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Second Life Destinations Video: MOYA

Xiola Linden



Since its beginning, artists have found Second Life to be a means of expression - from installations and exhibits like Bryn Oh’s work, to galleries and fundraisers like the Raglan Shire Artwalk  - art has always been a key element of the Second Life Community.

With recent conversations about the ending of the initial iteration of the LEA, and what may be soon to follow in its spirit, it is clear that not only is art in Second Life important to artists, but it is also important to the community.

Acclaimed French artist, Patrick Moya (Moya Janus in Second Life) has an impressive and expansive breadth of work that spans over 40 years, and includes dolls designed for UNICEF, ceramic sculptures, video and projection art, and the work he’s done in Second Life at “Moya Land.”

Moya Land is a space in which he says he can realise a dream - to be a character who lives inside of his own work. To find out more about Moya Land and the artist, watch this Destination video and login to check out the Moya Galleries in Second Life. If you do not speak French, be sure to turn on closed captioning to English.

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