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Gideon McCullough

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  1. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/Second-Life-is-Expanding-to-Steam/ba-p/1637751
  2. SL is going to Hell in a handbasket. When I age verified, I had to give identifying documentation. And now Steam? Young gamers who will want to blow up and pillage the place. Great
  3. I was just looking through my Dashboard, and noticed that the Age Verification section is gone? Excuse me for possibly being naive, but what is keeping the kids out of the Adult regions now? (I know what was there wasn't too reliable, but it was better than nothing) Please explain to me?
  4. It is... and it almost has to be.. my eyes are not what they used to be. I guess I'll be sticking with Firestorm. I only tried the SL viewers to see what may have changed, anyway.
  5. Looking at the SL viewers here now.. both the default download and the Dev viewer... and the web profiles are really blurry, text is not crisp, pictures are fuzzy.. really hard on the eyes.. just me?
  6. You'll still have to try it for yourself.
  7. You're gonna have to try for yourself. I don't use viewer 2.
  8. There is a search function of SL... good luck.. you can't define criteria like you want. And it doesn't work very well anyway. To be honest, I haven't been to many General sims out there.
  9. As I said in my other post... SL is an adult world, and most of the adults in here keep their stuff on land that teens cannot access. You're not going to find a whole lot for you until you turn 18.
  10. I wouldn't be able to tell you... I never tried it... I looked at it and found it was too child-like for my liking
  11. The other post here is not telling you of a place in SL to go... imvu is another program.. another grid.. it has mainly teens on it.
  12. Sorry, but you're not going to find any 'hotspots' geared toward teens... you've been thrown into the adult world with access to nothing.. Have fun!
  13. Correct me if I'm wrong.. but doesn't "Save Image As" save it as a .tga file, and to upload something in a web browser, does not recognize .tga as valid images? So... you have to go through the extra steps of opening the file in an editor that knows what a .tga is, and save it as .jpg or .png... Sounds like a lot of trouble if you ask me.
  14. koto Nizna wrote: I'm also wondering if someone who just joined secondlife and started with the viewer 2.xxxx then after like months try to introduce that person to the old style viewer. What do you think will be the reaction? I can tell you what the reaction would be... My inworld GF started on v2, and was so thrown off by it, she quit for months.. the only reason she is back with us now, is because someone she knows in RL told her about Imprudence.. Case in point - V2 UI is not newbie friendly. And before you go on saying that she probably didn't know much about computers, or isn't technologically inclined.. she teaches programming in RL....
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