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LL Mess my MB Listings

Toysoldier Thor

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So I now see why my sales seemed to have been impacted this week.  It seems that LL attempted to transfer my remaining MB listings - my 6 big ticket money makers - over to DD and they failed!

Today a customer contacted me saying he tried to buy my pack and got a delivery failure.  When I looked into his issue I noticed that since July 22 all my MB listing purchase have been failing.  7 failures.  100% of all my delivery failures were my MB listings.

I went into MP and noticed that all my MB listings were converted to DD but of course since I did not upload my inventory items into MP... the converted listing had nothing to deliver !!

I can tell you with 10000% assurance that it was NOT ME that in any way could have changed my 6 MB listings to DD.  I havent been in MP for a while.  So it had to have been LL that tried to convert my listings on July 22.

I was forced this afternoon to shut down my MB and transfer my remaining MB items to DD. 

I just shake my head at LL.  Thanks LL for the 4 week warning that MB listings were being abandoned!!

What a gong show !  I have potentially lost some of these sales these past 4 days.  I have contacted each of the customers and told them that LL screwed up my listings and I apologize on their behalf.  I hope all of them come back and buy.


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Rival Destiny wrote:

So LL has, without warning, made the switch from MB to DD & none of our MB should be working?


I dont know about anyone else but all 6 of my MB listings were attempted to be converted to DD and broke all of my listings on July 22.

An hour ago I was forced to upload my 6 inventory items up to MP and associated the 6 converted listings to what I just uploaded.  Who at LL thought this would work????  Converting my MB listings t oDD without the inventory wasnt gonna work.

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Ela Talaj wrote:

I don't use DD but magic boxes only.  I've had 5 delivery failures on July 21, which is highly unusual but as far as I can tell no one attemted to convert my items to DD.


Well it could have started on the 21st and i didnt sell one of my MB packs until a few hours later on the 22.  But all MB listings on my MP inventory had switched to DD mode with now associated assets of course since I never moved them up into MP.

They were orphaned.  So of course every time a sale was attempted for the following 3 days they woudl fail until I just completed the conversion a few hours ago.

It wasnt me that switched my MB listings to DD. So the only ones that could have done this was LL.

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Toy, are you going to contact LL/CTL to inquire about this?  IMO this is outrageous to manually change your remaining MB items to DD.  Not that I have a lot of faith in what LL says anymore, but having made the posted statement about the 4 week advance notice before MB would be shut off, to then do an about-face would be dishonest, to say the least.

I'm wondering if LL is singling out the merchants who have MP items listed using both delivery methods for some unknown reason.

If MB has been discontinued and the merchant community has not received notice, "outrageous" is the only word I can think of.

I checked my listings and my most recent MP sale was on Monday, July 23, at 1:30 pm SLT.

Anyone still using MBs, have you had recent sales (recent being after July 23)?

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I checked mine - am still all MB's.  I've had sales every day with no delivery problems.  So, so far so good.

However, I am stimied as to why, how, LL has done this.  IMO it would have to be a deliberate action not something automated.  Am I correct in that thinking?

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Rival Destiny wrote:

I checked mine - am still all MB's.  I've had sales every day with no delivery problems.  So, so far so good.

However, I am stimied as to why, how, LL has done this.  IMO it would have to be a deliberate action not something automated.  Am I correct in that thinking?

Thank you, Rival - I can exhale the breath I was holding now. My sales have been cycling so strangely the last couple of months that I wouldn't notice a potential MB shutdown based on non-sales for a week or so. 

So it appears that MBs have not been shut down.  I would *really* be surprised if they did so without the posted 4-week advance notice but these days...who knows.

As far as deliberate action - in Toy's case, the only way it could have been an automated action as far as I can see is if a program was created to go out and look for merchants using both MBs and DD and switch the remaining MB items over.  But then that assumes CTL has been working on that instead of the other show-stopper MP jiras.  Even doing this manually is taking valuable time away from addressing the current MP issues, not to mention that if MBs are still operable, it is a merchant's choice how he wants to deliver his products - MB, DD, or a combination.

This is a very troubling development.

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I am glad i had just stumbled across this, I had a delivery failure last night for a purchase from a big seller, i know sometimes delivery can be slow, i logged in 24 hours after the item was ordred, and found that the item was not delivered, nor was my lindens refunded to me ( well past the 8 hour's for the refund to have occured according to ll) so this must definatly be an issue, when I get a refund, I will go to the seller and purchase it from their store instead.

but this problem, gave me a heads up to tell my gf who has a few things on the mp using mb.


hope this get's sorted out soon, i can imagine the impact this has on seller's and buyer's, considering many sellers's do not have in world stores.

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This would then lead me to consider that all merchants that have both MB & DD check their stores.

If no other merchants have had this happen, then I'd be curious about how it occurred & why he wasn't at least notified.  I surely don't want LL to make decisions such as this on my behalf, leave the job incomplete, then not even tell me about it.

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Me complaining to the LL Commerce Team has about as much value as talking to a brick wall.  LL hold grudges with SL residents they dont like and they dont like me.  Its a rare thing if a LL ever communicates with me unless they are sending me a Forum posting punishment PM.

As soon as I noticed the problem today.... I went to see if anything happened to my MB - something that has not screwed up on my land almost the entire 3 years it has been positioned in the same place.  My MB has been pretty much 100% flawless all these years.  It was still there and I reset it just in case.

Then I went to look at the MP listings / inventory management and I saw my 6 listings with all their photos and descriptions like I would have expected but my jaw dropped when I saw them all set to DD.  I knew right then that it was the root cause to the 3 days of failures since these MB listings cant be switched to DD if there wasnt an actual uploaded inventory to associated to it.

So I decided I better bite the bullet and convert these last 6 listings to DD or else I wont get any sales.  I uploaded the packs and edited each of the listings and re-associated them to the items I just uploaded.  There was even an empty duplicate listing of only ONE of my MB listings (not 6).  So after I associated all my packs to the converted listings - I deleted this weird single empty listing that was there.  dont know where that came from either.

I performed a test purchase and it worked.  I performed a test delivery and it worked. 

So all is working now.

I think its STUPID that LL would do this to my listings and with no notice.  And that someone else noticed delivery failures on pretty much the same day (july 21 & july 22 ish) as me - tells me LL did something on the 21st or 22nd.

Not sure what they are up to but for anyone that has MB listings..... WATCH THESE LISTINGS REAL CLOSE if you are going to stay on MB.... our loving secret LL Commerce Team is up to something as we are getting close to the date they wanted to shut down MB.

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well that is why i started this thread to point out what they did to me and to find out if others have had the same problems since about late 21st or 22nd with your MB listings.

I am hoping LL will make a rare appearance and explain what they are up to and why they are fiddling with Merchant's store inventory and not notifying MB listing Merchants about MB 4 weeks prior to shut down.

I want to have a LL Commerce member explain what they were doing on July 21 - 22.  Something happened...

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Toysoldier Thor wrote:

well that is why i started this thread to point out what they did to me and to find out if others have had the same problems since about late 21st or 22nd with your MB listings.

I am hoping LL will make a rare appearance and explain what they are up to and why they are fiddling with Merchant's store inventory and not notifying MB listing Merchants about MB 4 weeks prior to shut down.

I want to have a LL Commerce member explain what they were doing on July 21 - 22.  Something happened...

Ahhh, ok.  I want to see the explanation for this as well.

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well if there is a good side... i am not 100% on DD and i wont have to worry about packing up the MB in the next week to move it to the new sim.  Also, since i fixed the broken MB-DD terrain packs today, I have made 4500 in sales on those packs and it was 100% delivery.  I just hope the 7 of 9 customers that had failed deliveries will all come back to buy.  A few said they would but they will buy inworld as they dont trust the MP to buy.  They were just happy that their money was refunded when the delivery failed.


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I don't show to have any failed deliveries, but I am in my biggest slump ever right now.  Not an MP sale since July 7, and not an in-world sale since July 11.  It is like I dropped of the face of SL.  All my listing show to be active and associated on the MP Manage Listings page, but I went to check my MB status.  On the old MB status page, it shows the MB to be active, but all of the MB inventory as Unassociated, and absolutely no Active Inventory.  Does anyone else show this discrepancy between the MB status page and the MP Manage Listings?    

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Just to point out something Toy ... July 21st and 22nd were on Saturday and Sunday. It's VERY rare for a member of the Commerce Team to come in to work over the weekend. So if someone from the LL side of the website did change your listings from MB to DD delivery, it is an event no one will ever cop to.

It sounds to me more like someone tried to run an automated patch or query of some sort, and that resulted in resetting some data in the products database .. specifically the MB vs DD flag in the listings. I don't know how they store the info that says whether a listing is delivered via Magic Box or Direct Delivery, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's just a single field. Screwing with that single flag could render a listing totally non-functional as the Delivery subsystem would try and pull the item out of the DD Cache .. and would fail.

On that same note, I find it absolutely impossible that you COULD change a listing to DD without uploading first. To my knowledge there is no way to edit or alter a listing to set that flag other than uploading a product. To switch it back to MB delivery, you'd have to edit the listing and then Edit Associated Object to pick an MB item from the Unassociated Inventory listing.

Frankly this one just boggles my mind .. and infuriates me at the same time. If an LL Agent did the change, how disrespectful to not attempt to repair their action .. or at least notify you of their "mistake". If it was a glitch and not the result of someone tinkering with the database .. OMFG!! That means the DB underlying the Marketplace is so fragile and prone to errors that virtually anything could get corrupted at any time. Imagine coming online to find out your top seller (at L$2000 each) has been selling like mad ... at L$5 each .. all because of a "glitch" in the DB. *FACEPALM*

Of course LL would refuse to take any responsibiliity .. because after all their TOS indemnifies them of any liability .. even when it's obvious that their direct inaction or malfeasance caused it in the first place.

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The magic box status page stil uses the old xstreet system, so if your items were added to the magic box after the switch from xstreet to MP then they will show as unassociated, as they were never listed in xstreet, only on the marketplace.

As long as your listings in the marketplace show the correct item associated with them then theres no need to worry.

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Thank you for this post! I noticed something weird in my log yesterday. I had a customer buy the same product twice (actually, they only bought it once but it shows as being delivered twice) from the marketplace. This item is still in my MB. I have 1/2 my products on DD and the other half in MB.

On the log, it shows being delivered from MB and then almost an hour later, delivered from DD. The customer says they only got it once.

The attempt to redeliver from DD even though it isn't on DD is weird. This sounds like someone introduced a bug. I'm going to migrate the rest of my stock this weekend.

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The fact that the anomally happened on a Sat-Sun does lead one to think the problem was possibly caused by an indirect glitch - like maybe a patch to a server or a batch cleanup run or who the heck knows. I am thinking that since we know that LL staff typically do not work on the weekends unless its to address some unusual situation or run a special process/upgrade - what happened to my MB listings likely was not targetted to my listings.  Seems my MB listings were victims of something else.  But I dont know how I could have MB listings that were in unassociated DD Delivery Mode state before I would explicitly change the listing from MB to DD myself.

I really dont know what caused the problem 5 days ago to my MB items but I could see it was ONLY my 6 MB items and not my 40+ DD items (wow that almost sounded like a woman's measurements).

I cant explain what happened but I guess this would be the same and why LL cant explain why only a certain category of MP listings were corrupting when DD was released.

I think many have already agreed that the overall architecture of DD is disjointed and open to unnatural results based on certained errant events that could occur.  i.e. weak on checks and balances.

On the good side - I am not 100% on DD.  And I know this is a coincidence or because of the publicity of this thread but I made several sales on these newly converted packs after the conversion.  That proved the conversion worked and I finally had a good day !

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Toysoldier Thor wrote:


On the good side - I am not 100% on DD.  And I know this is a coincidence or because of the publicity of this thread but I made several sales on these newly converted packs after the conversion.  That proved the conversion worked and I finally had a good day !

Good to hear Toy! Here's to a much better August!

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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

Just checked mine.  All seems ok.  Have had deliveries every day.  One aborted delivery on the 21st but was repurchased by the custmer. ok.  All mine are on MB still.  

Thanks Amethyst. :)  I still haven't had any sales since Monday, but I'm likely in my "no sales" part of the cycle.  Have to wait until LL rolls the dice and says, "Ok, it's Czari's turn to sell something today."

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