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General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Linden Lab

Linden Lab


Here at Linden Lab, we’re deeply committed to ensuring the safety and security of our customers’ data. It’s why we began preparing for the May 25th implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) more than a year ago, and it’s why we want to alert you not only to some of the privacy enhancements we’ve made on our end, but also the ways the new law may impact you.

GDPR, in a nutshell.
Put simply, the GDPR puts in place new requirements for the collection, maintenance, and use of personal data for residents of the European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA). It’s an important evolution in privacy practices, and one we’ve already started to account for: if you notice, our existing Privacy Policy already discloses the type of personal data we collect from you, how we use and limit any sharing of your data, and your rights to control our use of your personal data.

What you can expect.
In coming weeks, we’ll provide more information on how EU residents in Second Life can best exercise their rights under GDPR. In some cases, you may take actions through your account dashboard (to modify your personal data, for instance). In others, it may be necessary to file a support ticket and verify your identity (to better protect your privacy).

What you should know.
If you collect or process personal data of EU residents on a website associated with Second Life or Sansar, or create or make use of programs that retain information about Second Life or Sansar users or their computers, you may also have obligations under the GDPR. You should consult with your legal counsel for advice regarding your site(s) or program(s).

If you would like to learn more about the GDPR, here are some overviews:

If you believe that your service may be subject to GDPR requests, here is more information:

If you have additional questions about the GDPR, we found these references helpful:


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