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Second Life Destinations - Burrow Coffee Company

Linden Lab


This week’s Destinations video visits Burrow Coffee Co., one of the many cafes and coffeehouses in Second Life.

Created by Harlow Heslop, Burrow is only the latest of her many coffeehouse creations.

“I have been decorating cafe-style places in Second Life for almost 12 years,” says Harlow. “I got the nickname ‘Hurricane Harlow’ because I tend to take them down, rebuild  and come up with new and innovative ways to spaces for people to hang out.”

Like many physical coffeehouses and cafes, Burrow has been designed as a social space that welcomes live music performances, deejays, poetry readings and other social gatherings.

“It’s a great spot for conversation and gathering,” says Harlow. “People can come here as couples and spend time on a date. It’s also a great space for people to come alone. A lot of people come here to relax just like you would in a real-life coffee house. Hopefully, it has a sense of realism for people and gives them a safe and comfortable place in SL to come and spend time.”

Video production by Draxtor Despres

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