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avatar age and appearance


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OK, I am relatively new to SL so please forgive me if this topic has been beaten to death. I was in an adult themed sim the other day and came upon what clearly appeared to be a child avatar on a sexual pose with another resident. I opened that avis profile and on the first page there was a 'disclaimer' claiming she was an (ageless) fairy. While her RP info claimed she was centuries old she admited to retaining the look she had since a young child. So, as I stated, being rather new I IMd a friend and they said they knew there was a mention of fairies in the SL ageplay stance but neither of us are very clear just exactly what that is. If a character looks like a 12 year old yet claims to be an adult fairy do I have the right to report them? Should I have? 

Thank you all for your time reading and responding (and hopefully not trolling),


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If it looks like a kid it should be treated as such. I would have filed an AR regardless.


ETA: 100% sure SL does not allow this approach. Else the pedophiles will simply say "I thought I was banging a fairy!"

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Anyone who is playing a child avatar needs to be at least 18 to be at an Adult rated location, so their real life age or character's age is irrelevant. An avatar should be considered a child avatar if it looks like a child. An avatar that looks like a child may not be engaged or even in proximity to anything sexual whatsoever. Looks is the key, not the words of a profile.

This is the official word on that, it says fairies are not necessarily child avatars, but I would say, most reasonable humans understand the difference between a fairie and a child. I would strongly recommend reporting child avatars engaged in sexual representations.

"What is a Child avatar?
Quite simply, a child avatar is any avatar that attempts to present as a youth. This is not limited to humans, and can include furries (referred to in this instance as "cubs" or "babyfur"), neko, vampires, and other avatar selections. Some doll avatars might also fit in this category.

This does not necessarily include fairies (which may be child-like in appearance, as well as smaller than the average avatar), tinies (although human baby-shaped tinies do exist), or those wearing gothic lolita and/or cosplay fashions and styles." -http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Child_Avatar


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Charolotte Caxton wrote:

This does not necessarily include fairies (which may be child-like in appearance, as well as smaller than the average avatar),  -


Honestly, could that be any more vague or confused? Just prior to that, it said that if an avatar looks like a child, it is to be considered a child avatar. 

How is 'child like appearance' different than appears to be a child?


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Melita Magic wrote:

Charolotte Caxton wrote:

This does not necessarily include fairies (which may be child-like in appearance, as well as smaller than the average avatar),  -


Honestly, could that be any more vague or confused? Just prior to that, it said that if an avatar looks like a child, it is to be considered a child avatar. 

How is 'child like appearance' different than appears to be a child?



I interpret that as meaning that size alone does not make a child.  Fae are small, as well as other avi types,  But there are adult faires and child faires and i can clearly see a difference in the two regardless of the avatar's size.   A child fairy would have to follow the rules for children.. Age of the RL person or the supposed age of the character has nothing to do with it.  The prohibition exists because many places have RL laws against depicting anything that looks like a child engaging in adult sex regardless of the actual age of the person playing the child or the fact that its only a cartoon or animation..

I would have reported it.


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Charolotte Caxton wrote:

Child like is a young looking fairy, like tinkerbell, no one would confuse her for a child, yet she is certainly not a woman and she is very small.

A child is usually childish looking, stubby body, large head, and no breasts. 







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Velren, LL takes age play VERY seriously and bottom line is, there's no harm in filing a TOS report.  If LL determines that the person is alright based upon the fairy claim, that's their call.  I'd certainly report it to keep my own conscience clear.

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Charolotte Caxton wrote:

16 wrote:

Charolotte Caxton wrote:



they soooo do look like that in SL

jejejejejjeejeje (:

That is a real life photo of a child. I had my camera set to 'crayon'.

jejejejejejejejejjee (:

is way funny that lol (:

jejejejjejejejejejjeejeeje (:

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Charolotte Caxton wrote:

Child like is a young looking fairy, like tinkerbell, no one would confuse her for a child, yet she is certainly not a woman and she is very small.

A child is usually childish looking, stubby body, large head, and no breasts. 





Thank you for the reply. I think it is a mistake on their part to use the phrase child like, when it's such a huge issue as this. They should say young looking adult or something instead, or just forget qualifying it altogether.

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Melita Magic wrote:

Charolotte Caxton wrote:

Child like is a young looking fairy, like tinkerbell, no one would confuse her for a child, yet she is certainly not a woman and she is very small.

A child is usually childish looking, stubby body, large head, and no breasts. 





Thank you for the reply. I think it is a mistake on their part to use the phrase child like, when it's such a huge issue as this. They should say young looking adult or something instead, or just forget qualifying it altogether.

Most definitely.  Totally erroneous using the term 'child like' & only allows those who look for ways to 'take advantage' in order to comply, can easily do so.  Is it me or is this not OBVIOUS to anybody speaking the English language?  Perhaps this is a loophole so that this can happen...shrugs.

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thank you all for the replies, I haven't come across that avatar again but will definitely report her when i do. came into the same situation earlier tonight and tiled a report thanks to the reponses here so yeah, appreciate being informed

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