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Viewer 2.5 with Web Profiles Has Arrived

Q Linden


Today we launched Viewer 2.5, now out of Beta. The most significant update is a new, web-based profile system, which allows profiles to be viewed and edited both on the web and in the Viewer. For example, here's mine. Please note this is just a starting point for the web-based profiles; we’ll be doing a lot of work to refine the usability and make them richer over time.

In response to your feedback from the early beta versions of Viewer 2.5, we've added some privacy settings that will allow you to control just how public your profile is. Once you’ve logged in, click on “Privacy Settings” in the upper right corner of your profile. Group settings set in the Viewer will be overridden by these group privacy settings.

  • "Everyone" means that the information is available to the whole Internet and can be picked up by search engines.
  • "Second Life" means that the information is available to all Second Life Residents who are logged into the website or inworld. This is the default for all existing Residents using Viewer 2.5.
  • "Friends" means that only your Second Life friends can see the information on the web and inworld.

This is why we have a beta process--to address concerns and improve your user experience. We will continue to iterate as we get more feedback. Thank you for all your help and comments. Please attend the Viewer 2 User Group meetings if you would like to share your thoughts and feedback directly with me and the Snowstorm team.

Viewer 2.5 also has some other new features. The one I like best is that you can now have your Favorite landmarks also appear on the login screen, so that you can log directly into your favorite locations. Torley made a video about this, so check it out! We've also improved some texturing performance and fixed another batch of bugs. Watching the internal data, we've already seen a noticeable improvement in stability and performance--on par with Viewer 1.23.

Download Viewer 2.5, try it out, and keep the feedback coming! And, if you Twitter, please use the hashtag #slviewer2.

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You get an A+ for snark, babe... Cept I have not touched the setup portion of Preferences since installing 2.4 so yeah, my point still stands.

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2.5 brought back the DNS error can't find IP again, 2.4 worked fine, I had to go back to one of the older versions on the site 2.2 to be able to get back on, could you put 2.4 back up for download, I think rather use that.

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Can people using OSX Tiger run the Snowstorm 2.5?


Can't wait to see the reaction when you make XP users have to upgrade to use the official viewer...

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Just saying.. you *CAN* change that setting.

There was no "snark" intended. It's a setting, accessible in preferences. If you don't like the default download behaviour for client updates, just change the setting.


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I keep trying to DL this thing and it gets all the way to the end then at least 10 thngs say they cant be DL there was a error i have tried DL on explorer chrome and foxfire anyone have any idea how i can fix this problem?

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Web profiles... I logged with the new viewer. First it brought up my old profile. Then it brought up my new profile, but just partially - part of it was missing. So I relogged and my profile went away entirely.

Sheesh. I guess I'll go file a bug report, now. Nice. Very nice.

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Private notes is not showing up for me, is there something else you need to do, or just a mega bug.

Also my profile picture for sl is cropped one the left and right side.

Let the bug list commence

And defaulting that auto install is very crappy, i had this  update auto install on me, i had no clue that feature was even in there.

Still there is no proper control for local lights, but thankfully its off at least for me it is, maybe thats a bug to

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Is this feature only going to show the first page of the avatar profile on the web? I looked at yours, and didn't show the other parts like the picks and first life and whatnot.

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On a side note, why do LL's viewers still hide my notes tab from me? I used that all the time and now I can't access it unless I log in using a third party viewer.



As for the old old old "notes" tab that let you lkeep notes on your OWN profile.. that's long gone as far as I can tell. I never really stored anything important there myself, since it had a habit of disappearing (if it's that important, I put it on a text file on my computer, or more often, one of Window's "Sticky Notes").

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I had that happen to me too, when I added my Flickr link.. the form fields didn't load, and when I saved the FLickr link, it blanked my profile completely. So I had to re-do it.

The web profiles are still a little touchy from what I can tell. The servers are probably getting hit pretty hard from everyone going to check out their profiles all at once.

But I'm looking forward to being able to link in my youtube account, and we also need a place to put in links to our various blogs and websites, and slurls to our store(s). one "my webpage" link simply isn't enough these days! (hope the proper Lindens are paying attention)

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I went and Installed 2.5 and it wont load all of it and now i have no sl

If you are still having problems try downloading the Beta Viewer - it is the same except in name.

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Anyone else finding Shakespeare's Pants a problem with this viewer? This is when pants (EN-US) or trousers (EN-UK) appear tight around the ankles like leggings instead of being the expected width at the hems.


This is a known problem with the Viewer from 2.4 onwards and is currently being addressed by the Lindens as https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/ECC-49.

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Anyone else finding Shakespeare's Pants a problem with this viewer? This is when pants (EN-US) or trousers (EN-UK) appear tight around the ankles like leggings instead of being the expected width at the hems.

Nope, that also happens in1.23.5... pegged pants have returned;-)

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I totally agree.  I have no intention of openning up my info on the web.  WTF is the point of having a SecondLife if you want us to be meshing it with our RL.  Just not something I want at all.  No interest in making Second Lifers part of my RL!.

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Can't install it !!!

On Windows 7 I'm receiving error messages about failing to write the DLLs in the llplugin\imageformats folder.

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Are you running SL while trying to install it?

Try restarting your computer. Sometimes those DLL's can get marked "in use" even when they're not. rebooting your machine, then redoing the install should get it.

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Yes.  Many are having this issue since the release of 2.4, even on other viewers (I use Kirsten and it happens to me...I had to roll back to a previous build to see clothing correctly).

Here's the Jira

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Thanks, working fine after reboot. Yes, I was running SL when starting the installation.

Funny thing was that the Beta installed and worked before the reboot, with the marked DLLs. Maybe they are not the same.

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Tonight, I was enjoying life in SL when I was promptly booted from Second Life. When I tried to relog, viewer 2.5 was loaded into my computer without my consent. Really, Linden Labs? There was no better way for your company to handle this transition? Could you not at least give me the decency of logging out on my own accord, and inform me the next time I log in the need for the upgrade? Do any of you in the Linden Lab corporation have any idea how rude you come across with you handling of this upgrade? At least tell me to go fuck myself to my face, or better yet, handle this transition in a more professional manner? I will apologize for swearing in this post when you apologize to me for booting me out of SL for not having the upgrade you made official today. You have single-handedly ruined my experience with Second Life, and have assured that I will use nothing but a third party viewer if I even consider using Second Life from now on. It is obvious the way I have been treated I am no longer welcome here.

Danny Dwyer

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I don't see a screen like this when looking at profiles. I don't see notes. I don't see picks. I dont see groups. I don't see pictures. All I see is text and a few empty rectangular boxes. Is there a way to get the old viewer back? I hate this.

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Anyone else finding Shakespeare's Pants a problem with this viewer? This is when pants (EN-US) or trousers (EN-UK) appear tight around the ankles like leggings instead of being the expected width at the hems.

Nope, that also happens in1.23.5... pegged pants have returned;-)

If this is the case could you please take a screenshot and add it and a comment to the JIRA.  The matter is scheduled to be discussed at the next (or is that first) meeting of the 'Viewer 2 Evolution User Group' next week.

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@Beauty, your argument is based on your reality.  People with avatars create facebook profiles for them. Twitter profiles, etc.  You can't automatically assume that web profiles are to used to mesh up RL/SL.  You don't have to go that route if you don't want to, and many people have not.  Actually, I'm waiting for more profile links, esp photo sharing sites like Flickr, Picasso, etc.. That actually makes sense than LinkedIn. Why they chose LinkedIn over Flickr is a little.. um...

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I am very new to blogging and also new to passing opinions....but I find the new web profile extremely annoying. I much prefer to see the profile appear on my screen like it used to and see what I want see rather having to go to a web page...unless I am doing something wrong and no doubt someone will correct me

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