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The Drax Files: World Makers [Episode 47: Mad World]

Linden Lab


If you’ve been in Second Life for awhile, you are probably familiar with the MadPea Productions brand. In fact, back in 2013, the Drax Files covered and chronicled what they were up to and here - five years later - they are creating even bigger and more interactive games within Second Life!

In the latest episode of Drax Files: World Makers, Draxtor Despres revisits Madpea and Madpea Production’s Queen Pea - Kiana Writer.

TDF 47 everwinter.png

Just in time for Halloween - this episode dives into the dark themes of many of the MadPea products, including Mad World - an amusement park with interactive games, rides, an escape room, and plenty of photogenic spots to get your creep on.

Dive into the newest edition of the Drax Files and watch the video here, or watch below.


Previous episodes of the Drax Files: World Makers are available on our official YouTube channel, and a selection of the most recent 10 is below.

The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 46: 10 Years of “Gone Gitmo”
The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 45: Arduenn Schwartzman
The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 44: Istanbul University
The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 43: nnoiz Papp
The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 42: Death Row Designs
The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 41: Vista Animations
The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 40: Bernhard Dörries
The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 39: Sergio Delacruz
The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 38 : Eboni Khan
The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 37 : Nonprofit Commons


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