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Viewer 2.5 with Web Profiles Has Arrived

Q Linden


Today we launched Viewer 2.5, now out of Beta. The most significant update is a new, web-based profile system, which allows profiles to be viewed and edited both on the web and in the Viewer. For example, here's mine. Please note this is just a starting point for the web-based profiles; we’ll be doing a lot of work to refine the usability and make them richer over time.

In response to your feedback from the early beta versions of Viewer 2.5, we've added some privacy settings that will allow you to control just how public your profile is. Once you’ve logged in, click on “Privacy Settings” in the upper right corner of your profile. Group settings set in the Viewer will be overridden by these group privacy settings.

  • "Everyone" means that the information is available to the whole Internet and can be picked up by search engines.
  • "Second Life" means that the information is available to all Second Life Residents who are logged into the website or inworld. This is the default for all existing Residents using Viewer 2.5.
  • "Friends" means that only your Second Life friends can see the information on the web and inworld.

This is why we have a beta process--to address concerns and improve your user experience. We will continue to iterate as we get more feedback. Thank you for all your help and comments. Please attend the Viewer 2 User Group meetings if you would like to share your thoughts and feedback directly with me and the Snowstorm team.

Viewer 2.5 also has some other new features. The one I like best is that you can now have your Favorite landmarks also appear on the login screen, so that you can log directly into your favorite locations. Torley made a video about this, so check it out! We've also improved some texturing performance and fixed another batch of bugs. Watching the internal data, we've already seen a noticeable improvement in stability and performance--on par with Viewer 1.23.

Download Viewer 2.5, try it out, and keep the feedback coming! And, if you Twitter, please use the hashtag #slviewer2.

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Please I need the normal profle view back on the right panel!!!!  The profile in browser is very very bad idea...its loading longer and absolutely looks not good...


The profile view is the basic thing that people are looking for in SL, and it must be quick and good designed. In SL viewer 2.5 its a step back


Please give the normal profile view BACK....

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You all realize that do not care what you and any of us say, right?

They only pretend and then go off do whatever they want and force their half-asssed crap on us...the fanboys say "YAY" and the rest of us complain and they say "we're listening" when they are clearly not.

have they replied to ANY of the problems here?  No.  The lackey said "lots of great feedback".  It was cut and pasted on the "communiction" blog.

Face it, LL doesn't give a rat's ass if you like it or not and are in for a shock when people start sharing their dissatisfaction on Facebook where they insist this go!

EA didn't listen to the subscribers of The Sims Online either...and look what happened!

Blizzard listens to its customers.

They also don't hire morons that use cheap corporate buzz words, they hire grown ups.

Just my $0.02.

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I'm in 2.4 and have tested that not all groups that you have intended to hide are hidden.  I have a group I have hidden in Imprudence, yet when I log onto 2.4, I can see the group and everyone in it!  So beware...if you have alts you don't want anyone to know, they are there for everyone in SL to see.

Once again our privacy has been infringed upon!  So much for Linden Labs caring about our privacy.

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I havent' had an issue with groups being hidden or not, whenever I move from one viewer to the next, they're still not on my profile, so thats good there ... for me anyways.

While in 2.5 (for the short half hour or so) I made my profile unsearchable on the web... now that I'm back in 2.4, its nice to know that the setting is there so I don't have to worry.  For those who un-tick the searchable profile button, it'll come up a blank page.

BUT, I'm still turning blue waiting for the Lindens to actually listen to us and restructure this whole profile/web-browser based crap thats called 2.5.

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Oh and one more thing....if you've checked the settings in your viewer so that you do not come up in search, it is possible to do a search on your name and bring up the groups that you are in.  At that point it's just a matter of looking at the group members and low and behold...one is able to bring up your profile that way!  OMG...this is CRAZY.  But of course this doesn't work every time because search is BROKEN and names and groups do not always show.  Good lordy...this is getting nutz.

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The new web-based profile is presented as if it's an added benefit for SL players, but it's not. Look at it  - it's to promote SL. All the "join" links and the social netowrking links. It's just a marketing strategy. Who cares, or even wants to be searched online? A large part of the appeal of SL is anonymity.

Where are the "picks" and other tabs/sections that we used to have?  What happened to the inworld profile?  When I go to look at someone's profile, all I get is a plain white window of text, with none of the usual info like how long they have been in SL, relationship status, etc. It doesn't even look good. Give us back our old, actually useful inworld profile. Can't there be both?  Why does one negate the other?  Also, the feature to change your name seems to be gone. What the eff?

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I really don't see the huge deal in showing what group I'm in... doubt RL people care about fake stores.  However I do care about my profile and whats shown and who is IN my profile for the sake of privacy of others, friends, etc. which is why the linking of profiles to RL social networks is NOT ok with me.

Thats actually my biggest gripe here... I wish they would just give us the choice to instead of throwing us into it naked & blindfolded only to reveal that our privacy is no longer... private.

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It's all interconnected.  It is possible in some cases to connect dots.  For instance, now that I'm curious, I'm searching every acquaintence to see the groups they are in.  I scan the group names to see if they might be private groups.  You can usually tell if it's not a store or a venue, etc.  Then, I look inside the group at the members to see if perhaps there are alts in there.  Now, mind you, this is only a test to prove how broken the viewer is in all instances.  The point is...people have created groups they want hidden IN SL (forget RL for now), yet viewer 2.4 and 2.5 show these hidden groups in some instances.  People don't even realize it!

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I had set up hidden groups in old viewers and are not showing as shown in 2.4 or 2.5 (without searching, mind you) so that bug must not have "hit" me.

Also, its a bit presumptuious to assume who is an alt and who isn't and whose alt is whose unless you went thru every single group, but even then, thats still assuming.  You'd need a clear knowledge AND an IP address to actually link them.  But hey, if someone is that stalkerish to find out... then hi5 on them for actually figuring out the puzzle peices.

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My point is how bad search is.  Also, there are a LOT of people not showing up in search even though they want to be.  So irritating.

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There are many ways for dataminers to add 2+2 and figure out what you are doing on your free time.  And HR departments are routinely looking at websites like Facebook or hiring dataminers to go digging through people's activities, either for hiring or for firing information.  Any teacher who is in SL and has picks for "Debbie's Bondage House" and "Lenny's whip and chain emporium" is certain to called up to the admin building and brought up on Moral Turpitude charges, leading to their dismissal.  A cop playing as a thug in SL and having picks for "Mary Jane 4ever" is in grave jeopardy when his HR gets hold of that data.  And any serviceman/woman in SL and part of some "Liberation Army" is going to get a less than careful reaming by the IG -- I know this for a fact because the NAVY IG once had a cow over the Society for Creative Anachronism, not understanding the difference between Anachronism and Anarchy.  And you don't wanna know what people with security clearances put up with already even without investigators finding out you are "into" crossdressing in SL.

And while yes, any investigator can enter SL and look at picks, they won't know which account to look at... unless other datamining groups like Facebook reveal to all the world that Barbara Cullens is also Dripping Galactickitty.  At that point this SL experience has the potential to exact a very high price on poor Barbara's Real world.

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My point is how bad search is.  Also, there are a LOT of people not showing up in search even though they want to be.  So irritating.

Lulu, search has been borked for years.  LL has done nothing to fix it or even acknowledge that we have a problem with SEARCH.

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There are many ways for dataminers to add 2+2 and figure out what you are doing on your free time.  And HR departments are routinely looking at websites like Facebook or hiring dataminers to go digging through people's activities, either for hiring or for firing information.  Any teacher who is in SL and has picks for "Debbie's Bondage House" and "Lenny's whip and chain emporium" ....

Well said, Shockwave and that is exact reason I will NOT join Facebook and will NOT associate SL and FB in any way, shape or form.  I live in a small city, in a career field in which everyone litteraly know everyone else (court/legal).  I have RL friends in SL.  We know all about each but that was shared BY CHOICE not forced on us by FB and SL.

People that think this can't happen, google your SL name and then think "would I want my spouse/parent/employer/priest/co-workers seeing this?"

How about "RL hubby, meet my SL hubby"?

Once your inforation is out, you can't take it back!

BTW Shockwave LOVE the name "Lenny's whip and chain emporium"!  LOL  Truly inpsired!  Thanks for the laugh!  I needed it!

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Breach of privacy is a legal issue.  I'm fed up with SL and their breaching of my privacy.  Mark my words...someone out there will be suing them.  It's just a matter of time.

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Breach of privacy is a legal issue.  I'm fed up with SL and their breaching of my privacy.  Mark my words...someone out there will be suing them.  It's just a matter of time.

At the rate they are going, there wont' be anything left to sue!  SL is the Titanic being driven by Stevie Wonder and Hellen Keller is navigating.  The crew is just a bunch of oompa loompas setting up useless groups and dislocating their arms patting themselves on the back.  We're just the poor saps in steerage watching the iceberg get closer and closer.

Their total lack of response to the issues raised here on the communication blog show they just don't care. They only want shiny new customers.  They hide the fact that 1000's haven't logged in for months or years and just say "look!  1000 new people today".

And THAT is why I am so freakin' angry.  SL has some of the most talented people in the freakin' world - artists, builders, tecchy people - and instead of saying "can you help?" they say "screw you!" and watch them leave.  I have seen some of the most incredible things done in SL and now more and more of it is being lost.

Well, when someone does sue, it will soon be a class action involving 1000's of pissed off/fed up people because we outnumber all the fanboys/girls and all the linden alts.

LL should realize ...we wouldn't be so freakin' angry if we DID NOT CARE!

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OMG you guys have completely Lost your mind at LL.  What in gods name makes you think I want my profile on the web?  I BETTER not see any of my information on the web period what part of this don't you Understand!!!



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The history of SL is full of "features"  that the residents didn't ask for but got anyways.  Add another one to the list.

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@ SIRJason  -

I have no idea why, but I'm cackling like crazy here.  Your post really got to me.  I should be crying because everything you said is so true, but for some reason all I can do right now is laugh hysterically.  BWAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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hmmm TriloByte, you obviously aren't a linux user going by your comment:

"but one  of the most important ones was an upgrade to the libraries used for  texture rendering.  Significant boost in performance, meaning textures  load much more quickly.  The performance gains are even bigger for Linux  and Mac users (since the old versions of those libraries were slower on  those platforms)".

Have a look at  jira.secondlife.com/browse/STORM-809

LL released v2.5 for linux even though the beta had a MAJOR performance bug.  This is probably why Q glossed over this "feature".

Don't waste your time with this release if you are on linux.

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Ok here is my question...when were we asked if we wanted this? I for one do not want nor have I ever wanted my profile on the web Privacy features or not. It may eb a game but I still have some rights under the user agreement and one of them should be the control of my own information and how or wher eit will appear

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@ SIRJason  -

I have no idea why, but I'm cackling like crazy here.  Your post really got to me.  I should be crying because everything you said is so true, but for some reason all I can do right now is laugh hysterically.  BWAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


I'm glad to hear you're laughing.  Don't worry, just look for me when they hit the berg.  I'll be the pissy queen in the corner, using the ice to make margaritas and doing the "I EFFING TOLD YOU MORONS THIS WOULD HAPPEN" dance.

I may be a pissy queen but I'll be well dressed and having a few laughs as the Titanic goes down!



ETA:  Thanks Gideon!  LOL  Didn't take them long to delete MY entire post and the body of yours though!

well, they tried in Egypt and failed, so LL will have to learn you can't bury your head in the sand!  Dictators fall!


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personally I dont like the facebook buttons, every such a button is a lil well scripted spy, telling FB anything you do with profiles. I dont want them to know that!

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free tips to developmentdepartement:


most tech firms today go for faster/lighter solutions, enabled on better performance on the users hardware. as users get more powerful stuff.


and the user interface could easily be better.

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