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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Science is not immune to the effects of money.

Is it time to shift the thread from chemists to enviromentalists and the worldwide "global warming", er, no, that doesn't work, um, "climate change" conspiracy?  All the money is in 'proving' the climate-change theories, not disproving or even testing them.  As with this thread there was no real definition of the problem/situation for a long time, just an awful lot of pundit-warming as they could rant about almost anything they wanted.  The climate 'debate' is still dishonest - almost anyone claiming "mankind is not the biggest factor affecting the climate" will instantly be ridiculed for denying that "mankind does not affect the climate", an altogether different statement.

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PeterCanessa Oh wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Science is not immune to the effects of money.

Is it time to shift the thread from chemists to enviromentalists and the worldwide "global warming", er, no, that doesn't work, um, "climate change" conspiracy?  All the money is in 'proving' the climate-change theories, not disproving or even testing them.  As with this thread there was no real definition of the problem/situation for a long time, just an awful lot of pundit-warming as they could rant about almost anything they wanted.  The climate 'debate' is still dishonest - almost anyone claiming "mankind is not the biggest factor affecting the climate" will instantly be ridiculed for denying that "mankind does not affect the climate", an altogether different statement.

Another fascinating topic. I'm waiting for folks in the Maldives to move out so I can take my pick of paradise huts. Having been born too late to be a cargo cult priestess, I'll have to settle for squatting.

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PeterCanessa Oh wrote:

I've been trying my best to think of others but the only one I've come up with is "Power lines cause cancer" and that's from several years ago.

Cell phones cause cancer? A lot of research has gone into non-heating (ie, mutagenic) effects of RF energy on tissues and I expect more will be done. I have worked on devices that purposely expose tissue to RF, so this is an area of interest to me.

Here in Wisconsin, when I was a kid (and years before), there was a lot of chatter about a VLF antenna array to be installed up-state for communicating with submarines. It was throught to be a ruse to cover up the "fact" that this antenna would beam thoughts directly into our brains.

Fluoride in the water (I loved Sterling Hayden's Jack D. Ripper in "Dr. Strangelove"). I don't recall what the fluoride is actually supposed to do to me. I live on well water, so must I actively participate in my own self destruction by brushing my teeth with fluoride toothpaste. Mom is 83, has survived breast cancer and still has all her own teeth. If I told her that toothpaste was responsible for both her mammary asymmetry and her beautiful smile, she might call it a wash (In all seriousness, her cancer was caught early, treated quickly, she's been healthy for 15 years and she does have a beautiful smile).

Governments aren't telling us about that black-hole/asteroid thingie from the Kuiper belt that is about to destroy us. (We discussed it in a thread here). It's massive enough to be a black hole and clever enough to cause the vernal equinox to occur two days early in Iceland without perturbing anything else in the universe. Amateur astronomers are always looking for something they can get named after themselves, so they'd be thrilled to detect anything out of whack. They haven't.

Widespread snooping on our cell phone conversations/hard drives/e-mail etc. (Project Tempest) The government maintains a dossier on each of us, minute in every detail. This is a theory I believe is beamed into our heads by Google so we won't worry about their cute camera cars roving our neighborhoods.

Due to superbly effective muzzling by big oil companies, individuals who have built actual working perpetual energy machines are only able to leak demonstrations of their amazing discoveries via YouTube.

None of these rise to the magnitude of either Global Warming or Vaccine/Autism, but the mechanisms at work are similar throughout.

I think the Internet has been a boon to this kind of thinking as it allows like minded individuals to get/give positive feedback. There is both a democratization and balkanization of thought online. I am optimistic overall.

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Your welcome!

I do find all of this to be amusing myself. If you have ever gone against the grain, you kind of see the same pattern everytime. Instead of looking at the content, defenders want to cling to something emotional and discount the actual content. This is exactly why I don't like debating. I'm a colorful person, if I try and paint a picture, that colorfulness always bites me in the as. I'm not a debater. I only wished I'd handled it a bit better so that some1 would actually look at the content. This is not a tiny issue. The data is massive. It would take me weeks to cite even a small fraction. And the whole point is, to spread the info and not let the propaganda continue. 1 video can sum up most of the data in the shortest amount of time. digging thru medical papers and studies takes a heck of alot longer than a video and the video has an acredited doctor to explain it all. I guess you can say all these of doctors in every video is just a quack, but you'd kind of have to explain why they still have their license. They have published studies, and if they are pushing a fraud, then don't you think all their licenses would be pulled. There are many more studies by many more doctors, all cited in the videos. If you want to use my arrogance to keep you from seeing all that data that supports the link to Thimerosal, I'm truely sorry.

Madeline didn't watch the whole video, which she admits in the very comment you are refering to. All of her points which were not complete denials without proof, were addressed later in the video, which she didn't see. I assumed she would watch the rest to get her answers. Me, I love the give and take, until some1 pulls the crazy card. Then I can't help but reply brainwashed. I actually want to know if I'm wrong tho, which is why I check the links given to me. Whether I"m right or wrong is important to me, not ruffling feathers. I never assume I'm right, even if I appear to in the moment. You bet if I make an arguement, and get a decent arguement back, I'm gonna check it. If I'm wrong, I will freely admit it. I'm not afraid to be wrong. I don't see the same kind of commitment to the truth from others. Seems to be more about what's the most popular opinion, irreguardless of reality. Sorry, did that for many years and didn't even know it, now onto reason and evidence.

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How would you explain this data:


  1. Thimerosal was first used in vaccines in 1930, yet autism rates did not begin to rise until the 1990s; in fact, it was relatively unknown.
  2. In 1999 Thimerosal was removed from vaccines.
  3. In 2006 autism rates began to soar, with one of every 166 children diagnosed with it.
  4. In a study done this year, the rate had increased again, with one of every 88 children diagnosed with autism.
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the rise would be easy to explain if the research for autism has been increased while in the past not that much attention was given to it, meaning that since more hope has been given to the parents, more parents bring their child to medical facilities in hope that they will be cured, increasing awareness of more autistic people, and also, if more characteristics has been noted as part of autism that in the past has been unknown, the people that have the new characteristics that are labeled autistic will rise with the expanded range of what is autism.

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Alak Dyrssen wrote:

The theory that the Large Hardon Collider would pound us in to a black hole was an illogical phallacy

During the Manhattan Project, Edward Teller raised the possibility that detonation of a nuclear bomb might ignite the Earth's atmosphere. Two scientists aided Teller in calculating that it couldn't actually happen, which I suspect reduce some of the angst over development of the bomb.

When I first heard of the LHC black hole scare, I immediately thought of this.

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Canoro Philipp wrote:

the rise would be easy to explain if the research for autism has been increased while in the past not that much attention was given to it, meaning that since more hope has been given to the parents, more parents bring their child to medical facilities in hope that they will be cured, increasing awareness of more autistic people, and also, if more characteristics has been noted as part of autism that in the past has been unknown, the people that have the new characteristics that are labeled autistic will rise with the expanded range of what is autism.

This effect has been witnessed for other diseases as well. As we improve awareness and access to improved diagnostic abilities and expand the definition of a disease, the reporting rate increases. In the past, the milder cases of autism may have gone undiagnosed, called by any number of other names. I don't imagine there were many public schools in 1930 that had staff psychologists or nurses with mental health training. Now they do, so fewer kids and their parents fall through the cracks.

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Medhue Simoni wrote:

Your welcome!

I do find all of this to be amusing myself. If you have ever gone against the grain, you kind of see the same pattern everytime. Instead of looking at the content, defenders want to cling to something emotional and discount the actual content. This is exactly why I don't like debating. I'm a colorful person, if I try and paint a picture, that colorfulness always bites me in the as. I'm not a debater. I only wished I'd handled it a bit better so that some1 would actually look at the content. This is not a tiny issue. The data is massive. It would take me weeks to cite even a small fraction. And the whole point is, to spread the info and not let the propaganda continue. 1 video can sum up most of the data in the shortest amount of time. digging thru medical papers and studies takes a heck of alot longer than a video and the video has an acredited doctor to explain it all. I guess you can say all these of doctors in every video is just a quack, but you'd kind of have to explain why they still have their license. They have published studies, and if they are pushing a fraud, then don't you think all their licenses would be pulled. There are many more studies by many more doctors, all cited in the videos. If you want to use my arrogance to keep you from seeing all that data that supports the link to Thimerosal, I'm truely sorry.

Madeline didn't watch the whole video, which she admits in the very comment you are refering to. All of her points which were not complete denials without proof, were addressed later in the video, which she didn't see. I assumed she would watch the rest to get her answers. Me, I love the give and take, until some1 pulls the crazy card. Then I can't help but reply brainwashed. I actually want to know if I'm wrong tho, which is why I check the links given to me. Whether I"m right or wrong is important to me, not ruffling feathers. I never assume I'm right, even if I appear to in the moment. You bet if I make an arguement, and get a decent arguement back, I'm gonna check it. If I'm wrong, I will freely admit it. I'm not afraid to be wrong. I don't see the same kind of commitment to the truth from others. Seems to be more about what's the most popular opinion, irreguardless of reality. Sorry, did that for many years and didn't even know it, now onto reason and evidence.

Oh, for chissakes, stop trying to paint yourself as some kind of lone truth seeker going against the "popular" opinion, and that other people are not seeking truth.  Nonsense!

I've have already been over, ALL of this tired old topic, YEARS ago.  I can't believe that you actually think that the vaccine/autism debate is something original or outside of the box.  It's not. The vaccine/autism fallacy is the bandwagon, the bandwagon of popular misconception...and you have chosen to jump onto it, due to a lack of science understanding.  So, you're not presenting something new, or original, or truthful. 

Your actions do not make you some righteous dude in the pursuit of truth.  Your ridiculous posturing along these lines is an insult to rational thinking, and to the other people posting here.  Yet, you continue. 

I encountered the vaccine/autism ideas well over a decade ago, and thoroughly explored them, over many years.  You are not introducing something new here.  Stop stating that others have not investigated that topic.  You have no clue!


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When you say an accredited doctor to interpret it, I read "an accredited doctor to do the thinking for the viewers".  This is why as I pointed out earlier, those who prefer to do their own thinking, are not unlikely to prefer source material rather than a UTube.  Most such people are aware that going to sources and doing their own thinking can take more time, but no one promised thinking for ourselves would be as free of effort as letting someone else do it for us.


Do you honestly think it's compelling to state "if they were arguing something fraudently they'd have had their licenses revoked".  Do you think revoking peoples' license is some kind of arbitary free for all?  Someone does not like what a doctor says on UTube, in a book, at some privately organized and funded conference, so they just arbitarily revoke their license? No due process, no standards, no right to free speech?  "They" (that infamously ubiquitous group of villians) just revoke licenses willy nilly when someone says something that "frightens" them?

I'm not interested in watching your UTube video.  I'd rather do my own reading and thinking than have whichever random doctor read and think for me.  It costs me money for every bit of data I download.   I've viewed and ocassionally taken part in conversations that both predate and are more recent than this video and it's highly unlikely that if compelling information were available that not a single one of these conversations, including this one involving you, would entail any mention of the actually compelling data, but would instead focus almost entirely on the kind of reasoning described in the OP.   Someone who has demonstrated much better reasoning skills than youself has already viewed and given a description of the problems with enough of the video that their review indicates it's genuinely not worth my time or money to watch it.

Why on earth would I spend my time and money on watching this video given all the other things competing for those resources?  Because you'll call me names/sling insults at me (like lazy, brainwashed, and frightened) if I don't?  Honestly, I can live with the name calling/insults.


People have limited time in their lives Medhue.  Though we do not know the number, the minutes of all our lives are finite. Time is a precious resource and we all must choose how to spend our's.   Based on Madeline's description, and your advocacy, your video is not competitive amongst the market place of "things I could do with my limited time on this planet".  I find that I doubt your interpretation, based on your demonstration of the quality of your reasoning skills in this thread.  I also find it odd that anyone would structure a video so that they introduce multiple reasons to not believe them, by around half way through, and only at around the point the average person's "fallacy over load" point is reached and the video is switched off, then suddenly turn around and explain away the apparent fallacies.  That makes no sense if the point is to get a message out there.  On the balance of things at this point there is just not sufficient good reason to spend my limited time on this UTube of your's. 


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Paladin Pinion wrote:

Medhue Simoni wrote:

Again, you missed the twisted logic.

You can do whatever you want with yourself or your children. What you don't have the right to do is enforce that on other people.

Since we're dealing with widespread public health issues here, we do indeed have that right. In the UK, where this controvery took hold even more strongly than in the US, children are now dying of common, preventable childhood diseases because they now have reduced herd immunity. Those are pointless deaths.

Correct.  Thank you!  


I'll also add that this is more than just as public health issue, it is an issue about the rights of the child.

One's children are not slaves or property to do with as one likes.  So, if an individual wants to play Russian Roulette with themselves, fine. 

But, that same individual does not have the right to play Russian Roulette with their child.  People do not own children, not even their progeny.  Parents are protectors and guardians, not property owners of children.


Paladin Pinion wrote:

These children do evolve slowly and what you may attribute to this cure or that thing turns out in the long run to be their natural progression.
It was easier on us when we stopped looking for fixes and just accepted who he is. But that takes a long time. In retrospect I wish we hadn't submitted our son to unnecessary restrictions and all the other hogwash that was going to "fix" him. I know you want something to work; you will absolutely WILL it to work. I suppose you need to go through that stage. We did.

Very well stated Paladin.  I've already been through that stage too.  The slow progression takes patience and understanding...but most critically...it takes acceptance.  To accept that the child is who he/she is...and that the traditional developmental milestones can be tossed out the window.  It can take years for progress to be noticeable for something that you are literally working on daily.   Then one day...you see that...wow...your child is doing something that you wondered if they would ever be able to do. 

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Sy Beck wrote:

Paladin Pinion wrote:

...These children do evolve slowly and what you may attribute to this cure or that thing turns out in the long run to be their natural progression. It was easier on us when we stopped looking for fixes and just accepted who he is. But that takes a long time. In retrospect I wish we hadn't submitted our son to unnecessary restrictions and all the other hogwash that was going to "fix" him. I know you want something to work; you will absolutely WILL it to work. I suppose you need to go through that stage. We did.

This I recognise to be the truth, as probably will other parents of children with Asperger's and autism.  There is no magic bullet and that the best we can do is to provide the best environment for them to learn and mature in.

I'm bolding your words Sy, as they are well said.  

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Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

 It can take years for progress to be noticeable for something that you are literally working on daily.   Then one day...you see that...wow...your child is doing something that you wondered if they would ever be able to do. 

My son was nine years old when he first said "mama". I cried. Recently he did his business in the toilet for the first time. He's 25 years old.

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See the problem is, what is sound science? Your opinion of this is obviously much different than mine. I do not believe in giving kids a chicken pox vaccine that is far inferior than them contracting the disease and using their innate system, which will give them immunity for LIFE, not just a few years. Contracting the disease later in life has far more risks than when they are younger. This is just 1 example, and there are many.

There is also very good science now that shows how viruses cause different cancers or are the catalyst for them. The implications of this are vast, and in many cases, changes the whole ball game. Do you think our vaccine regimen is going to change because of this? Not likely any time soon, as it has it's own agenda and reasoning which won't be easily swayed. It's a miracle those passionate parents got Thimerosal removed.

All the different things that I pay attention to now, show the miracles of the world we live in. The real science is pointing to massive deficiencies as the cause of many of the ailments that people experience. When you look at the foods that we have come accustom to eating, it's not surprising. There is even some very cool science about PH levels and how that affects your health. I've seen some amazing examples of acidic and alkaline bloods under a microscope that are shockingly different from the same person. In acidic blood, T cells seem to move very slowly and will be right next to bacteria and not even notice. In alkaline blood, T cells are seek and destroy blobs that will completely engulf bacteria in seconds. It's not nanbots that are going to save us. It will be nature.

As any1 with an autistic child knows, yes there are literally hundreds of different claims of curing autism, and many of us have been let down by most of them. Not everything is quack science tho, and every child is different, with slightly different issues. Many of the most publicized treatments have links as to why they benefit the child. When you combine the fact that so many in the medical profession are reluctant to do any studies or get involved with what zealous parents are doing, it is not surprising that everything might seem like a sea of crazy parents trying everything. As a parent, I except that I messed up, that I didn't do my homework, that I let myself, and my child eat foods that did not give them the things their body needs. I admit that I let the corporation fool me into thinking we were eating something of substance. When you start reading every label, and knowing what you put in your body, you'll see that the most popular foods and food companies, give you the least nutrition, and actually put poison, like MSG and asparatame, in the foods.

Plus, there is a serious philosophical problem with medicine as it is now, because of socialist ideologies. In a strictly market based medical system, all the doctors would be catering to their customers. They'd be doing what their customers ask them to do or they would not be in business long. We would not have whole decades of science that never makes it to the public. We'd have a medical system that could turn on a dime, if solid science proved we needed that. In this current medical environment, we waiste decades cause some mega corporation might lose some money.

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Hmmm?  Oh, I just woke up and thought I'd catch-up with the show.

Previously in 'life causes death':

  • Vaccines are poison.
  • Injecting vaccines which use some preservative causes autism.
  • There's more autism now even though vaccines don't have this preservative.
  • 'Autism' is whatever we feel like calling it.
  • There's more autism now because we call more things autism.
  • Research means watching videos, not reviewing data.
  • Capitalism, Big Pharma, doctors and government (any government) are to blame.

In this episode:

  • 'Sound' science means the opposite of what scientists say.
  • It's morally right to increase your child's risk of death by preventable disease.
  • (Some stuff about the implications of viruses causing cancer that I can't understand).
  • Not having enough of something causes problems. (Next week: excess is bad for you).
  • Food is poison.
  • If your blood-chemistry changes then it's different.
  • 'Sound' science doesn't work even though scientists aren't involved.
  • Food is to blame.
  • People like to eat bad food.
  • Socialists are to blame.
  • If Big Pharma, doctors and government were more money-grabbing they'd abolish medical testing.

I think there was some sub-plot in there about food would be better if it was rotting, riddled with virus and coated with bacteria and animal **bleep** (sorry, 'natural') but as I said, I've just woken up so I wasn't paying that much attention.  Time to get coffee ...

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Alak Dyrssen wrote:

The theory that the Large Hardon Collider would pound us in to a black hole was an illogical phallacy

During the Manhattan Project, Edward Teller raised the possibility that detonation of a nuclear bomb might ignite the Earth's atmosphere.
aided Teller in calculating that it couldn't actually happen, which I suspect reduce some of the angst over development of the bomb.

When I first heard of the LHC black hole scare, I immediately thought of this.

I believe you have missed the joke Alak intended.  Please see the last word of his sentence and any other unorthodox spelling.

"Mobile phones causing cancer" was an interesting scare I think.  If I remember correctly it was 'crazy thinking' that was considered quite seriously as a possibility, investigated, tested, found to have no specific or statistical link and wrapped up quietly.  I haven't heard any irrational continuations so it seems to be exactly the way things should be done (although we'd like to think there was no 'crazy thinking' required in the first place).

Oh yeah - and to all these things, if I can't blame fairies at the bottom of the garden or orbiting teapots I think:

  • Lazy journalists cause scares to sell advertising.
  • But only when they have to because it's even easier to just re-publish press releases and call it news.


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VRprofessor wrote:


Thinking, Fast and Slow
is a nice introduction to how our brains actually think (not rationally) and discusses some of the resulting problems.

I am reading that right now!  It is fascinating, and makes the point very well that no matter how smart you are, the chances of you actually making a well- considered decision about anything are miniscule. But then I am only halfway through.

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"I do not believe in giving kids a chicken pox vaccine that is far inferior than them contracting the disease and using their innate system, which will give them immunity for LIFE, not just a few years. Contracting the disease later in life has far more risks than when they are younger. This is just 1 example, and there are many."


Agree. Kids need to be allowed to get sick in order to boost their immune systems. Antibiotics should be avoided unless absolutely necessary. Kids need to play. They need dirt. They need to get scratched up a bit. Keeping kids in a plastic bubble, isolated from the world, protecting them from every dust particle or breath of stale air, is a form of slow murder.

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Deltango Vale wrote:

"I do not believe in giving kids a chicken pox vaccine that is far inferior than them contracting the disease and using their innate system, which will give them immunity for LIFE, not just a few years. Contracting the disease later in life has far more risks than when they are younger. This is just 1 example, and there are many."


Agree. Kids need to be allowed to get sick in order to boost their immune systems. Antibiotics should be avoided unless absolutely necessary. Kids need to play. They need dirt. They need to get scratched up a bit. Keeping kids in a plastic bubble, isolated from the world, protecting them from every dust particle or breath of stale air, is a form of slow murder.

So TRUE!  'Slow' as in, they'll die in about 80 years thanks to all that dirty, rotten, "science" and "medicine".  Things are so much different in places where the kids get lots of "natural" dirt and have a life-expectancy of only 40 or 50 (eg; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_life_expectancy).  TV has even sold Big Pharma's message so well in villages without electricity that some people even want all those extra years of "poison" for their children, incredible.

Do either of you have the faintest idea how a vaccine works?  *Hint* it is not by using any unnatural or external means to fight a disease.  Antibiotics are completely different and, true, have always been handed-out and taken inappropriately.  Yes people need a bit of adversity to toughen them up but the cost/benefit does not favour playing with fatal, infectious, diseases.

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Medhue Simoni wrote:

See the problem is, what is sound science? Your opinion of this is obviously much different than mine. I do not believe in giving kids a chicken pox vaccine that is far inferior than them contracting the disease and using their innate system, which will give them immunity for LIFE, not just a few years. Contracting the disease later in life has far more risks than when they are younger. This is just 1 example, and there are many.


Well in the UK only children with weak or damaged immune systems are given a chicken pox vaccine, otherwise if they were to contract chicken pox it could cause meningitis, scepticaemia and or pneumonia .  It is also important to vaccinate adults who have never had chicken pox who in the course of their work come into contact with high risk groups such as people with immuno deficiencies and pregnant women in case they pass chicken pox to them.  

The vaccine does not last for a few years.  One dose is good enough to cause lifetime immunity for 90% of recipients and 2 doses gives near 100% life immunity.  The vaccine does exactly the same as the chicken pox in creating the exact same antibodies to fight the disease because it is the chicken pox virus - varicella zoster!  It is only weakened in so much that the body can easily and quickly overcome the virus before suffering the full onset of chicken pox such as the crusty, itchy scabs, which all occur days after contraction and after your body has started producing antibodies to fight the virus and therefore suffering those symptoms plays no part in the body producing antibodies.  Unless of course you want to toughen the children up mentally as well.


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