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The Drax Files: World Makers -Episode 29: Insilico

Xiola Linden


 “Everyone has their own interpretation of the future as something different, but this is our interpretation of it.”

Meet StarRavenSAT, General Manager of InSilico, and Stark Osterham, Manager and Lore Master, in the latest episode of the Drax Files: World Makers. StarRavenSat finds hope even in the throes of a desperate civilization, and Stark shares his creative process with his daughter who serves as a source of inspiration even as she herself learns the importance of creative expression from her father. Populated with a full cast of characters improvised by Stark, InSilico’s history is created in realtime by all participants - from builders, storytellers, scripters, and players. This type of spontaneous collaboration focuses different flavors of creative energy into creative play - leading to an immersive and exciting experience.

TDF 29 Stark and daughter.png

InSilico is a cyberpunk roleplaying region set in a dystopian future where a big bad corporation seemingly calls the shots, and ongoing wars between rival groups of locals require citizens to be experts at self-defense. Rife with both wonder and danger, it’s everything you might expect from a 25th century city floating in the upper atmosphere after the fall of civilization on Earth.

Watch the video below, then login to experience InSilico inworld. Even if you’re not an avid roleplayer, you won’t want to miss out on the unique aesthetic and appeal of InSilico.


Want to see more personal Second Life stories? Find all the previous episodes at Draxtor’s Website or below:


The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 1: Kriss Lehmann
The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 2: Jo Yardley
The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 3: Eshi Otawara
The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 4: Fantasy Faire / RFL
The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 5: Engrama

The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 7: Rod Humble
The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 8: MadPea Games
The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 9: Elie Spot
The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 10: Robin Sojourner
The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode11: Dwarfins
The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 12: Ole Etzel
The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 13: Creations for Parkinson's
The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 14: Rose Borchovski
The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 15: Scottius Polke
The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 16: Feed a Smile
The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 17: Zachh Barkley
The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 18: Paradise Lost
The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 19: Virtual Chemistry at Texas A&M
The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 20: Flockers
The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 21: Editorial Clarity
The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 22: Virtual Health Adventures
The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 24: MadameThespian Underhill
The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 25: Oblee
The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 26: Absinthe
The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 27: Nylon Pinkney
The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 28: Whiskey Monday



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