not honnest to strip SL of its possesions in the purpose to build others activities. As several other forumers mentioned, he laughed when someone talked to him about SL. He laughed at SL face, and so at our faces. I really dont think he look carefully after SL for now. Since now 2 monthes there are major issues at least one time a week, and often more. Servers are not in good health and i really doubt he offer to them a good maintenance and updates. Yesterday, i felt like we were still using prehistoric servers... bec obviously, SL is generating money, but the money is not reinvested in SL maintenance but for new products. And this i dont agree at all. This is irrelevant for the SL pp that generate its benefits (producters and consummers).

He can do all the new products he wants, i dont care at all... but not to the detriment of us, since we are generating the money he is using for his new games.

As for the shareholders.... I wont start here a discusiion about capitalism with you. But what creates weathes and economy are the producters and consummers... its their work and money (earnt with work) who create the economy. In any case shareholders... shareholdes are, for me, parasites of our economy and the world will be really better the day we will understand this. So no. SL economy is generated by OUR money and OUR contents. If we stop giving our money, you will see if shareholders will stay and give their own money..... Who generate shareholders money ? Us. I m caricaturing a bit, it would be too long and too complex to explain in english here, but here is the main of what im thinking about shareholders. Sorry if its not really subtle.

Another point that is really irrevant for us. If i consider the numbers of interview he gave to introduce his new products, Rodvik seems to be really likely to communicate with everyone else is not in SL and about other subjects that our concerns while is really less likely to communicate with us and to give us updates he owes to us. Yesterday,  a bug that has been 8 hours long and no, zero, peanuts, nada, que dalle, updates during all this time.

Same here in this forum...

So yes, Rodvik must be too busy to answer interviews for his new projects and we are nothing for him but  coin purse. Irrelevant !

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Toysoldier Thor wrote:

What is really sad, disappointing, and actually really telling about Rodvik in the role of a CEO is how he actually publicly made statements to a very frustrated yet important segement of his company's flagship producr/service (SL) and then completely renegs / abandons his promises.

If you are a CEO and if you DECIDE you will personally and publicly engage with your customers with promises.... you had better be prepated to follow up.  Even if it is to mandate to your team that you want to see visible actions taken on your behalf.

For Rodvik to break his promises and also for him to allow his staff to also fail to take any action.....

Well we all predicted we knew the quality of CEO he was.... but Rodvik has broadcast is skills as CEO very clearly.

Merchants of SL.... we are on our own as LL all the way to Rodvik does not care about our frustrations nor our requirements as customers of LL.

To be fair, I think all he actually committed to was 

we can up the tempo of communiation in blog posts and notifcations to upcoming changes & fixes. We remain commited to our merchant community and I appreciate you taking the time to write down what you would like to see in the future for SL.

 and that "We "dont mean the royal we, but either myself or someone form the team) will stop by and let folks know we have read the extra feedback sometime early next week," which they did, though not particularly to anyone's satisfaction.

I note he didn't commit to the extent to which he intended to "up the tempo of communication," and since the existing temp was certainly Larghissimo, that gives him plenty of room for maneuver.   He certainly didn't give me any reason to believe he was promising we'd be pleased with the contents of the communications.


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