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Getting bored in SL?

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For me it was some kind of a rule, that only boring people can get bored. But now I'm rethinking it 'cause it can't be so much boring people...

Anyway, how people can feel bored in SL, and if they do, what keeps them staying logged in or coming back? I'm hearing it from random people that IM me, its like there are tons of avatars standing around and waiting for someone to amuse them! There are many threads here too, people saying they are bored in SL and don't know what to do. Or they left SL ages ago (because it was boring!) and now they are back and have nothing to do, its boring again so they ask someone to come and waste time trying to make them feel less bored?

Some basic logic tells us that if one thing is boring, go and find some other. So what keeps people stuck? What keeps them waiting for things to happen instead of doing something on their own? 

Am going to start and blame boring people for lag! :p they are just standing in their SL homes and wasting resources. 

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i don't see how someone new can be bored..there is a whole world to explore..

peoplewith years in i can see..

like myself..a lot of the things i used to really get excited about don't have the same feeling ..

i found myself getting bored..so i decided it's time for a break..it's probably been like 3 weeks since i've hit the grid..

i'll drop in to pay tier..then i'm off..

it's summer time.. i woudl rather be bored on the water than bored at the computer hehehe

so laying on the boat with my Ipad on weekends has been my past time the past few weeks..

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It is a strange phenomena...I see many people get bored.
I am never bored in SL and I am almost 6 years in SL now.

 A lot of people don't do anything besides shopping and chatting and hanging around  Well that's the way to get bored..!!

There is so much to do in SL !! 

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I think part of the boredom issue comes down to how many people who owned sims with some sort of entertainment or education value have left. When those people leave, their sims go away too. I can't even begin to tell you of some of my favorite places that have completely gone away. Who knows why they left, but as these places that once provided that "something to do" leave, they are left with nothing to do. I know not everyone wants to create a fun entertainment based sim that may not bring in tons of money but I'd love to see more merchants maybe add on something to their existing store to give something for people to do. In fact, it would only help business wouldn't it?

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Tamara Artis wrote:

For me it was some kind of a rule, that only boring people can get bored. But now I'm rethinking it 'cause it can't be so much boring people...

Anyway, how people can feel bored in SL, and if they do, what keeps them staying logged in or coming back? I'm hearing it from random people that IM me, its like there are tons of avatars standing around and waiting for someone to amuse them! There are many threads here too, people saying they are bored in SL and don't know what to do. Or they left SL ages ago (because it was boring!) and now they are back and have nothing to do, its boring again so they ask someone to come and waste time trying to make them feel less bored?

Some basic logic tells us that if one thing is boring, go and find some other. So what keeps people stuck? What keeps them waiting for things to happen instead of doing something on their own? 

Am going to start and blame boring people for lag!
they are just standing in their SL homes and wasting resources. 


I still believe only boring people are truly bored.

Others may feel they are bored, when in fact they have just reached a block/ a wall, where they probably have so many things they have wanted to do for a long time, but have forgotten how to move forwards.

I hate myself for going to bed last night and having to sleep, for while I slept, my lovely partner was having a fab time in her time zone (several hours behind me), and I was missing out.

Bored never.

And sleeeeep is for those with nothing better to do. :matte-motes-impatient:

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Bored people are boring people?   Some people are just so easily amused that watching paint dry on a wall would be an exciting activity for them.  Look at how popular watching an avatar dance for hours is in SL. 

I think it depends on what people use SL for.  For example, say a person uses SL to build things.  He likes to build in private and enjoys creating large immersive scenes, so sandboxes are not an option.  He once had a private island to build on but the high price eventually became too much to continue to pay.  $300 per month was a lot more than his family's cable bill for every channel offered including telephone and the internet connection included.  To cancel all of that so he could continue enjoying his private digital space to build in would have been selfish, so of course the island had to go.  

Watching his avatar dance never appealed to him, nor did shopping for clothes.  Exploring was ok for a little while, but he could count the places that impressed him the most on one hand.  The rest all looked the same.  Exploring also made him miss the freedom he once enjoyed to build whatever was in his mind when he had his own creative space.  

Now you would never hear him complain about being bored.  He would simply log off for weeks at a time, only popping back in for a few minutes to respond to old offline IMs, before logging back out again.  The one activity he enjoyed in SL was no longer an option due to the cost., but he was hardly a boring person.  Boring people don't like creating their own experiences.  They only like to be spoon-fed their entertainment.  So yes, for some, there is literally nothing to do in SL, which would probably explain why user retention and online concurrency is low.  

Maybe all the bored people should just log out and never return so they aren't "wasting resources".  Somehow I doubt LL would like the outcome of that though. :smileytongue:

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Allthough sad and completelly understandable, your story is something different from what I wrote. Your guy has his own interests and I was thinking of people who are complaining on feeling bored but not doing a single thing to feel better. 

For example, a person who IMs you every now and then and after usuall Hello how are you? Fine-fine, what are you doing?, you get the same answer: Nothing, feeling bored! And then, Lets do something! If you ask What you wona do the answer is I don't know. If you suggest something, thats also boring for him. 

Another person who is complaining that noone wants to hang out with him, so ok you try few things. You go somewhere together, lets say to some club where you can "stare at your avi dancing" but actually just listen to music and chat. You try to have a conversation, try to find out that persons interests. But the person isn't chatting with you! If you ask some questions most usuall answer you get is "I don't know". Thats what I was thinking. And many other things:)

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"Boring people don't like creating their own experiences."

Although this person is doing something that is interesting to them, it may be boring to someone else looking in.  That is not to say they are a boring person, rather that they bore other people.

Being boring is one thing, being bored is another.

And finding something tedious is something else altogether.

But there are these people - the ones who complain "I am bored", when in fact, if they could just apply themselves, they would realise they are very lucky, able-bodied people with a good brain, who need to use all these wonderful gifts and actually bother to do something.  They are boring people, because they do not apply themselves, and realise they are very lucky, able-bodied people with a good brain, who do not appreciate all there is around them. They have no reason to be bored or boring.

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And looks like that same topic interests you too lol. Wona join the party? :D

Yea we need a male servant. Is there any special reason that made you point that out in the thread that has nothing to do with it? If you have any questions or need one too we can talk about it in that, other one:) this one is about people who are complaining to be bored and doing nothing about it. 

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SL gets boring cause after a time, you have done everything. Friends come and go. You can put together only so many looks, live in so many houses, and all that.


There was a time when I could easily spend 12 hours a day in SL, sometimes up to like 16. Lately though I would say on a good WEEK I am in there maybe 4 or 5 hours. I usually log in, get cast into the lake of notices for B.S., see what friends are on, then log out unless I see someone I want to hang out with.


Besides that, with all the changes like the areas closing, a new viewer every other month (that presents more problems) it just gets old. The whole novelty just fades. Try to make new friends with people and they are often just too busy.


I think the reason that some of us oldbies who are bored keep coming back is probably the same reason people keep opening the fridge looking for something to eat when they already know there isn't anything.

Of course when THAT fridge problem happens where I live, it is cause my avatar ate all the yummy stuff and then acts like she has no clue what I am talking about.

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Tamara Artis wrote:

Yea I can understand that, but you're not one of those that just waste time here and complain how boring it is lol

oh i've wasted plenty of time for sure hehehehe

it's not that i never said anything before about being bored..i just never really complained about it.. because really who would be to blame  for that but myself anyways? hehehehe

i think i have spent more time thinking to myself  as to why i was bored really..

there are a lot of reasons people can get bored..it happens to everyone hehehe


a lot of reasons could be time restraints that a lot of people have also..

i used to have all kinds of time before to make things or do this or do that..

and i remember making things always taking time..especially if you are learning to make things..

for me it's not the lack of ideas of things to make or do..

it's knowing that with my limited time..the things i want to make will take weeks and months to get them finished..

because there is so much trial and error and research ect..

that's all good and fine for people that have the time..but when you go from having  a lot of free time to time that may be only a couple of hours a day if that..

it can have people sorting through their ideas to find the ones that are doable..

and then wondering  now if it is even worth it..that's me more or less..

the last year i found myself wondering what to do with my limited time...

then starting a project..then after a few days just scrapping it because i don't have the time to be as focused as i need to be to create  something that would meet my own standards..let  alone the limits of the program not being able to meet a lot of them..

so i found myself standing around sorting through idea's really not doing much at all..then the more it went on just finding myself standing in there thinking about not much at all other than ..hmm what do i want to do today?

then really just logging off..then logging in less and less times per week..to where i am now.just logging in to pay tier..


i don't think bored people are people that are boring..

i think bored people..well in my case..that had a lot of time to try so many things and do so many things to where you go full circle more times than you can count..

that when time gets limited and you start to see so much of the same things everywhere on the grid..

that after awhile..it just gets old trying to find things you haven't done a zillion times before..

so rather than becoming  bored and just starting idle conversations with others..like ..wow great weather we are having today huh? or ..omg are you as bored as i am?? or..why the heck is it so boring here??

i chose to put the time to better use because i have less to spare these days than when i could to search or learn something like say blender or the small amount of scripting i could do or even shopping or clubbing..

i just think when people run out of things to do they get bored..they may love the world and try for a good while to make sure they haven't missed anything or try to find something new so they can be  excited again.

it could be the people saying they are bored may be hoping to hear of something they may not have done before..or meeting a new friend that they just click with that can make old things new again..

i don't think there is a black and white to being bored..

because everyone gets bored..boring people are not the only ones being bored..

in fact i think exciting people can become bored a lot faster than people that are used to being bored..

so that may even be the case also hehehe

who knows really..Oo

i just got bored of being bored..so i decided to fix it..


wow i kind of just kept going and going with this post..

it's become a wall of text.. lol



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After being in SL for over six years, I am personally not bored.  But then again I create a wide variety of things and build sims for myself and my clients, have owned two clubs, own a sim with my partner and run a few businesses , have lots of friends, enjoy the live music and some DJ's in SL, like to explore, sail, ride my motorcycles FAST, teach, learn, ..... (paradoxically although I want  to look great all the time I hate to shop LOL)....  I could go on.

I've always felt that SL is what you yourself make of it by what you put into it.  When I start to feel a bit jaded, I just find a noob who is eager to learn and see everything and mentor them a bit.  Its really lets me see things from a fresh perspective and it helps me recapture some of that  feeling I had when I was newer here.  It recharges my 'batteries'.

I can see Ceka's point though about being frustrated by lack of time, as there isn't enough time in my day to accomplish everything I'd like even though I am able to spend an enormous amount of time inworld.

I can also understand why people who just come in to shop, club and be entertained, as opposed to entertaining themselves, would be bored after while.  A lot of things I do wouldn't appeal to people like this, which is ok by me.  Some of these people are boring, but others are just bored and probably do things otherwise and elsewhere that wouldn't interest me.  Its ok by me they are here (as long as they spread some of the personal 'resources' my way :smileywink:).  I just don't hang with people like this.

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MoiselleErin Teardrop wrote:

I think the reason that some of us oldbies who are bored keep coming back is probably the same reason people keep opening the fridge looking for something to eat when they already know there isn't anything.

Of course when THAT fridge problem happens where I live, it is cause my avatar ate all the yummy stuff and then acts like she has no clue what I am talking about.

This is a great comparison! 

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I'm replying to everyone here, and yes there are many more bored people than i thought, and not all are boring. 

Maybe its the fact that all of us have invested too much time and money in here, to just leave it like that. So allthough feeling bored and without time to actually change it, people are just hanging out and checking things from time to time, "opening fridge", to see if anything changed. Does that sounds like anything reasonable? To me it sounds like something people would do. Fridge helped me understand it;)

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I should clarify that although I concured with the Bored people are boring sentiment, I didn't mean to offend anyone.

There's just so much to do in SL. Any topic you are interested in usually has tons of info & tutorials available on youtube.

It's like real life in that you, (meaning anyone) are/is in control of how interesting it is.

I was lost with what to do next, lo & behold we have another movie star thread to play with.

Too cool :D

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