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IBTL: A prig's charter

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language is quite funny sometimes. australians say oi as well. is mostly sports fans. like when they go aussie aussie oi oi oi. sometimes oy oy oy. so can know what you mean about how it can mean different things


in sl if someone says oi to me then i just chat: brasil? most times they say when they are so i take them to the brasil helpy sim. same like when i meet spanish or german or italian. sometimes meet russians and other east europeans. lots of chinese, arab and indian people on sl now as well. more than before anyways. is quite good to meet all the different kinds of people


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Tiffy Vella wrote:

Aw see there you go, 16...it was doomed from the start...that's a language from the other side of the planet to me, and one which I've had little chance to run into before, and so "oi" came across as a mis-spelling of "oy" which I'd find rude as a first greeting.

Happily forced to live and learn, once again, and next time I will know to pull out the google translate

Oi vai is mir.  They could be from New York!  ;)


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Kenbro Utu wrote:

Learning the terminology is not difficult, nor learning the typing skills.  Learning to decipher doctors of all nationalities mumbling into digital recorders can only come with time and experience.  There is a steep learning curve after training when you start working with actual dictation.  Companies want/need experience, and breaking into the field can be very difficult without that experience.  The face of medical transcription is also changing with medical records going completely electronic within the coming years, and a lot of work is being outsourced overseas.  I would really hesitate to suggest someone make the investment to get started in this career in this day and age.

Good to know. Thank you.

Outsourced again!

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English is not my native language and I make typo's a lot. I can stand poor gramar from other non English speakers because I make mistakes as well. I can read through typo's for the same reason.

I'm too old to try and read chat speak, I have to read it out loud to understand and I refuse that!

What's even worse is trying to talk to somebody through a translator who doesn't make coherent sentences.

It's great that my English skills are good enough so I'm able to communicate with most SL users :)

I've no Idea how to classify myself.....all of the above maybe?

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The things that are most likely to make me skip a post are:

1) The subject matter doesn't interest me

2) The post is very long.  

I try to use conventional language on the forums although I don't really bother much about the finer points of grammar.

And before anyone says "the plural of forum is fora" I'll add - yes, in Latin, but we're not talking in Latin now!  :)


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16 wrote:

language is quite funny sometimes. australians say oi as well. is mostly sports fans. like when they go aussie aussie oi oi oi. sometimes oy oy oy. so can know what you mean about how it can mean different things


in sl if someone says oi to me then i just chat: brasil? most times they say when they are so i take them to the brasil helpy sim. same like when i meet spanish or german or italian. sometimes meet russians and other east europeans. lots of chinese, arab and indian people on sl now as well. more than before anyways. is quite good to meet all the different kinds of people


I'm Aussie...well, just one Aussie, so can't speak for all our diversity. Aussies say "oy" sometimes...and it's used as a  pull-up..as in "Oy! You can't do that!"..."Oy! Thats mine..get yer bleedin' hands orf it!"..."Oy! That's my sheila....git yer own!" (joking by now, hopefully obviously)...

"Aussie aussie aussie oy oy oy" is a bit of a corporate/IOC mantra, and I don't know any Aussie who would say that. If they do, they probably also drink Fosters and like it. True Proper Aussie sports fans only say "Carn the Power!!!!!" and "Drink Coopers!" and we all know that.   :P


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I am involved in a few different types of RP in SL, and in one of them we had a L33t typer/speaker that wanted to join in. There were two of us there, myself and the Arch mage. I suppose you could call me a prig but the conversation went a bit like this:

L33t: HIHIHI, can i join in?

me: ((sure.))

L33t: k wlk  u2u n says hi

L33t: hru? im n elf. ru?

me: /me walks over to the strange speaking female elf and shakes his head after looking carefully for head wounds: Poor thing must have been hit with a confusion spell.

Archmage: Oh dear, perhaps I should take this opportunity to teach you how to  disspell magic.

L33t: wht r u tlkn bout? no1 cast NEthing on me.

me: She is getting worse, Mistress. Perhaps you should begin.

L33t: u r nuts! cul8tr. LOSERS!!!11

With that she teleported away and we rofled.. err Rolled around laughing.

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It just occured to me that, although I posted that I describe myslef as a dyslexic typist, I didn't post about what I think about the sort of writing that prompted this thread.

It seems to me that those who write forum posts in english, in a way that makes it more difficult to read than it would have been had they written in normal english, don't care that they intentionally make their text more difficult to read and follow. So I have no time for such people or their posts. My guess is that they think they are being 'cool', but they are just being stupid, imo.

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