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What kind of  clothes would you like to see?

There are all kinds of things out there on the MP but what is it you've been looking for?

I know when you go to those costume parties and have a great idea then look on MP and find nothing or poor quality!

I'm curious what you , the consumer wants! So leave your replies =P

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1.  Especially with Mesh clothing, I want Demos to try first.   I've spent almost 4 years going through man, many permutations to get exactly the look I want for my Avi.  And I don't have some odd shape that's ridiculously over  developed on the top or bottom, or 7 feet tall.   I'm not about to change any of it to fit some creators idea of what my shape should look like.  No one clothing, at any price look that good.

2.  More clothing, particularly skirts and dresses, that use a combination of regular clothing layers and mesh panels vs prim panels for the skirt.   I've only found one creator that does this so far.  It work well and gives the best look and fit for any Avi shape. 

3.  Better resize scripts.   I've only found 2 creators that use a resize script which allow you to resize on the x,y,z axis individually.  All other resize scripts increase or decrease size either for each individual part/prim or of the entire item as a whole.  And the item should be copy so I can make a back up and remove the resize script easily once I'm done.

The creators that already do these thing get all my business, and my recommendations to friends of where to shop.   The rest I avoid like the plague and will never recommend.

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A sweater with Fall colors like this:


Sorry, couldn't resist: I know you were looking for general ideas, not specifics. It's just that I've spent quite a bit of time trying to find this, so far without success. I have pants that are exactly the right red for Fall and a pullover sweater would be perfect.

In general though, it is kind of fun to have seasonal clothes. Not like it's done in RL, where you buy everything way in advance, but more in the moment. I know everybody gets into the act for Halloween and the winter holidays and we can have whatever weather we want year-round, but I kind of like the idea of dressing for the seasons, Fall and Spring especially.



ETA I agree with Tako on wanting to see more vintage stuff, especially shoes.

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I've only found 2 creators that use a resize script which allow you to resize on the x,y,z axis individually.  All other resize scripts increase or decrease size either for each individual part/prim or of the entire item as a whole.  

There's a reason for that. In the general case of multiple prims (or sculpties, or mesh) in arbitrary rotation with respect to each other, it's not necessarily possible to stretch all of them along any single axis.

The one condition where it's sure to work is when all elements of the linkset are oriented identically (or at right angles to each other). That's pretty natural to do with all-mesh and all-sculpty clothes, as long as you start with that requirement.

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I would like to see more mens clothing.

Maybe "more" is not correct, perhaps "different" mens clothing.

In particular I would like to see mens clothes that don't look like something a thirteen year old boy that watches to much MTV would think is cool.

I am slightly (laughs) over the age of thirteen in RL and much of the mens clothing in SL I would not ever wear in RL or in SL.



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Me and two friends were just discussing this today, and one thing we all wanted to see were more, and higher quality of desert-type clothing, especially outfits suited for bandits and such, clothes that would fit into Wasteland-kinda sims and RPs. Outfits kinda like, http://www.freewebs.com/stolen_random_character_second/desert_bandit.jpg or, http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110115204511/princeofpersia/en/images/3/33/Prince_of_Persia_prodigy.jpg

More high-quality fantasy clothes in general, and for females specifically clothes that are not either super-skimpy silks or full, fancy, expensive-looking gowns and dresses.

Also, more animal avatars. Feral ones of more different species, and good anthros that look more lycanthropic or monster-ish than cartoony. I guess that's a different topic, but still throwing it out there.

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sassychic777 wrote:

I'll definitely tell my sister that , she loves vintage and she doesn't make anything because she doesn't know if anyone will like it or not

There's a huge vintage market out there - I stick with about 3 vintage designers, but there are a lot more, so yes, that is a good niche. 

When I first began SL I was a Cigar Girl in a WWII dance club.  The sim recreated the Pacific Islands during WWII.  The Officer's Club had been bombed out (the remnants of which were present, complete with a Mah-Jong table) so dancing had been moved to one of the airplane hangars, which was decorated like the Big Band era dance clubs...GREAT BUILDS. There was a patio out back for dancing as well, complete with little Japanese lanterns strung up for lighting and ambiance.  As time went on a wedding gazebo was added as well as an old-fashioned Boardwalk, including a ferris wheel and arcade games.  Lots of places to relax were tucked in amongst the tropical landscaping.

This dance venue had a strong core of regulars and was packed every night during the 3-hour events - a different theme each night.  All the regulars dressed in 40's vintage attire.  One small shop was located "down a short path" from the dance club for new patrons who would say, "Where can I get outfits like that?"  The shop featured various dresses, hair, shoes, suits, hats, etc. from various vintage designers.

I really miss that club and have never found another one even close to the theme, build and great owners/managers.

Cig Girl Cz.jpg

Oh right...the thread is talking about types of clothes.  I, personally, rarely wear "regular" clothes in SL and never wear what is often referred to as "slutwear."  I am most always wearing a different era clothing which ranges from 1920s -1940s, Victorian, and Medieval with 40's & Victorian being the top two.

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

A sweater with Fall colors like this:


In general though, it is kind of fun to have seasonal clothes. Not like it's done in RL, where you buy everything way in advance, but more in the moment. I know everybody gets into the act for Halloween and the winter holidays and we can have whatever weather we want year-round, but I kind of like the idea of dressing for the seasons, Fall and Spring especially.



ETA I agree with Tako on wanting to see more vintage stuff, especially shoes.

I love dressing for the seasons as well. /reminder to myself to pull out my Fall wardrobe.  I especially enjoy the winter in SL - I wear a lot of coats, cloaks, furs, Victorian muffs, etc. :)


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  • 1 month later...

Better men's clothing.  I've spent thousands of lindens looking for a decent pair of rugged combat boots, (not to mention that many cost upwards of 300$) and they're hard to find...Some of the items on MP are so old, it's obvious that they've been there for several yrs, and are still including inviziprims with no alpha for the boot/shoe.  I also would NOT like to dress like I'm using giranimals to match my stuff.  There isn't much variety for men out there, and I see a lot of creators using the same clothing maps - so it ends up being same article of clothing, but in a different color by a different creator. 

More rugged-looking, masculine clothes, fewer tuxedos, and a decent pair of mesh jeans that don't have the "mom jeans" waistline and/or make the legs look like anemic sticks, have a circus tent between my legs, or as if I just got off a horse.  I'm sick of the standard mesh tanktops and I don't wear any of them really.  And I agree with the poster who stated that men's mesh shirts/jackets also need improvement with a larger arm size and not looking so rubbery. 

I don't need crude expressions on my tee shirts, but a great texture would suit me fine, or some kind of detailing like a pocket?  It's nice for men to have some kind of choices too.  I agree with the poster who said they will NOT change their shape to accomodate clothing, however I have created a special shape I use to fit into certain mesh items, but I'll only do that if the item is spectacular.  And please, no more PINK/CLOWN-COLORED/SEE-THRU/CARTOONISH items for men, okay?  Please provide demos for all mesh.  Seeing as how one poster pointed out that there are limitations in creating mesh to fit all shapes perfectly, then at the very least, don't make the consumer pay the price for an item that will ultimately be thrown into the trash can.  In fact, I'd like to see more demos available for all clothing items. 

And on an end note, I'm totally cool with making items no transfer, or whatever it is you need to do to protect your copyrights, but please please please, allow me to edit stretch or mod the item, and make a copy in case I screw up, so if I decide I want a 7 or 8 foot tall avatar, I can easily mod the clothes to fit my little bit bigger than anemic looking calves.  After all, if it is within the scales of in-game shape creation to make that size of an avatar, then I should be able to mod clothes to fit that shape.  I do understand that this can be difficult with mesh items, however I do know there are several non-rigged mesh items out there that are able to contain resize or some kind of edit capabilities.  Just sayin'.....

This may sound like a tall order, but I know that looking through the MP, I see much more available for women avatars.  I understand that the ratio of women avatars far outweighs the number of males, so I would definitely be shocked to see any of these changes ever being made for men's clothing.

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Walt Weston wrote:

I wish there was some more clothe in sl, that just doesn't glue to the body. Some jackets or jogging-clothes, that can be worn without looking like "body-paint" :-)

Only mesh clothes can do that. So basically, you want more mesh. :P

I'd like to see more traditional outfits of different ethnic groups - African and Native American in particular.



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