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Travel the World in Second Life

Tara Linden


Travel the World in Second Life.jpg

Pictured: Machu Picchu

At this point you may have organized your whole house, binged an entire series, or had a moment where you forgot what day it was. It’s no easy feat staring at the same walls everyday, but we’re chugging along. It’s totally natural to feel a little squirrely and bummed out that our 2020 travel plans might not work out the way we had hoped. We curated a list of real life locations that have been replicated in Second Life so you can adapt to a virtual vacation. Overpack all you want, there are no extra baggage fees to worry about!


  1. Machu Picchu: Get your steps in by climbing the labyrinthine Inca citadel in the mountains of Peru. Named one of the new 7 wonders of the world, the view from the top is incredible. You might even see a baby llama!
  2. Oahu Vacation Resort: One of the larger islands of Hawaii, Oahu is home to Honolulu, the state capital, numerous beautiful beaches, and Pearl Harbor. Fun shopping, scenic overlooks, and white sand await.
  3. Kowloon: Based on a portion of Kowloon Walled City, the intricately developed streets are lit by a characteristic neon glow. The concrete architecture and dark lighting give off a slight cyberpunk vibe.  
  4. The Grand Canyon: Grab your visor, it’s gonna be a scorcher. Explore this vast natural marvel carved by the Colorado River millions of years ago. There are also fun activities like horseback riding and games. Stay hydrated.
  5. Temasek: Temasek boasts beautiful recreations of the mangroves that serve a pivotal role in the local ecology. This region also has educational posts with fun facts about Singapore’s culture and history.  
  6. Eiffel Tower: Located in Paris, France, the Eiffel Tower has come to symbolize French culture and is the most visited paid monument in the world. The Avenue des Champs-Élysées is the perfect place for a romantic stroll.
  7. Guadalajara, Mexico: Enjoy the colorful atmosphere of one of Mexico’s most famous cities. It also has a region dedicated to the coastal city of Puerto Vallarta for an extra summery feel.
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