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New for Premium Subscribers: 90-Day L$ Transaction History

Linden Lab


Today, we’re happy to share a brand new benefit for Premium subscribers: longer L$ transaction history! Starting today, Premium subscribers will be able to see their L$ transactions going back 90 days (basic account holders will continue to see 32 days of transaction history).

There’s a ton of activity in Second Life’s L$ economy: every day, the Marketplace alone sees more than 20,000 unique buyers purchasing more than L$16,000,000 worth of goods from more than 15,000 unique sellers. That’s a whole lotta Lindens changing hands! And that’s not even including inworld transactions.

With all that activity, transaction history can be a handy reference for shoppers and merchants alike for bookkeeping, providing customer support, or just keeping track of your own purchases and L$ spending. To see your L$ transaction history, just log in to SecondLife.com and visit your Account page.

Longer transaction history is just the latest benefit that Premium subscribers enjoy. Other perks include weekly L$ stipends, priority entry to crowded regions, more group slots, exclusive gifts, a Linden home or tier allotment on the Mainland, and much more! Learn more and upgrade to Premium today at: http://secondlife.com/premium


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