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SLMP exploitation

Dirtnap Mumfuzz

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Lindens, What is the point of offering a keyword for a promotional event if it is instantly exploited and abused by the illiterate masses who must push their 1/2 ton of boring cheap shoddy contemporary junk?

Already almost 1,000 items using the madstyle keyword, and the majority have nothing at all to do with the terms of the promotion, just scheming opportunists doing what they do best.



Oh, and please, anti-LL armchair conspiracy theorists, just look and post elsewhere.

You've already got two threads to spout your paranoia and hate at Linden Labs.



(Which of course means you all will instantly degrade any other conversation to your level, because that is the level of restraint and self control you exhibit on a regular basis.)


pffft/meh. I just remembered why I don't participate in trollums.


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Such a vague and badly defined promotion was guaranteed to be widely interpreted as there are a huge variety of items that could fall within their 'madstyle' category. At the end of the day it boils down to a personal judgement.

Perhaps it is just a little commerce team experiment to determine their comunication effectiveness.

The fact that more than 1,000 items have already been key worded as a result of a very low key posting, tells me and most probably the commerce team that a lot more people read and act on the forum announcements than the comments left would indicate.

I'd like to be a fly on the wall to see, how many, how often and who most regularly hits the flag button to report an item for what they believe to be 'madstyle' keyword infractions.



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Maybe things have changed slightly in the last few hours, but I dont think it looks that bad, most items I see could reasonably be considered to have 60s style, remember a lot of contemporary fashion is retro 60/70s style anyway. Of the first 24 items, only 4 had no obvious connection to the 60s that I could see.

I would agree that a promotion which doesnt seem that clearly defined may not be as effective as it could be, but people complain like crazy if they are discluded from these things, so I think the terms of the promotion have to be quite 'loose' so that everyone gets the opportunity to have a go if they want to.     

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Wow, these first four responses shocked and surprised me with their clarity and maturity.

Guess that's why I'm making the mistake of replying against my better judgment.


I don't personally think the promotion is unclear.

The language of it is incredibly simple and to the point.

I don't think that is the issue, IMHO.


Perhaps the real issue is alot of merchants who were only born in the last 20 years and have no clue.

All I have to do is raid my mothers jewelry box, or my dads closet to find tons of material to draw from, that have nothing to do with anything 'retro' so perhaps I have an unfair advantage over others who cannot realize a world without a computer, game console, microwave, or cellphone.


My heart tells me though that the real issue is exploitation by people who forget how skewed the exchange rate on the linden fortune is and only see the forest for how many seventy-five-cent items they can make it in to, at the ultimate cost of their ethics.

Guess an individual must first have some ethics in order to lose them.

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Dirtnap Mumfuzz wrote:

I don't personally think the promotion is unclear.

The language of it is incredibly simple and to the point.

I don't think that is the issue, IMHO.


I didn't find the description clear, as it was odd they described the 60s in the terms of an office environment. But having googled Mad Men (after seeing the comment here that it might be the origin of 'madstyle'), that looks like it's set in an office. So is the work environment what they want?


Or just 60s fashions rather than decor items? I think the stuff I've tagged is relevant, as you could make a psychedelic landscape with it, but I'm not totally sure that's what they were after.


All that said, though I'd have liked a more wide-ranging description of the sort of stuff they meant, I do think some merchants are trying it on. There are grey areas in interpretation, but it's clear some tagged any old junk.

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>Such a vague and badly defined promotion was guaranteed to be widely interpreted as there are a huge variety of items that could fall within their 'madstyle' category. At the end of the day it boils down to a personal judgement.

Or, rather, it comes down to whose trademarks we understand CommerceTeam Linden intends to have us help her infringe by use the the "madstyle" tag.

If Mad Men were a Nickelodeon production, that might help narrow it down.

>Perhaps it is just a little commerce team experiment to determine their comunication effectiveness.

Let me save them the trouble with their next idea, whatever it is: "FAIL"... unless they first replace (or at least remove) the person who is presently poisoning their efforts.

>The fact that more than 1,000 items have already been key worded as a result of a very low key posting, tells me and most probably the commerce team that a lot more people read and act on the forum announcements than the comments left would indicate.

Not really. The items are listed by a pretty small number of total merchants.

>I'd like to be a fly on the wall to see, how many, how often and who most regularly hits the flag button to report an item for what they believe to be 'madstyle' keyword infractions.

The fly on the wall is most likely the person tabulating flagging rates in order to recruit some kind of fanatical volunteer marketing police who will be naively used to push whole categories of things off the market.

Legitimate psychedelic items are already being flagged and removed for the use of "madstyle" as a keyword.

Yes... they ARE.


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I logged on both yesterday and today to some pretty nasty messages from what I can only presume are pretty stupid people.

An item I make was showing up under that "promotion", except that I did not(nor will I) use that keyword. It's not an item from the 60's or 70's and in fact does not fit that style, whatsoever.

It does however have the word mad in in, several times. Because that's what it is, a :"mad" item.

But apparently rather than actually CHECKING my keywords to see if I have, indeed, flubbed up and am wrongly advertising something as something it is not, people assumed. Then they felt the need to contact me directly. One can only assume they probably(at least some, perhaps) also flagged the listing.

The listing is still there. Not showing up under the keyword anymore, I don't think. I'd have to go check it again.

It's entirely possible, given the way things are going, that not everything there on that promotion is actually using that keyword but rather the system is screwing up somewhere along the line and putting relevence where it doesn't exist. That's not a bash of LL or anything like that. Simply me saying that I doubt my listing is alone. Surely I'm not worthy of some of the comments I've seen(and gotten, lol) because of an odd glitch that puts my listing where I never put it to begin with.

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mad men style. boring black suits, boring cocktail dresses, boring hair styles. boring furniture.

But hey lava lamps should do well! And the shapes for females should actually look like a human female!

Yes LL needs to micromanage the commerce team and make all LL's pay dependent upon the commerce team's overall performance. See how fast they get voted off the island.

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Curiously enough, as far as I can tell the highest priced items that are exploiting the keyword promotion are by and large the ones with the least relevance.

I really do not think this is a coincidence.

More examples of the tendency for human decision to take advantage of one another, IMO



And yes, as noted in a parrallel thread, the haters have begun to delist other peoples products, apparenly as a way to vent their anonymous internet anger at being outed as scammers.

It must really suck to have to be the one who must live the sort of life seen through their eyes.

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No, it actually has nothing to do with anything but your ego and your agenda.

how DARE you warp the meaning of my posting to fit your skewed view of the world.

You don't know me, and absolutely have no right to speak for me.


As I clearly stated in my opening post:

Oh, and please, anti-LL armchair conspiracy theorists, just look and post elsewhere.

You've already got two threads to spout your paranoia and hate at Linden Labs.




Congratulations, troll supreme.

I'm quitting this thread, because of your off-topic paranoia, blanket-posting spam, and petty, pig-headed nonsense.

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