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'Friends' Online Status Flag

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I've said this elsewhere, but I'll say it again.  I have used Yahoo/AIM/other messengers, and I'm usually invisible on those.  Sometimes to everyone, sometimes visible to a select few.  I've even IM'd people while invisible and had them say, "Could ya at least unstealth just to me so I can *see* you while I talk to you?"  Others don't care.  Those who know I'm usually invisible and have something important to say can always send an offlne, "Are you around?" 

Caller ID, same thing.  I can see who calls and choose to answer not answer.  Sometimes I just don't want to talk to anyone.  

I agree with whoever said, I can understand why people would hide their status to you.  If you're as dramatic inworld as you are over this, and I had to have you on my list because of work/business, I'd untick you.

One thing in particular that I untick for is spam tps.  Especially from people who I don't talk to at all except to get spam tps.  I  unticked one girl in particular for that (she worked at a club I managed).  But then she'd also open up a friends conference and do the same thing.  And berate people who asked her not to spam them.  So remove me from your list!  Everytime she'd say that, she'd lose about 5 people.  For some reason (spam maybe) she had that account cancelled, and created a new one.  I ignored every friend request she sent when we had to work together.  Finally 3 days later she asked why, and I told her I didn't like the constant tps and friends conference.  She yelled at ME for insulting her.  I muted her stupid azz.

It's MY SL.  And that stupid tickmark caused all sorts of drama from people like you and that is why its gone.  I know who my real friends are whether they are hidden or not.

Pardon my rant.

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Oh man I hate the random TP requests! I had one employee like this when I was a manager, but it wasn't her only annoying quality lol.

Now that I work for myself, anyone who sends random requests after I ask them not to gets unfriended. Period. I have better things to do than come vote for you or max out a mobvend, thank you very much!

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"People have a right to privacy no matter where they are, RL or SL"


I keep hearing this mythical nonsense that hiding one's online status has something to do with 'privacy'.  It's about the most ridiculous imaginable use of the word.

If a person owns their own sim and never ever ventures outside it, then I can just about understand it's use......as that person has effectively divorced themselves from the rest of SL.

But for anyone else, it is quite preposterous to suggest that they can be on a public sim........where any Tom, Dick, or Harry who happens to be there can see they are online.........whilst pretending to the world they are not even online. It is not 'privacy' at all.....because for all they know the person they are hiding their status from could well be on that sim !

One then has the sheer absurdity of bumping into someone who is........er.......'offline'. LOL !

Tell you what.......lets ALL hide our online status from absolutely everyone. Then we can have 60,000 people online......each one bumping into 59,999 people who are not freakin online !



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"It's MY SL. And that stupid tickmark caused all sorts of drama from people like you and that is why its gone. "


Lol.....people like me ? The only 'drama' I see here is from people such as yourself  introducing utterly irrelevant personal drama stories. I think its quite hilarious the way people come along with their personal 'someone was bad to me' stories and then have the gall to accuse the OP of drama.



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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Charolotte Caxton wrote:

Lol, that's like when someone bought me a new phone cause I wouldn't answer every single time they called. They figured there must be something wrong with my phone. 


... stops answering all calls in hopes someone will buy her a new phone.

Sorry, Madelaine, I meant cell phone, they are like little computers you can carry around in your hand. I don't even know if they make the kind you crank by hand anymore. 

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Verena Vuckovic wrote:

But for anyone else, it is quite
to suggest that they can be on a public sim........where any Tom, Dick, or Harry who happens to be there can see they are online.........whilst pretending to the world they are not even online. It is not 'privacy' at all.....because for all they know the person they are hiding their status from could well be on that sim !

One then has the sheer absurdity of bumping into someone who is........er.......'offline'. LOL ! 

I've worked with DJs and hostesses who did that right while I was with them.  While we were in the same club, I saw them go offline.  Reason being was they were working and didn't want to be interrupted.  They had enough to focus on dealing with the guests.

Your belief that you have a right to know if I am invisible or not, and that it trumps my right to be invisible is 100% wrong.  

And, again, there are still ways around it.  If you want to talk to someone who is offline, send a message.  If they're on, you won't get the "Whosit is offline and will get your message when they sign in."

I was talking to someone the other day and crashed.  It wasn't a "constant" conversation where I felt obligated to sign on and say I crashed.  I crashed and went to fix dinner and do some other stuff.  So an hour later I check my email and see something that came through long after I crashed (30ish mins, so it should have shown the "Naughty is offline") "Where  are you?"  "Are you around?"  I had to laugh because it was obvious he was testing the offline notification thingie.   I've also gotten a few offline "His" if I havent been on in a few days.


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Charolotte Caxton wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Charolotte Caxton wrote:

Lol, that's like when someone bought me a new phone cause I wouldn't answer every single time they called. They figured there must be something wrong with my phone. 


... stops answering all calls in hopes someone will buy her a new phone.

Sorry, Madelaine, I meant cell phone, they are like little computers you can carry around in your hand. I don't even know if they make the kind you crank by hand anymore. 

They might not make them, but they still exist, as evidenced by the two longs and a short that just rang out from my phone. I did not sense urgency in the cranking on the other end, so I didn't answer it.

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"I've worked with DJs and hostesses who did that right while I was with them. While we were in the same club, I saw them go offline. Reason being was they were working and didn't want to be interrupted. They had enough to focus on dealing with the guests."


Oh come off it. That's precisely what the 'busy' flag was invented for. Huh ?


"Your belief that you have a right to know if I am invisible or not, and that it trumps my right to be invisible....."


I've never said any such thing. I've simply pointed out how ABSURD it is for someone who is readily visible to any Tom. Dick and Harry on a public sim to pretend they are not frikin online at all. It makes utter nonsense of the online status.

What is the point of having an online status flag, if it isn't the person's TRUE online status ? One might just as well scrap the flag altogether.....as it is otherwise utterly meaningless.




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Lol, that is true, I received an IM from someone the other day and when I responded, they were like, oh, you are hiding from me. I was like, what? They were like, you have your online indicator showing you as not online.

Kinda embarrassing. I told them I had activated it the other night because I knew I was going to be busy and needed some privacy. Which was true, that is why I use that feature.

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As for all this 'privacy' nonsense.......anyone who is wandering around public sims has already forfeited their online status 'privacy'.

You seriously think you can wander down to the local shopping mall in RL and pretend you are not there ?

The minute you enter onto public sims in SL, you are quite blatantly advertising to anyone on those sims, which could include anyone you are trying to ignore.......that you most certainly ARE online. Given that people and their friends almost by definition will have similar interests in sims......the chances of bumping into any such friend are actually quite high.

So the notion that unchecking some flag somehow makes one literally invisible and provides 'privacy' is sheer nonsense in the first place. You gave up that absolute privacy the minute you logged into a public sim.




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As soon as I learned how to get rid of that *busy* thing if I was afk for more than 15 minutes, I did.  I didn't want to be logged out.  Also, if you're busy, you don't get inventory.    Or are you talking the auto-response thingy?  Again, maybe I only want to be visible to a certain person/people.  I am not signed in, but isn't auto response to "everyone,"  "non friends" and "muted?"  So I can't do that for specific people.  Still boils down someone would see me on and IM me, thereby interrupting my "preferred not to be bothered."  

Seriously, maybe I'm having a bad day/week/month/life, and I don't feel like laying all my crappy *ish on other people. Maybe I only want to be visible to my bff/boyfriend/girlfriend/master/mistress/child/pet.

If someone is a REAL friend to you, you should be able to IM them an ask "What's going on?  Why are you hiding?"  If they are a REAL friend to you, they'll tell you.  If someone isn't a REAL friend, they'll be offended by you asking and lie or delete you for asking.  Either way, you have your answer.

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I don't think they are hiding from the world or trying to be invisible, I think they are trying to not be glaringly obvious to a particular person or persons. I never deactivate show online status on someone hoping no one in a sim or on the grid will see me when I am walking around, I just use it on certain persons who I know if they see my online status indicator, will IM me. 

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On the flip side, I have a very good friend, from my perspective, who I had often wondered about, as I had not seen them as being online for quite some time. Finally, one day, I saw them login. I immediately pounced on them and was like, hi how have you been I have missed you so! They proceeded to tell me of all the fun they had been having inworld exploring and meeting people. I didn't ask about why they had been showing as off line to me. In retrospect, I guess I was that person who always imed them if I saw they were online.

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Verena Vuckovic wrote:

As for all this 'privacy' nonsense.......anyone who is wandering around public sims has
forfeited their online status 'privacy'.

You seriously think you can wander down to the local shopping mall in RL and pretend you are not there ?

The minute you enter onto public sims in SL, you are quite blatantly advertising to anyone on those sims, which could include anyone you are trying to ignore.......that you most certainly ARE online. Given that people and their friends almost by definition will have similar interests in sims......the chances of bumping into any such friend are actually quite high.

So the notion that unchecking some flag somehow makes one literally invisible and provides 'privacy' is sheer nonsense in the first place. You gave up that absolute privacy the minute you logged into a public sim.




the point is you can untick individuals..or the whole list..you are not unticking the whole grid of Second life users..

my whole friends list is not gonna show up everywhere i go..

who woudl want a list that long anyways? lol



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I don't use the check boxes when I'm busy, but I understand why someone would. 

I can totally see me going to a sim to shop (because I am busy building something and need supplies) and running into someone. So what? I might just pretend that I'm not actually there if I feel like it, and I don't think anyone who knows me would be surprised lol.

Your argument seems to be that because it is not absolute privacy, then there should be no privacy at all. I don't think that is right. Seriously, people have the right to hide from you or anyone else they please, no matter how much you insist they don't.

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"Your argument seems to be that because it is not absolute privacy, then there should be no privacy at all."


No, my argument is that one's online status in public sims has nothing to do with privacy and it's a complete joke to pretend it is. If you are on a public sim then you are by definition viewable on radar to anyone on that sim.....which could include anyone in SL, and that includes anyone you are 'hiding' your status from.

How can you then claim your online status is 'private'.....when you are yourself displaying publicly that you are very much online ?? You have no idea who might be on that sim before you go there, and you have no idea who might TP in while you are there. Because those others could be anyone in SL, the notion that your online status is 'private' is thus ridiculous and patently laughable.



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Most likely I will be unconcerned by the other people on a particular sim. Not all of them are on my contact list. Like another poster mentioned, most people who use the check boxes don't check all of them, only the people who are likely to message them when they don't want to talk. The likelihood of a select person or three being on the sim are not high. And really, if they are there, who cares?

Blame LL that there is no true stealth mode I guess. But really, you came in complaining about the inability to see that someone has you unchecked, not that you ran into them when they had you unchecked. Have some respect for people's privacy, whether you think it is stupid or not.

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Verena Vuckovic wrote:


No, my argument is that one's online status in public sims has nothing to do with privacy and it's a complete joke to pretend it is. If you are on a public sim then you are
by definition
viewable on radar to anyone on that sim.....which could include anyone in SL, and that includes anyone you are 'hiding' your status from.

How can you then claim your online status is 'private'.....when you are yourself
displaying publicly
that you are very much online ?? You have no idea who might be on that sim before you go there, and you have no idea who might TP in while you are there. 


If someone is 'hiding', why does it matter to you that someone that they are 'hiding' from could TP in to the same sim they are on and see them?  If that is the case wouldn't they be the ones to have to deal with that when it happens and not you?   

People can believe what they want, if you feel it's laughable that's okay too. I still don't understand how this would affect how you choose to go about your SL.



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Reasons I untick:

1) I'm only gonna moan in your ear for an hour or so.

2) I've been around people all day and I don't want to speak. Not even with my fingers.

3) I'm decorating and half in MP and half SIM-hopping.

4) I don't want to chitchat only to get invited to my friend's host, DJ, fashion Show event. There are groups for that kinda thing.

5) I'm building. Busy is not an option when you're building.

6) I'm deep in IM with someone who needs me. They trump you, anytime.

7) I'm on my own land, listening to my choice of music while bobbing around doing something else RL. Kinda like El on Television.

8) I vunt, to be, alone!


How I check if my friends are online:

1) I open up the contacts box and see who is highlighted. I talk to the highlighted ones, if I have something to say.


Who cares if they're online. A friend is a friend. 

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Right, your first complaint was not liking that you couldn't see that little tickmark anymore that informed you who was hiding from you.  The second was someone hiding when being out in public and being seen. 

Seems like some person hid from you and you bumped into them.  If it was a special someone who was, I can see being upset.  If it was a special someone who was busted being with someone else, I can understand that too.  

I mentioned earlier that little tickmark was a cause of a lot of drama and hurt feelings.  I'm on Phoenix, and when I could see that someone unticked me, my first instinct was to be hurt, "Dang, whyyyyyyyy?"  Then I got over it.  People are entitled to not wanting to be bugged.  The only time I really got pissy was when my ex & I were having some problems, and he did it.  I unfriended, he said "OMG" and agreed not to do that anymore.  LOL

I'd much rather that little box be gone.  If I can't tell who is *hiding* then the only people I see online are the ones who are online.  And, I don't have to have that little nagging voice in the back of my head that says, "What did I do, are they mad at me or are they just busy, or, or, or, whyyyyyyyyyyyy?"   Anyone else who is offline and I have something to say, I can IM them

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