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Win L$10,000 in the “Leap into Love” Second Life Snapshot Contest!

Xiola Linden


Many a tune has been penned in its honor, mountains of prose labor over its intricate highs and lows. Love. The original muse. The inspiration of art across the world, and the culprit of many a great story. Why not continue the tradition of love and creativity by participating in the “Leap into Love” Snapshot Contest?

Share a Snapshot in the theme of Love on our Official Contest page, and you could win one of 4 amazing prizes:

  • Grand Prize – L$10,000
  • First Prize – L$5,000
  • Second Prize – L$3,000
  • Third Prize- L$1,000

Winners will be selected by a panel of judges made up of Residents and Lindens based on consistency with theme, originality, creativity, and overall impression.

The “Leap into Love” Snapshot Contest celebrates friends, family, loved ones - all of those who are beloved in our lives. While Cupid may be pointing arrows at this time of year, we know that love is much bigger than that. Love is kindness, friendship, balance, warmth, laughter, and so much more - so share it with us! Contest ends on February 29th.


Pic by Strawberry Singh


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