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SL Viewer and Firestorm in high lag


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Brand new Mack Pro, 8 Ghz, i7 2.6Ghz with quad processors.  Mountain Lion

I was at the Vintage Fair 2012 which has been completely full almost non stop of Avatars and very laggy.

I was on Firestorm and with the above would crash periocially and movement was hard.

I switched to V3 and all but stopped crashing was easier to walk and i could run even in Ultra mode.  However at times

mesh items stopped showing and the last hour even parts of buildings stopped displaying.  

I went back to Firestorm and I could see but the lag when trying to walk is way worse and crashes again with texture discard messages.

I believe the SL viewer uses my quad processors more effeciently just wish we could stop all the anomallies.   

Begging someone to work on speed speed speed speed speed speed speed speed :) for V3. 

Nice job on the interface redesign.  I'll stay with V3 now if I can see mesh reliably.

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I concur, I also have a high end system and the past couple of days have been the most unpleasant experience to be in SL. High lag, constant logouts when teleporting, teleporting failures, inventory taking ages to load, switching appearance takes ages and constant application crashes.

I was having kind of fun exploring the first part of the week but now it is a nightmare. I think I better move on to something else.

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I have no idea whats going on but all I know is up until the other week I have had no issues with Fierstorm & now I am experiencing horrible crashes. I am getting to the point now where I may just step away from it all. Ive been thru this all before with sl viewers & wont be put thru this again. I've grown up. I really liked Firestorm and now this.


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I know it isnt an SL viwere but they really r all the same. It's going on 6 years. My patience has grown to a thin membtane. They r all the same. They r either in or out. I thank you for your work Firestorm programers & SL programers but there comes a time when stability has to be consitant. I dont want to hear at all ohhhh but we r progressing or this is beta. Screw Beat my debit card is not ion beta!

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I'm noticing the exact same issues using Niran's viewer. It started day before yesterday for me I think or could have been early yesterday morning. I have a reasonably good computer set up and can run in Ultra with full Deferred Rendering enabled at 30/40 fps + in most sims yet SL is now bringing me to a stop with sudden bursts of lag dragging my fps down to as little as 3 to 7 fps for a few seconds before coming up again. Textures in stores I notice are taking longer to rez as well.

My ISP says my network is performing perfectly, my computer is too according to OpenHardwareMonitor so I'm down to viewer or SL now and I suspect SL as the problems started inbetween Niran's viewer updates.

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I have a high-end Windows 7 gaming machine and usually can run Firestorm with all graphics settings at the highest setting, except draw distance, which I usually have at 256 to 512 with no lag and complete stability.  The last few days I've had lots of failed teleports, some causing logouts, and some lag.

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I run Firestorm on a newer high end PC and haven't had issues with it at all, other than the normal lag when I'm at a venue with tons of people there, and even then its not unbearable. 

I too don't think its a viewer issue but more server side.  I suspect though that we are going to be experiencing more issues in general with the introduction of the new tools until they work out the bugs. 

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Well I hate to write it but....crash crash crash.

That's all the program can do when I try to log in the last few days.

Sooooo, I reloaded the program.

 Nope that didn't work.

Then i reloaded older versions of the viewer, recycle reduce, reuse...

and ...yeah the older versions work fine...hmmmm ...(touches chin).

EGADS! Me thinks its defintiely!!!! a viewer issue as opposed to a server thing.

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/me sails happily with mesh sail boat very long distances, crossing region borders smoothly, having high graphics settings, draw distance in sailing often around 350 metres, getting good fps, does not crash...

/me wonders what is this talk about lag and constant crashings?

I get the same experience when using latest Linden Lab viewer and when using the latest Firestorm viewer.  In extremely crowded places sure there is server lag as there always has been.  But else, I'm very pleased for the peformance.

 What is strange is that people get differing results with different viewers using similar hardware.  So I think the viewer performance is not only the viewer issue, it's the combination of viewer + hardware + operating system + installed drivers + installed applications + did I miss something?

CPU: Intel® Core i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40GHz (3411.14 MHz)
Memory: 8169 MB
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)
Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 560 Ti/PCIe/SSE2
Windows Graphics Driver Version: 8.17.0013.0142
OpenGL Version: 4.2.0

Internet connection speed: 10 Mbs dowload / 10 Mbs upload
(The speed to Second Life servers is a lot slower.)

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Well, I'm back up to normal performance using Ultra, full shadows, ambient occlusion, gamma correction and Tone Mapping in Niran's and no lag spikes anymore since early evening yesterday GMT. FPS also back to normal speeds. I had been seeing this sizeable performance drop both in Niran's and LL viewer for a couple of days. I don't use Firestorm. Must have been a temporary SL performance glitch as I did nothing myself.

Nirans Viewer 3.4.2 (1909) Aug  6 2012 19:09:20 (Nirans Viewer)

CPU: Intel® Core i5 CPU         750  @ 2.67GHz (3911.01 MHz) (OC)
Memory: 4087 MB
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)
Graphics Card Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.
Graphics Card: ATI Radeon HD 5850 Series

Windows Graphics Driver Version: 8.17.0010.1114
OpenGL Version: 4.2.11399 Compatibility Profile Context

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great comments by everyone.  I a most interested in what performs the best in high lag situations.  ie. Full SIMS and for now its v3 over Firestorm.   I have'nt branched out to Dolphin etc as I wont give up Mesh :).

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I'm also on a Mac (about 2 1/2 yrs old) and Firestorm just doesn't run well on my machine. The newest upgrade is better, but still less framrates than V3.

Exodus is a really good viewer to try. It has some very nice features (particularly for sl photography) and the performance is great.

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Ok I'd really like to believe that but here...I had the latest Firestorm for ages ...worked fine. Until the past week. So what happened in the past week that wasn't there before??? Any answers would be appreciated. I'm back to an older version that won't crash after I open the program and it seems to work just fine. Well except when it doesn't crash out randomly. :)

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  • 6 months later...

"but there comes a time when stability has to be consitant"

Exactly ! Right now I'm fed up with Firestorm bake fails and problems using voice, music not playing and like. I don't have these issues with LL viewer 3 so it must be bugs / errors in Firestorm.

I'm also tired of the "blame the user" attitude of Firestorm. They released a buggy viewer, it's as simple as that.

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Gillian Artis wrote:

but there comes a time when stability has to be consitant"

Exactly ! Right now I'm fed up with Firestorm bake fails and problems using voice, music not playing and like. I don't have these issues 
with LL viewer 3 so it must be bugs / errors in Firestorm.

I'm also tired of the "blame the user" attitude of Firestorm. They released a buggy viewer, it's as simple as that.

It isn't so much a matter of "blame the users" but that people refuse to accept that Computers can be fickle Creatures.

So I get annoyed when people just come and post this or that or the other is the shiats.

You still have to deal with the fact that LL's own statistics show FS as the most stable Viewer.

I really don't care what Viewer a person uses as long as they are happy.  To me that is what counts.  It's "Your World, Your Choice of Viewers."  And lets face it, all the Viewers have bugs.

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So let me annoy you a little bit more.

Firestorm was so buggy, almost unable to deal with voice, crashing as soon as I pluged my headphones and because of that I moved to LL viewer... and gues what ? No more voices issues, no  more bake issues, no more crash in TP errors. These are not little, unimportant bugs.

If with the same computer, a viewer has more issues than the other, it because that viewer is buggy. While Firestorm interface is clearly supperior to LL Viewer that's not enough as stability is key. I was expecting a finished product & the last update was not. I do hope they fix that as I really do hate LL Viewer interface


You mention Firestorm is the more stable ? Many people experiment stability issues with Firestom, and what I am fed up with is the actual "blame the user" mentality of the Firestorm team. They need to correct the bugs that's all


And this : "but that people refuse to accept that Computers can be fickle Creatures." This I called being insulting to people, predenting that all people don't understand computers.






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Firestorm is the most stable viewer on most of the computers that connect to SL. That's right from LL's crash statistics.


If you're crashing a lot, then take a look at your computer or use a different viewer. Nobody can fix bugs that exist on your computer except you.


Sounds like you don't understand computers.

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