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Do you notice there are a lot of mentally unstable people on SL?

Aiden Rives

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Most people on SL are just odd. They don't talk like people irl and have very erratic behaviour. It just seem like a lot of people on SL have personality problems, rage issues or are depressed. Generally mentally unstable people you know. Do you notice it? I think people who don't notice it are one of those mental people themselves, birds of a feather flock together huh?  I've seen and met some good, logical people on SL but the majority just seem mentally unstable.

What do you think?

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well it stands to reason doesnt it, that SL being the escape it is and who would need an ascape from RL?...those who think there RL could is below par. I myslf come her to create things.....but this is all generalizing and i think most people come here for differant reasons.

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^ Yeah that's true. SL is an escape from RL. It does has a reputation for being a community for rl loser. When I Google Second Life followed by an L "second life l" the suggestion dropdown list thing shows "Second life losers".

It's no generalizing though. I didn't say all. I said most and this from my experience.

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Aiden Rives wrote:

^ Yeah that's true. SL is an escape from RL. It does has a reputation for being a community for rl loser.

Really ? So whats your story? Why are you here? Did you become a RL loser? Are you one of the birds who flock together? Or just criticaly judgmental


Sometimes it makes you wonder how stable a person really is when they come in to a forum community and generalize everyone in the community as unstable mental losers lol

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I agree, I think it is because they bring their real life here, I make role play stuff hoping people want to be other people but lots don't, they want to be them with a new body and form RL relationships but sooner or later real life and this life merge and problems arrive, this also keeps them locked into that one char, they don't realize if they are lots of chars then there real life is safe,

I have found that me role paying diff people upsets most as they can't handle changing personalities from the same person, they think it is weird, ages ago I played two people in the same role play sim, one was cold hearted killer the other a kind protective angel, was quite good at it, the cold hearted killer was even banned from the sims at one point, and the kind one was asked to lead, when I told them I was both chars they freaked, they could not believe a person could do that, some even changed there profiles to say never trust an AV, people that were friends unadded me and pain filled their hearts, I then realized that SL can't really have true role play, to many fragile people being themselves.

Since then I gave up role playing as I realized I was the only one in sl doing it, but I still make the stuff and can't help have new ideas about it, but I feel I am really wasting my time.

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Look at urban dictionary


1. Second Life 5291 up73 down
A game where desperate people with no lives or friends get to live out their dreams of social acceptance and sex. 
The vast majority of Second Life players are unattractive and socially awkward.
With Second Life, nerds everywhere that are deprived of sex in their 1st life can have virtual sex in their Second Life. Woo!


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More from Urban dictionary. No 2 and 3


2. Second Life 3788 up255 down
A digital world where people without a first life mingle and be pathetic togethor in harmony.
"Timmy and I play Second Life and then we watch reruns of our middle school graduation while masturbating."


3. Second Life 1146 up75 down
An unstable, unsecured virtual real time chat platform/medium, that claims no responsibility for anything, brought to you by the creator of an internet video conferencing sofeware, which was later acquired by RealNetworks. Players are generally in their 20s or 40s' 
Where one (as a predator or victim) can waste lots of real time and monies w/ delusions of reliving a bettered remembered "glory days" as any sex or creature or thing, killing time w/ desperate housewives, retirees, drunks, the mentally ill and different dregs of ppls on Government Assistance, validating their time playing by creating crap or on sexual conquests, while they avoid their real life (aka 1st life) waiting for their 3rd life (aka death). 
Recent media attention, I.R.S., pedophilia, hacked accounts, constant kiddie scripted disruptions.
Second Life "Come for the hoes, stay for the lolz!" 
Second Life "I hang on Second Life waiting for WOW to finish their maintenance." 
Second Life "Where PS/coding skills make you are God!" 
Second Life "The internet's' final frontier for your rents!" 
Second Life "One word, lag!"
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Haha, funny.

As someone who has a lot experiance in MMOs and onlinecommunitys of different kinds I can tell you its not a specific bias for SL users to be called loser with no friends and real life. This happens to everyone with a hobby or passion outside of th generel 0815 life where spending your evening in a local club and being drunk is accepted, but spending an evening at the computer is seen as a strange behavior (no matter what the person is doing there or how the rest of their life looks like).

People were always afraid of the things they don't know or can't understand. Thats why the cover up in hate and bias to protect themselves. Easy to see in the media, where everykind of subculture is used to entertain the dumb mass. Oh the young guy dresses in black? He must be suicidal or praying to satan. Oh this guy over there likes to wear a fursuit? He must me a total weirdo..... and so on. The list is endless.

Its the people who doesn't have any knowledge about a topic who start to judge it and everyone who enjoys it.

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"Everything on the internets is true because the internet is seen by so many people. As more people peer review a document it becomes more accurate; so the internet is always approaching a state where nobody lies ever.

If everybody believes so, it is so. You can force reified views to become physically concrete just by saying so or writing it in a blog. It helps if one says it lots and lots and lots and lots of times, and if people agree with it lots and lots and lots of times. By asserting something as physically concrete, one can cause physical events, in the past, present and future to change according to how one defines it."

If it is on the Internet it must be true

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Great, lucinda has a story, she is the second part of the quest that most the role play stuff is created, ever since lucinda has been here she has a obelisk on her land, 5 years ago when she first came here she bought almost 200 small parcels of land all over sl and built an obelisk on ever one, nothing else just a black obelisk 80 meters high, this made a lot think something else was going on, many church groups bought land next to them and built a cross, lucinda cursed them all, but there is a story, but first it is yohan that must be solved as that will give an idea on what you must know, sl is a big world on the inside but very tiny on the outside and for most it is the outside you must look at, lucinda as a person you can't role play with is not allowed.

Ok that aside, I am boudicca, in history boudicca was more primitive, didn't know great things and was pagan, believe the things that pagans(Lucifer) so will quote lucinda.

If you can't be someone else then follow the path of someone else that can, so in a way quest will replace role play by default and it will be worth staying here,.



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It's reputation, not fact. It's what SL is known for to most people. The common opinion of it. There's no true or false in opinions. The common opinion  becomes reputation. SL and SL people do not have a good reputation. Sadly, I kind of agree with the definitions on Urban dictionary. It's quite accurate from what I see on SL.

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I agree with what you say, but it can be turned around a lot of the problems go when people have things to do.

lol, I feel the spirit of joal who never logs here talking though me "equal rights for all mate, one day you may feel alone and want company no matter how virtual it is, those urban versions are nothing more than insults and very unfair", sorry about that but he took over my mind for a sec, LOL.

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Aiden Rives wrote:

Why would it be trolling discussing SL people on the People forum in the SL forum?


Well, your only argument so far is, that strangers on the internet said SL is only for losers and that this must be true. Trolls tend to chose such kind of topics, because its highly possible that others will get angry about them (you say nearly everyone in SL has some serious problems or is a loser....while everyone here in the forum is a resident in SL).

Also your own profile looks like you are using a normally unused avatar to write in the forum.

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To use your seemingly only source of information..

"world of warcraft

The world's most effective form of birth control.

crack, in CD-ROM form.

A good fun alternative to life.

The most highly addictive game ever played. It will consume your soul and poison your water supply."

Are all of those statements true?

You missed one of the definitions of SL.

"A virtual world created by a company based out of California known as Linden Labs. The world takes the form of a collection of "sims" owned by players which cost an amount of rent to LL per month. Each sim is based off of a physical server at LL headquarters. In-world money, known as lindens can be exchanged to real world money (most world currencies) and it is this fact that makes Second Life so successful. Unlike other MMOGs (massive multiplayer online games), Second Life offers the opportunity for the acquisition of real world profit."

that is number 5 from UD.

anyone that comes on the forums of a site they visit and says how the users are "pathetic losers" and "mentally unstable" might just need to see a shrink.



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