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Highlights from the Second Life Destination Guide 06/15/2017

Brett Linden


Second Life starts to celebrate its fourteenth birthday this weekend and you’re invited to the party! This year’s celebration has a Carnivalesque theme and features both official and community-created events, free gifts, and exhibitions. Everything opens this Sunday, but you can get a sneak peek at what to expect by visiting our SL14B directory in the Destination Guide. Don’t forget our ongoing SL14B Official Shopping Event, which features free gifts and exclusive items from many of Second Life’s top designers.

There are too many SL14B highlights to list here, but we’ve assembled a few spots that you’ll want to check out:

In addition to SL14B, there are several other new events and locations to explore. Here are some of our favorites added to the Destination Guide this week:

Share your SL14B and other Second Life pictures with our official Second Life Flickr  where we select our Pic of the Day features, and do not forget to update your Place Page! In addition to the Destination Guide, Place Pages are a new way for creators to share their unique destinations in Second Life including 360-degree photos! Our featured Place Page this week is for the Sweet Tea Couture SL14 Shopping Event.

If you have a place of your own that you want to share with the rest of us, make sure to drop us a note at editor@lindenlab.com or submit your spot via web form.


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