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Build in Ultra Graphics settings

Paul Hexem

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So, I'm decorating my parcel a bit, and someone I know decided they wanted to show me a store.

When I got there, everything was a complete white-out. Almost everything was fullbright, and about half the stuff were light sources set to max. Rugs, walls, columns, pillows, some curtains... Even a length of fence was a maxed out light source.

On top of that, the creator had rezzed out invisible prims and made them into light sources, too.

The place looked terrible, so my immediate reaction was "Wow, this stuff is all freebie, right?" Which... The creator overheard and got upset. When I took a picture and shared it, I was immediately told that something was wrong with my computer. When I included my graphics settings and had metadata showing lights to show a picture of that, I was ejected.

So why do people build on lowest possible settings, then refuse to see what their terribad builds actually look like on decent settings (in my case, Ultra+)?

It almost makes me wish SL disabled building unless you have your graphics settings at least set to high...

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I turn everything above basic shaders off now most of the time because it makes so much content look crapy

LL need to rethink the way it works anything with shine looks crap if your settings are above basic shaders now and lighting effects are a nightmare


Edit to add not every thing looks crapwith shine but a lot of items do now



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It doesn't even have to be a matter of Ultra graphics.  For a scene to white-wash an Ultra machine, it has to have a ton of light sources.  Here's the fun part: non Ultra settings can only render 6 local lights at a time.  Any more than 6 and they simply flicker and lag.  Yes, I said it, LAG! =^-^=

At a minimum, your builder-ish friend could be made aware of how to see light source meta-data and count how many sources are in any given area.  A builder wise in the use of light would take this 6 lamp limit into consideration and serve their visitors and/or customers by reducing lag, lemmee say it again LAG, by lowering the light emitter count to a quantity per sqm that people can ACTUALLY SEE!!! (^_^)


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Life would be so much easier if everyone just stopped trying to second guess why anyone does anything in SL.  A builder builder builds to a standard that the builder chooses.  Who's the say that twisted mess with tie dyed textures is ugly or a work of art?  If you don't like it then simply don't don't like it........and keep your yap shut!  Move on.  Why toss out insults just because you think something's ugly?  I might not have ejected you but I sure wouldn't appreciate you mumbling negative comments.............how rude can you get?

What I like you may or may or may not like too.  And guess what.........I don't care.  You can say you don't like it and I'm fine with that.  Say "oh my god, I hope this stuff is for free" loud enough so others can hear then I'm not going to be particularly nice back to you.  You were out of line.  This thread is also out of line.  One person's treasure is another person's trash.  Grow up and let others enjoy what they want.  I'm sure you would be up in arms if someone basically told everyone in chat distance that what you take pride in is junk.........turn about, fair play.  *somehow I don't think would see it that way though.........so much for being polite, huh?*

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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

Life would be so much easier if everyone just stopped trying to second guess why anyone does anything in SL.  A builder builder builds to a standard that the builder chooses.  Who's the say that twisted mess with tie dyed textures is ugly or a work of art?  If you don't like it then simply don't don't like it........and keep your yap shut!  Move on.  Why toss out insults just because you think something's ugly?  I might not have ejected you but I sure wouldn't appreciate you mumbling negative comments.............how rude can you get?

What I like you may or may or may not like too.  And guess what.........I don't care.  You can say you don't like it and I'm fine with that.  Say "oh my god, I hope this stuff is for free" loud enough so others can hear then I'm not going to be particularly nice back to you.  You were out of line.  This thread is also out of line.  One person's treasure is another person's trash.  Grow up and let others enjoy what they want.  I'm sure you would be up in arms if someone basically told everyone in chat distance that what you take pride in is junk.........turn about, fair play.  *somehow I don't think would see it that way though.........so much for being polite, huh?*

Thank you, Peggy.  Gadget has been on a crusade to do away with people who have lower end PCs.  I was "invited" by him to "find another hobby."


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I'm not forgetting that at all.......she's not "living with it".  She's continuing to "not live with it" by posting her displeasure of this person's vision of whatever it is that was built in a public forum.  "Living with it" would be to just let it go or, at the very least, talking in private.  This forum does not qualify as private.......so she's not living with it.  She's being rude.......very rude.

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well yea, we can all express our feelings, just not acting like *we can all express our feelings* and then call it someone else rude when they *express their feelings*

there is a lil female puppy in all of us but you do have to admit to your own puppy when calling soemone elses ;p well i think,

anyway i dont really care, was just fun to call you on it, have a great night ;p

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Builders must build for a wide range of people using a wide range of computers to appeal to the largest market.

If a builder really builds for ultra high graphics, they would need to eliminate baked light and shadows and shadow prims under things and light prims on lights,, because they all look silly in Ultra High.  But the same build would look boring and flat to anyone not using max. light and shadow settings

Fewer people run SL on Ultra all the time instead of other settings.   As a builder myself I build to the mid/high but I also set my graphics at Ultra and Low from time to time  to make sure that the build looks as good as I can make it for those settings too. SInce my builds are mod if you run ultra high graphics  you have the ability to alter things to optimize it for your settings.  This is the best any builder can do right now and still have a wide enough market to make it worth while.

To say that all builds must be built for ultra high graphics is a bit self centered.  I know from past posts you will probably respond that everyone is lame that doesn't run right out and buy new computers that can run SL in ultra..  But that's not how life or reality works.  So until you are ready to give them away for free you need to be a little more tolerant of those people that can't afford a new high end machine because they have other priorities in life.  

You should learn the art of constructive critisim  too because you sure don't know how to do it.  You didn't have to be rude and insulting to get across your point in this situation.  When you insult people that way they will turn you off and just  refuse to hear what you have to say.  However if done right most serious builders welcome constructive critisim.


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Tamara Artis wrote:

/me gives you 10 kudos for this post.

Sees your 10 kudos and ups it to another 10. :)

You can express things so well, Amethyst, my thanks.

Side thought - I recall a similar "debate" of sorts years ago on the forums re: face lights.  One side was going to use face lights no matter what because  they thought it made their avatar look better.  The other side pointed out what Immy presented in her post (not going to delve into that as her post presented the local lights issue very well).  This was right about when Windlight was introduced and no one really had any idea what their avatar looked like to anyone else; it was dependent on the settings the other person was using.  One regular forumite at the time posted settings that would make an avatar look good without facelights.  I'm not sure that still holds - again with all the various settings, but it seemed to quell the "Great Facelight Debate."






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Yes SL looks different to each one of us... I remember when I was doing wedding photos for one couple, think it was last spring.. and one of them was a close up photo of their rings, done in the studio. After I showed them all photos, they were not satisfied with how his ring look, said they don't like it beacuse it was too bright and shiny. I remember she said, his ring is black and not shiny! So I asked her to take a snapshot and show me how its supposed to look like. Well his ring was black in her snapshot, quite different than in mine, because they both were on low graphic settings. I didn't like it but it was their ring, their life and the easiest thing for me was to take a new snapshot (on low graphics) and make it how they see it. The world we live in is different to each one of us, but to be able to live together, someone needs to adjust...

And about facelights... I am too tired of asking people to take them off lol. 

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Yeah Amethyst has that gift of tact that I sometimes wish I had (even just a little :) ).  That's one of things that make the forums so much fun.  However I want to say (in my tactless style) that what many people just don't seem to understand is that the quality of anything in SL is about 90% user dependant.  The poster in question is not ignorant of that fact which makes it hard for me to be "tactful" (my nature, I guess).  Anything presented in SL is not only "in the eyes of the beholder" but also in the capabilities of the user's equipment.  Not at all unlike comparing a 500 hp muscle car to to 50 hp all electric eco car.  There is simply no comparison beyond the fact that both have wheels and transport human beings from one place to another.  Both have benefits......and those benefits are dependant on the users' desires and ideas what is important (on a very personal level).  One may be better than the other but only in the mind of the person making that judgement.  What I objected to (and still object to) is the "putting down" of someone elses idea of what's good on a personal level (it was not meant to objectively critique the build but to insult the person).  The poster in question knows how SL works, what is user dependant or server dependant and that ever user has different ideas about what is good and what is bad......yet continually disses anyone who has a different idea than his/her's.  I see links to skins in the forums that are supposed to be links to these fantastic skins......and many of those skins I wouldn't take if they were free.  It's my taste that counts for me....I don't (and wouldn't ever) jump in with my negative opinion.....even in my tactless ways.  :)

To each their own.........it requires no negative comment.  Remain silent if you can constructively critique.

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Tamara Artis wrote:

Yes SL looks different to each one of us... I remember when I was doing wedding photos for one couple, think it was last spring.. and one of them was a close up photo of their rings, done in the studio. After I showed them all photos, they were not satisfied with how his ring look, said they don't like it beacuse it was too bright and shiny. I remember she said, his ring is black and not shiny! So I asked her to take a snapshot and show me how its supposed to look like. Well his ring was black in her snapshot, quite different than in mine, because they both were on low graphic settings. I didn't like it but it was their ring, their life and the easiest thing for me was to take a new snapshot (on low graphics) and make it how they see it. The world we live in is different to each one of us, but to be able to live together, someone needs to adjust...

And about facelights... I am too tired of asking people to take them off lol. 

Great example, Tamara.

Are people still wearing facelights?  Back in the day I remember them being included in some new resident packages various people put together but didn't realize they are still an issue.  OTOH, I often have "nearby local lights" or "local lights" or whatever that particular selection is in graphics turned off...lol.


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