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A(nother) Case Of The Mondays

On June 26, 2017, Linden Lab performed some upgrades on our billing system that resulted in an unanticipated issue. After we completed the maintenance to implement the intended upgrades, many attempted L$ purchases on the LindeX, in addition to Marketplace purchases, began failing to deliver L$ or items, respectively.

Thanks to Residents quickly contacting support and confirming our growing suspicions, we immediately disabled payment processing at 12:05PM PDT to prevent additional users from being impacted.

After some intensive troubleshooting that - despite our best efforts - took longer than we’d have liked, the base cause of these failed transactions was resolved as of 3:51PM PDT on the same day. However, we still have the task of refunding the thousands of failed transactions to the impacted users ahead of us. A large number of Lindens across several departments have been coming in early and staying late between Monday and today to fulfill that responsibility to our users. Your patience is greatly appreciated, and we hope to complete the work as quickly as possible.

We’ll post an update to this blog as soon as we have more information to pass along. Our support agents on the phone lines and live chat do not have any additional information to provide at this time. Support cases which have already been submitted will be answered once this situation has been resolved.

If you missed it, April recently shared a bit about the role of ‘Shrek Ears’ in the Linden culture here. You can believe that this week, Shrek ears are being worn. 

- The Second  Life Support Team

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