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If the sex and dance clubs were deleted, where would you go?

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

Jeanne, I have to say I don't agree with most of what I see from you (vice versa, no doubt) but on this we are in complete agreement. There is no limit to the variety of music available in Second Life. None. There are certain types of music I don't really care for and those I tend to avoid, but I love hearing new (or old) stuff here that I never hear anywhere else, especially the live music.

Within the last handful of days I've heard one fabulous live singer working with karaoke backgrounds, three live singers who accompany themselves (two guitars, one saxaphone), a live piano recital (mostly Beethoven with a break because the pianist needed to get up and feed her RL dog, who we could hear in the background) and two terrific DJ sets.

Gosh yes Dillon !! The music scene in SL runs the entire gamut .. both in quality & across genres. As iv stated before .. i was very lucky to have joined SL back in Aug. when the SLCC was going on & having met & been adopted by two of the most fantastic DJs in SL @ the inworld dance that was going on there .. Thru them i have been introduced to other very good DJs & live musicians & the best public & private venues .. plus iv also explored around on my own quite a bit. My musical horizons have been expanded by SL .. for instance: its become my custom to spend Sunday mornings dancing to Gospel & Blues .. who woulduv even thot id be listening to Gospel ?!? im not even a xtian .. but it has an energy .. & i like drinking coffee, listening to the music & chatting w/ the ladies (mostly) in attendance .. So often im braindead tired when exciting stuff is going on in SL so to be fresh for a morning gig like that is cool .. Also, my sister use2 do a weekly 40s big band gig .. until our home sim died .. I'd always thot of that 40s music as being corny .. but the horns !!! I'm hoping now that she will find a venue to start doing this gig again .. or set up our new home for doing it. These are just 2 examples of music iv listened to on SL & enjoyed .. that i prolly never woulduv listened to if not in SL

There are some very good live musicians who perform in SL too ... as you say. In general, tho .. i tend to perfer DJs to live musicians & here's why: I've listened to live musicians I really Really liked .. & started following them around from gig to gig .. only to discover that, however wonderful they may be, they have a very limited repertorie .. You hear em 3 or 4 times & youve heard everything they do ... & then it starts getting repetitive & boring. So how can a live musician who does maybe 40 songs compete for variety w/ a DJ who has maybe 140K songs on her HD? No way can they ...

As for agreeing w/ what i post .. i dont expect ppl on these fora to agree w/ me. Once the hive mind starts agreeing w/ me i start questioning my own thinking. Mom never allowed me & my brothers to view Tvision so i never got in the habit .. so my mind isnt infected w/ all the capitalist memeplexes implanted in2 the brains of the type of tv indoctrinated sheeple who inhabit these fora .. It's even worse than it would be cuz these fora are dominated by those who have bought in2 the SL toy economy .. hence all the obsession over MP screwups, DCMA law, L$ ... etc., etc..... If capitalist greed-mongers immersed in a toy internet economy ever start agreeing w/ me .. i will KNOW that iv gone off the deep end ... LOL


PS: Hippiestock was a blast !! wasnt it? :cattongue:

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jwenting wrote:

Seriously, wth are you even asking this. Seems like what we have here is just another bunch of self righteous do-gooders who want to control what other people do and like.

LoL jwenting .. I keep expecting the "self righteous do-gooders" to start an Anti-SLex League like in 1984 .. They could have those creepy guys who dress up like superheros & fly around battling "griefers" while ripping ppls IP addies from media streams .. bust ppl they catch SLexing it up .. pull em apart & give em a stern talking to :P


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jwenting wrote:

If all the existing ones were deleted I'd get together with a few friends and start one, make a killing :matte-motes-nerdy:

Seriously, wth are you even asking this. Seems like what we have here is just another bunch of self righteous do-gooders who want to control what other people do and like.

Have you ever spend some serious time there as an open minded person (I don't mean the seedy places like rape sims (yes, they exist, ended up in a few accidentally that were mislabeled)? Most sex/dance sims I've been to (tbh, not an awful lot of them, maybe I got lucky) have very little sex, just a lot of flirting and chatting. What sex there is is mostly directed away from public areas.

That's true even for strip clubs where, in my experience, the strippers most often are NOT prostitutes, and will not grant anything even remotely approaching sexual favours beyond showing off their bodies and maybe blowing a few kisses.


Yes, there are brothels, escort services, and what not. Just as there are outside sl. Big difference: in sl no one is forced into it, the people working there choose to do so of their own free accord, can always turn off their computers if they don't like it.

The job isn't for me, but I won't judge anyone who chooses to engage in it.


If you even read the post you would understand why I was asking.  It's impossible to find interesting and creative places because the game is flooded with sex clubs and DJ classifieds.  And ffs, I was just using the title as a metaphor.  What interesting places are there in Second Life if you could finally clear away this large foggy veil of people trying to get internet girlfriends and jack off at the computer while they sit on poseballs?


This game is a great outlet for artists and programmers.. especially with the mesh upload feature that has now been added.  You can actually learn 3dsmax, zbrush, form, shape, and character design.. and make some money in Second Life with that knowledge.  Sex is the EASY option.  It takes almost no effort.. especially in this game.  Just make a female avatar and pretend you're not a dude.. strip for money.

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There are tons of things to do here.  Just type an activity your interested in in search or ask here in these forums and your likely come up with at least one place to go. If not, create it yourself.  You are limited only by your own imagination and ability to learn how to.

I don't think SL has "boiled down to a way to quench your innate primal need for relationships and sex." anymore than RL does. It is normal human behavior and an instinct.  Perhaps it is more overt here because there is no social pressure to hide it.  If you don't think this goes on in RL, you are naive.  There are plenty of activities I don't care for in SL or RL, but what consenting adults do on their own is not my business as long as no one gets hurt or it gets shoved in my face constantly,

You said in a later post that this was just an analogy,  Maybe, but if that were so and you just were seeking alternatives the first sentence of your original post was unnecessary.  I think you included that to validate your own feelings.  Maybe its because those are the only places you go or type of people you hang out with or your just one of those people that are obsessed with making everything conform to your own world view.  You have a choice of going to them or not.   Set your preference to PG only and you won't even see them or anything connecting to adult behavior.  Plenty of people here are not interested in this side of SL.  Seek them out and become friends with them.  Live and let live. You'll enjoy SL more without hating things you have no control over or any right to control.

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Chimn Congrejo wrote:

It was just an analogy so you guys would tell me places or events you've gone to that don't involve VIRTUAL SEX or DANCING ON POSE BALLS.

I do not partake in virtual sex but I also do not judge and fault any who do. Sexual attraction and lust is embedded in our DNA and that cannot be denied. It, I suspect, is somewhat of a nice thing for people who, for whatever reason, are not in the same real-world location as their partner.

As far as dancing on pose balls is concerned, I do not do that either. I purchase my own high-quality mocap dances and use a dance HUD to use them.

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Just please, don't come to MY Land if it all vanishes tomorrow. I get enough of that as it is...I don't care what other people do. It's not my concern and I don't waste time worrying about it. But I do draw the line at virtual hookers using my lovely park like sims to trawl for clients or ply their trade. Rent your own damn parcels.  :P

"I'm not a prude; I just believe in zoning" as I'm fond of saying if asked.  :)

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Is that what  you wanted?

I don't really explore any more. But the Destination Guide someone suggested up thread is a great resource.  ;)


SL Botanical Gardens

Virtual Dublin

Virtual Torino

Mouse World

Gosh I'm drawing a blank...sigh. Sorry. What kind of stuff are you looking for in SL?!

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Melita Magic wrote:

Is that what  you wanted?

I don't really explore any more. But the Destination Guide someone suggested up thread is a great resource.  


SL Botanical Gardens

Virtual Dublin

Virtual Torino

Mouse World

Gosh I'm drawing a blank...sigh. Sorry. What kind of stuff are you looking for in SL?!

Reading your post right now reminded me of this in the Wiki:


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well i  would open my sim up and have this big club in the middle called "The BigTeasy"

then have all these sex balls and sex beds and bdsm and every kind of sex thing they used to have in sl.. just all over the place in this really huge club..

then jump off my alt and log back into Ceka...

because of all the IM's she would be getting because of how all the stuff is not working when they click on them..




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Chimn Congrejo wrote:

jwenting wrote:

If all the existing ones were deleted I'd get together with a few friends and start one, make a killing :matte-motes-nerdy:

Seriously, wth are you even asking this. Seems like what we have here is just another bunch of self righteous do-gooders who want to control what other people do and like.

Have you ever spend some serious time there as an open minded person (I don't mean the seedy places like rape sims (yes, they exist, ended up in a few accidentally that were mislabeled)? Most sex/dance sims I've been to (tbh, not an awful lot of them, maybe I got lucky) have very little sex, just a lot of flirting and chatting. What sex there is is mostly directed away from public areas.

That's true even for strip clubs where, in my experience, the strippers most often are NOT prostitutes, and will not grant anything even remotely approaching sexual favours beyond showing off their bodies and maybe blowing a few kisses.


Yes, there are brothels, escort services, and what not. Just as there are outside sl. Big difference: in sl no one is forced into it, the people working there choose to do so of their own free accord, can always turn off their computers if they don't like it.

The job isn't for me, but I won't judge anyone who chooses to engage in it.


If you even read the post you would understand why I was asking.  It's impossible to find interesting and creative places because the game is flooded with sex clubs and DJ classifieds.  And ffs, I was just using the title as a metaphor.  What interesting places are there in Second Life if you could finally clear away this large foggy veil of people trying to get internet girlfriends and jack off at the computer while they sit on poseballs?


This game is a great outlet for artists and programmers.. especially with the mesh upload feature that has now been added.  You can actually learn 3dsmax, zbrush, form, shape, and character design.. and make some money in Second Life with that knowledge.  Sex is the EASY option.  It takes almost no effort.. especially in this game.  Just make a female avatar and pretend you're not a dude.. strip for money.

I read it all kid, and my point stands. you want to control what others do and think. If you weren't so self-righteous and actually search for things you like rather than things you want to prevent others from doing you would find it in droves.

If not, you might want to consider your second paragraph and actually create something original rather than try to prevent other people from doing their thing.

And oh, for most of us it is NO game. Especially for many of those of us who hang out in the A rated areas, where life is fun and people are serious about their persona rather than just playing around. Whether sex is involved or not is irrelevant, we are ourselves, or rather what we would want ourselves to be without the restrictions and inhibitions that thing called 'the real worls' imposes upon us (and which you want to impose on us in sl because of your narrowminded attitude).

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I like to mix it up myself. I wouldn't want to see the dance or strip culbs go because I work at 2 of them, lol. Unlike a lot of people I see (and actually unlike I used to be myself) I don't like spending all my time in those clubs. I like to get out and experience different things, do different activities, mostly non sexual, but I occasionally take a one nighter to Zindra and see who I meet if I'm unattached :)

But other stuff..


I enjoy the drive in movies or even a regular theatre style movie. I prefer a date but it's enjoyable alone too.

Amusement parks are fun and though they would get old to go every day or spend all your time there, they do have some return value. I like to go back to the ones I know of every now and then.

I like horseback riding and driving (bikes, cars, race cars) The downside is sim crossings make it almost impossible to find areas to drive where your car doesn't get flung. Horses are marginally better but still glitchy at crossings.

I have often gone map-click exploring. I have discovered litterally tons of places I wished were populated with their target crowds. Sadly, most were not and I had to settle for standing there alone enjoying the thought of how the place was when it opened or how it could be if whatever conditions were better for the owners (advertising, people trends, whatever)

I hope you aren't offended Chimm when I say this. I see this topic sort of in the same light as several recent threads that have inquired about absolutely no sex situations. stuff like (paraphrasing here ) 'Is it ok to no not have sex?', 'Looking for a no sex relationship' etc.

Myself, I don't want 'no sex' or 'no adult content'. I don't want 24/7 sex or anything close to it. I like it to happen 'sometimes'. I like to hang at a club 'sometimes'. I wish there were more people interested in getting out of the cracker box and experiencing some of the other things there are to do. Sometimes I wind up at the club just because that is where the people I know are at and that's better than standing alone at home feilding IM's.

So, I guess if your big 'IF' bomb were to hit, I'd be one of the few still wandering around looking for interesting things to do.

...while I kept an eye open for the speakeasy ;)

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>> I have discovered litterally tons of places I wished were populated with their target crowds. Sadly, most were not and I had to settle for standing there alone...<<

No kidding, huh?

There are an enormous number of gorgeous sims & they're almost always totally depopulated. When my sisters aren't DJing I often explore around alone. SL can be a really lonely place. There are clubs where people congregate and the music & conversation may or may not be interesting, but when you're off exploring around by yourself often you run into nobody. When you do meet someone they may be friendly or hostile. The post-apocalyptic desertedness is just another bizzare aspect of SL. I'd feel creeped if i didnt like being alone.


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