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Second Life Destinations: Village of Ahiru

Xiola Linden


Travelling to new places and experiencing a variety of cultures is something many of us dream of doing at some point in our lives. There may be reasons we have not been able to go to all the places we desire, and there’s still that pesky space-time continuum that prevents us from hopping backwards or forwards to explore not just different places, but past eras and events that have shaped our collective histories.

Luckily, for us - there are ways to come close to travelling not only through distance, but time, within Second Life. For example, Village of Ahiru is a picturesque Edo-period Japanese village , where you can wander and enjoy seasonal landscapes, waterways, forests, and much more. Here, you will find others who enjoy immersing themselves in the scenic and historically rich Region. Stop by and share a meal with someone new, or bring your friend. There is so much to experience, you may need to make more than a single trip.

Village of Ahiru has been covered by blogger Inara Pey, as well as KULTIVATE Magazine, but you should be sure to explore it in person yourself, at the location below.

Be sure to share your pics on the Second Life Official Flickr group.


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