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Music Mondays: An Interview with Novel Popinjay

Tara Linden


Novel Popinjay MM Logo.png

This week on “Music Mondays,” we are featuring Novel Popinjay, a Second Life veteran who creates rap and hip hop tracks that encompass a broad range of moods and tones. His music is perfect for a long summer drive, with some songs being smooth and dreamy and others infused with an upbeat tempo and lyrics laced with confident and candid expression. He is adept at sampling snippets of dialogue and speeches that make it easy for listeners to visualize each detailed moment. 

Definitely check out his SoundCloud and music video to experience it for yourself! 

Q: When and how did you discover Second Life?

A: It's been so many years, I don't even remember how I got on here. I’m 14 years on SL.

Q: You described your music as rap, trap, and hip hop. For those unfamiliar with these genres, rap and hip hop are often seen as interchangeable. In your words, how would you distinguish them as two unique categories?

A: I feel rappers more so want the fame and money, and hip-hop is more so emcees and they love the craft. I feel like I possess both hats. I love the craft and I also have that flashy trendy vibe with my music.

Q: How did you first get involved in making music, and what instruments and/or programs do you use?

A: I record in ProTools. I mix and master my music as well as my artist’s music. I co own a record label with ym hollies called Hoolyville Records. Hoolyville Records consists of 10 artists.

Q: Tell us about the musicians that have been the most influential to you.

A: Sade, Tony Tony Tone, Papoose, Eminem, TI, Donell Jones, R. Kelly, 2Pac, Biggie Smalls, and Big L, in no specific order. I love all genres of music actually and have no favorites. I appreciate different styles for different moods.

Q: What aspects of the SL music community are the most meaningful to you?

A: Live performances, urban DJs and strip clubs. Also shout out to the brothers Kappa Theta Phi!!!

Q: What advice would you give to a young musician who is just starting out?

A: Take your craft seriously, be consistent, humble, hungry, and professional.


Thank you so much for sharing, Novel Popinjay! We look forward to hearing your voice continue to evolve and flourish.

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