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LL Mess my MB Listings

Toysoldier Thor

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Kenbro Utu wrote:

I don't show to have any failed deliveries, but I am in my biggest slump ever right now.  Not an MP sale since July 7, and not an in-world sale since July 11.  It is like I dropped of the face of SL.  All my listing show to be active and associated on the MP Manage Listings page, but I went to check my MB status.  On the old MB status page, it shows the MB to be active, but all of the MB inventory as Unassociated, and absolutely no Active Inventory.  Does anyone else show this discrepancy between the MB status page and the MP Manage Listings?    

If you're talking about the old Xstreet page we have to go to anytime we move the MB, need to delete a location, etc., ever since the MP began, all my inventory on *that* page shows as "unassociated" but in reality *is* associated on the MP edit listings area.

ETA: Opppssss...already answered.

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mtwtfss71 wrote:


Thank you for this post! I noticed something weird in my log yesterday. I had a customer buy the same product twice (actually, they only bought it once but it shows as being delivered twice) from the marketplace. This item is still in my MB. I have 1/2 my products on DD and the other half in MB.

On the log, it shows being delivered from MB and then almost an hour later, delivered from DD. The customer says they only got it once.

The attempt to redeliver from DD even though it isn't on DD is weird. This sounds like someone introduced a bug. I'm going to migrate the rest of my stock this weekend.

This supports my theory on another thread that something, either automated or manual, is somehow doing a "check" for lack of a better word on merchants who have their products divided between the two delivery systems.

I'm starting to sound like Josh.

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Deja Letov wrote:

Toysoldier Thor wrote:


On the good side - I am not 100% on DD.  And I know this is a coincidence or because of the publicity of this thread but I made several sales on these newly converted packs after the conversion.  That proved the conversion worked and I finally had a good day !

Good to hear Toy! Here's to a much better August!

:) Thanks Deja!  So kind are your words!  Here is hoping.


Actually, once I get thru this massive inworld move to my new parcel of land for my store and art gallery I plan to have a whopping Grand re-opening party to show off the new digs of my parcel and that of my landowner's attached mall.  I have a ton of connections with a lot of amazing Live SL musicians so I think I will call a few faves and get some of them to do a marathon of gigs.  And heck - maybe finish it off with a TOY Karaoke Gig :)


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I just went to my MP and checked on my transactions (still no sales) and listings but a question came to mind for Toy or anyone who can answer this, please:

What would the MP listing look like *if* LL tried to migrate MB items to DD on their own?  How would I tell the difference by looking at my MP listings...or is there some other area that would say?

Getting a bit paranoid now. *Adjusts tinfoil hat* ;)

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

I just went to my MP and checked on my transactions (still no sales) and listings but a question came to mind for Toy or anyone who can answer this, please:

What would the MP listing look like *if* LL tried to migrate MB items to DD on their own?  How would I tell the difference by looking at my MP listings...or is there some other area that would say?

Getting a bit paranoid now. *Adjusts tinfoil hat*

Look on the "Manage Listings" page. The Delivery Column will tell the truth. I've switched all mine to DD as shown here:

Delivery Column.png

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Toysoldier Thor wrote:

Deja Letov wrote:

Toysoldier Thor wrote:


On the good side - I am not 100% on DD.  And I know this is a coincidence or because of the publicity of this thread but I made several sales on these newly converted packs after the conversion.  That proved the conversion worked and I finally had a good day !

Good to hear Toy! Here's to a much better August!


Thanks Deja!  So kind are your words!  Here is hoping.


Actually, once I get thru this massive inworld move to my new parcel of land for my store and art gallery I plan to have a whopping Grand re-opening party to show off the new digs of my parcel and that of my landowner's attached mall.  I have a ton of connections with a lot of amazing Live SL musicians so I think I will call a few faves and get some of them to do a marathon of gigs.  And heck - maybe finish it off with a TOY Karaoke Gig


I want an invite!

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I wonder if cross-listings could have something to do with this.  What if Toy's products were involved in a cross-listing somewhere, either by name or image, and that store owner attempted to update his products to DD and the bad links got involved somehow.  It seems far fetched, but just throwing out an idea.

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@Deja - You are surely invited!

@Dart - remember that I make sculpty terrain packs.... making a bubbling mud pit would not be a tough request for the grand re-opening event.... as long as someone can create a 2 person mud wrestling animation.  Then we can get two people (I would gently suggest ladies in bikinis but I am a bit biased) to be the front of stage enterainment during all the live singing gigs.

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Toysoldier Thor wrote:

@Dart - remember that I make sculpty terrain packs.... making a bubbling mud pit would not be a tough request for the grand re-opening event.... as long as someone can create a 2 person mud wrestling animation.  Then we can get two people (I would gently suggest ladies in bikinis but I am a bit biased) to be the front of stage enterainment during all the live singing gigs.

Uh oh. Darrius said that, not me. After he bathes off that icky Dart feeling and gets his shots, he'll probably be having words with you.

Great idea about the landmarks by the way. Except for the charging money for it. It's a landmark TAX, I tell you!

Sorry, had to do it.



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Howdy, Toy Dude!  

Holey moley I'm sorry you had to go through all that mess!  When I first read your opening post I thought;  "What in the name of all the gods is Linden Lab DOING out there??"  First I read the thread about the unpaid transactions not being credited because the TOS states that they (Linden Lab) do not guarantee a glitch free service, and now this one!  

I double checked all mine just in case (I'm 100% direct delivery) and I've had no failed deliveries, no cross linked listings, no unpaid transactions and all my listing are showing the correct delivery method.  

I just don't know what to think about them anymore.  :-/

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ROFL!! Nahh .. no icky "Dart Feeling" attached. It's perfectly understandable that Toy would confuse the two smartest, best looking and incredibly modest guys on the Forums .. so he's forgiven. (Even if I am just a wee bit smarter and better looking .. *grin*)

Oh .. and more modest too.

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Hi Toy :) I can't believe this happened (well, I believe it happened, but omg what a mess!)

Anyway for what it's worth, and maybe this will make you smile a little bit:  When I first read the title of this thread, I thought it said "LL Bless my MB Listings" - lol, I just had to read it (obviously, I'm a weee bit tired).

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I'm sure this will be of little to no comfort, but I also use both MB and DD and on the period of 7-21-7-25 had delivery failures. Every single one of them, was a MB item. My items weren't transferred to DD items, but the only failures came from MB items. I don't normally have many, if any, failures at all. Granted the failures were on items that really don't cost much at all, well nothing I sell does, but that's not the point. I talked to quite a few other people in world  last night about this after someone im'd when their delivery failed. Those merchants were having the same problem. MB items were failing whereas DD ones were not.

I'm the last person to tell others they need to migrate to DD. I only did so myself because of an issue I was having and thought might be related to not having moved to DD yet. So I migrated some of my stuff, actually most of it, to see if that was the cause for slow sales. To be honest, I can't tell if it was or wasn't, even still, I gave up trying. But I haven't had any delivery failures for a good long while until just recently. Now I've had several in the same week. Probably more than I've ever had since I loaded my first MB in 2008. It bothers me greatly, because there's no rhyme or reason to it.

Yes I know I can, and some will say should, migrate entirely to DD, I get it. The MB should not be failing, neither should the process associated with it like this, unless someone fiddled with something they should not have. The few merchants who actually post here and still use MB are a pretty small minority and I know for a fact there are a lot more who don't post here that had, or are having, the same(or related) issue. Personally I think it's more than a tad ridiculous at this juncture.

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What I find most interesting about these MB failures is ...

Now that most, or at least a good proportion of sales are delivered via DD and not via MB, the infrastructure that runs the MB delivery function should be less and less stressed than before. This means we should be seeing more reliability and not less. It was the contention that the sheer load on the XStreet/Magic Box system was a major contributor to its failures. But as the load has lessened, the failures do not seem to be decreasing.

I'm not sure if that means the failure is actually someplace else (like in the way Marketplace drives the old XStreet system) but I find it interesting to say the least.

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>I'm sure this will be of little to no comfort, but I also use both MB and DD and on the period of 7-21-7-25 had delivery failures. Every single one of them, was a MB item

For sure, many parts of the system were being messed with at that time.

Even after I stopped looking like a cloud, it took me longer than usual to get unruthied.

And since a large part of the sim I work in is still completely gray, I'm not suprised to learn than some people have also had "box problems" (SIM problems).

I understand that DD is supposed to "fix that".

I also understand that this incident comes immediately before the only recently postponed 1 August box shutoff, so it's probably just one more thing originally intended to convince you that you "need" to stop using your boxes .

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Tari Landar wrote:

I'm sure this will be of little to no comfort, but I also use both MB and DD and on the period of 7-21-7-25 had delivery failures. Every single one of them, was a MB item. My items weren't transferred to DD items, but the only failures came from MB items. I don't normally have many, if any, failures at all. Granted the failures were on items that really don't cost much at all, well nothing I sell does, but that's not the point. I talked to quite a few other people in world  last night about this after someone im'd when their delivery failed. Those merchants were having the same problem. MB items were failing whereas DD ones were not.

I'm the last person to tell others they need to migrate to DD. I only did so myself because of an issue I was having and thought might be related to not having moved to DD yet. So I migrated some of my stuff, actually most of it, to see if that was the cause for slow sales. To be honest, I can't tell if it was or wasn't, even still, I gave up trying. But I haven't had any delivery failures for a good long while until just recently. Now I've had several in the same week. Probably more than I've ever had since I loaded my first MB in 2008. It bothers me greatly, because there's no rhyme or reason to it.

Yes I know I can, and some will say should, migrate entirely to DD, I get it. The MB should not be failing, neither should the process associated with it like this, unless someone fiddled with something they should not have. The few merchants who actually post here and still use MB are a pretty small minority and I know for a fact there are a lot more who don't post here that had, or are having, the same(or related) issue. Personally I think it's more than a tad ridiculous at this juncture.

Thanks for telling me!!  I thought it was just me that got hit... so you showed that whatever LL did they caused MB grief to u too.

I wished LL would just chime in and even just admit that it might have been caused by an experiment they were trying or something related to MB.

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Darrius Gothly wrote:

What I find most interesting about these MB failures is ...

Now that most, or at least a good proportion of sales are delivered via DD and not via MB, the infrastructure that runs the MB delivery function should be less and less stressed than before. This means we should be seeing more reliability and not less. It was the contention that the sheer load on the XStreet/Magic Box system was a major contributor to its failures. But as the load has lessened, the failures do not seem to be decreasing.

I'm not sure if that means the failure is actually someplace else (like in the way Marketplace drives the old XStreet system) but I find it interesting to say the least.

But Darrius - the MB failures were not related to any load.  My MB deliveries have always been nearly 100% flawless.  These failures were caused as of July 21 or 22 by my MB listings somehow losing association to their items in the MB and my MP listings set to DD when i didnt convert them.

They were not load failing - they were all 100% broken.... until i completed the conversion to DD that somehow seemed to get started without me.  That is how I see it.  And not Tari experiencing MB related failures too around the same period.

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Toysoldier Thor wrote:

But Darrius - the MB failures were not related to any load.  My MB deliveries have always been nearly 100% flawless.  These failures were caused as of July 21 or 22 by my MB listings somehow losing association to their items in the MB and my MP listings set to DD when i didnt convert them.

They were not load failing - they were all 100% broken.... until i completed the conversion to DD that somehow seemed to get started without me.  That is how I see it.  And not Tari experiencing MB related failures too around the same period.

And that's exactly my point. It was cited previously, during the pre-DD Era, that the XStreet infrastructure was overloaded and about to keel over dead as a doornail .. due to the massive number of users, sales and the under-engineering of the software platform and hardware.

But now that things are scaling back, we're still having mysterious "issues" that clearly are NOT load-related at all. So that puts the lie to the old excuse. Now they need a new excuse for why MBs failed.

The WAY they failed too .. the magical conversion of your listings to DD .. that's just something that cannot be laid off to "stray ions from space" .. unless you're also willing to admit that the entire system is so fragile as to be derailed in such a dramatic way by something insignificant. And I seriously doubt they're anxious to admit the entire Marketplace is that fragile.

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I wanted to add that I also checked, double checked and triple checked that my boxes and sim(s) were not the culprit(s). The odds of every single box failing at the exact same moment, on multiple sims, causing that one item to fail to deliver at that precise moment...yeah I may be no Sheldon, but that doesn't seem even remotely plausible. Unless, of course, all boxes failed at the same precise moment all across the grid, causing each and every MB purchase to fail. Then I'd say... oops, their(the boxes) bad, and be done with it-chalking it up to yet another annoying but temporary glitch. It was quite clearly their(LL) bad, but there is no oops involved here.  I'm far from a conspiracy theory sort of person, ftr., but I strongly believe someone, somewhere was playing with something they probably shouldn't have been messing with.They aren't exactly strangers to the concept.

It does irritate me too, even if it were free items failing to deliver(in my case a couple were), it would still iritate me. There's no rhyme or reason for a "glitch" like this to occur. At least not one I can come up with, or anyone else I've spoken to about it.

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Josh Susanto wrote:


I also understand that this incident comes immediately before the only recently postponed 1 August box shutoff, so
it's probably just one more thing originally intended to convince you that you "need" to stop using your boxes .

(Emphasis mine).  What this is doing to me is "convincing" me that I should pack up my shop and, since currently it is the only thing keeping me in SL, leave.

And LL wonders why they are having difficulty with user retention. *shakes head*

(Think I'll head back to WoW, join a guild, and get my Paladin leveled up so I can join a group to complete the final quest to rescue my raptor hatchling. :) )

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Tari Landar wrote:

I wanted to add that I also checked, double checked and triple checked that my boxes and sim(s) were not the culprit(s). The odds of every single box failing at the exact same moment, on multiple sims, causing that one item to fail to deliver at that precise moment...yeah I may be no Sheldon, but that doesn't seem even remotely plausible. Unless, of course, all boxes failed at the same precise moment all across the grid, causing each and every MB purchase to fail. Then I'd say... oops, their(the boxes) bad, and be done with it-chalking it up to yet another annoying but temporary glitch. It was quite clearly their(LL) bad, but there is no oops involved here.  I'm far from a conspiracy theory sort of person, ftr., but I strongly believe someone, somewhere was playing with something they probably shouldn't have been messing with.They aren't exactly strangers to the concept.

It does irritate me too, even if it were free items failing to deliver(in my case a couple were), it would still iritate me. There's no rhyme or reason for a "glitch" like this to occur. At least not one I can come up with, or anyone else I've spoken to about it.

I am glad you pointed all this out of things you checked because at first I feared the same things you did.  But that you noticed all the same things further entranches that the LL Commerce Team is secretly fiddling and experimenting with the Marketplace/SL knobs and buttons and making OOOppsies.  But as is typical LL style, they dont see any big risk with fiddling as it only impacts the sales of some of their MP merchant customers.


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