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Maturity Changes in the Marketplace

Brooke Linden


Hi all,

As  many of you know, the teen grid was shut down on Friday. This week, we  will be rolling out some changes in Marketplace to ensure Residents  under 18 will not be exposed to adult content. Here is a quick summary  of what changes will be occurring.

Phase 1: 1/27 Release
On  Thursday, the Marketplace will move to the General, Moderate, and Adult  content levels already in use in the Viewer. Just prior to this release  (starting on Wednesday), we will be running a process that will add a  content level to existing items. Once the release has been completed,  you will be able to review the ratings set on your Marketplace listings  by viewing your inventory: there will be a new column “Maturity” showing  what level the item falls into. Search will now support viewing general  or moderate/adult content. Please view the updated listing guidelines (link points to the current guidelines) on Thursday for more details.

Note  that, in addition to automated process to migrate listings, it will  continue to be possible to flag listings. Please take some time after  the new guidelines are posted to review your listings and make sure they  comply. People will be able to start flagging listings based upon the  new guidelines on Thursday (though I do not expect that we will see much of this right away), so the sooner you can do this, the better!

Phase 2: by 2/28/2011
Before  the end of February, Marketplace will be updated to allow setting  maturity level preferences at a more granular level than is currently  supported, such as allowing Residents to view moderate content without  adult content included.

Why was this done in 2 steps? Timing, pure and simple. We  wanted to ensure we had the proper controls in place as soon as  possible for the teens entering the main grid. Phase 2 will provide  further refinement.

A quick update on Maturity is on the agenda for the Marketplace Office Hours on 1/26.



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Maybe us Merchants need to get the contact info of CEO LINDEN and start expressing our concerns to him.

Forget the small group meeting between Brooke and a sampling of us Merchants.  This meeting should be between a sampling of us Merchants and CEO, LEGAL, COMMERCE.  We need to talk with the persons that actually have the power to negotiate and make changes


Okay Toy then you and those who think like you confront Rod Humble and LL legal advisors l and be sure to let us know how that goes.

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Hammer went down (on a number of levels)

Sell G-rated stuff with G-rated words or deal with your market being cut in half.  Those look like the options.

Might want to clean up your comments a tad, or sell nothing at all.

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Are John Norman's books on Gor age restricted in the US?  Are any builders called Gordon being affected by the filter?  In an under 18 search using the word 'Cum' you can by various sex rugs and a top hat.

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Brooke Linden wrote:

Here are the fixes:

  • by default, Residents 18 and over will be able to see Moderate content



thanks for this really . because somehow my sets with mostly cuddling and partially intimate anims made with completely innocent pics and presentations were lost between genitalia pictures. same as my sales also.

i believed that LL will find their mind back.

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There are a lot of problems across the whole internet with search results being swamped in un-wanted content. Having better filtering can help, but I couldn't say that's what is currently happening is better filtering. Some people have been using SEO tricks on their marketplace and in-world seach for a long time, and it gets tedious which somebody uses the equivalent of "I also sell $_WANTED" in every entry they make.

If this is catching out some people who deserve to be embarrassed, I don't care, but this is like fishing with dynamite: noisy, wasteful, and indiscriminate.

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I'm not a seller or creator but I was wondering why a second Marketplace isn't created that only deals with G level items. One that the teens can access with the regular Marketplace having a block in place that would not allow their accounts to access. I realize this is much like seperating the regular SL from the Teen SL and probably totally not feasible and most likely laughed at but it seems to make sense to me.

Would you merchants really have an issue with listing your products twice on two seperate sites? I mean we all know that the news reports and lawsuits are going to be rolling in anyway as soon as Junior can buy himself a knee reacher doodle and impregnante his furry bride and this is just a curious ramble.

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I would like to say something I strongly believe is a huge key of importance in addition to the other issues that have been discussed already.

If someone wants to search for highly sexual items I think most would agree they would probably check the 18+ button. What IS a concern is the people that WERE NOT looking for my items. A HUGE portion of my sales come from browsers. People wanting to just browse through say the "Home and Garden" Category and see all the cool furniture ( I do this all the time in many categories). Well they were not looking for a bedroom set but they come across my products and say wow i like these. A HUGE % of my sales come from people that were window shopping with lindens burning in their pockets. Because most people forget to click that 18+ button (I forget most times too and I am a HUGE consumer) anyone with items in the adult section will never get those sales, never get the window shopper people that forget to click that 18+ button. Without these people we can all expect the revenue to stay as low as it has been since the new maturity rating was implemented.

I suggest why not make all categories viewed by default for all AGE VERIFIED shoppers. I mean after all, if they are a teen they should NOT have age verified.  ALSO...For those people who are 18+ and offended by sexual content have a button (at the top of screen how the current one is now) that says "click here if you wish to disable 18+)


Have a pop up at the beginning of each shopping commencement that makes the shopper click the YES or NO to 18+ instead of how it is now which is to have it sitting there and easily forgotten.

I personally would prefer the first option as far as sales staying up. I hope LL will consider these options because the way things are going now we are all going to continue to suffer very badly from the drop in sales.

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There have been some fixes rolled out, so some of the bizarre words and characters that left an item in the wrong category, will no longer do that.

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Trimmer.Navarita wrote:

Are John Norman's books on Gor age restricted in the US?


No. You won't find them in the children's section of any library, but they aren't in the adults-onloy sections of those libraries that have them.

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Apologies to the delay in the update on this thread.

We monitored performance over the weekend, and we saw a significant improvement to the performance of Moderate items on Marketplace. Many of the issues we had seen with the function of our filtering mechanism are now fixed, but we will have more work to do. (This includes how we handle modifications of maturity ratings of items.)

I'll be meeting with a group of Merchants and shoppers tomorrow afternoon to solicit feedback on the next set of changes and solicit ideas for next steps. (For those who want to know how these Residents were chosen, see my response to the forum post on User Groups.) The transcripts from this meeting will be posted publicly.


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is it up to us to flag stuff like this? I always have my settings on general because I have no interest in seeing genitals here.

Brooke, do we flag or are you still cleaning up the mess?

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The filter fails again, would have thought it would pick up on 'erotic' and marked it something higher than general.

I only search under general and have no wish to see images like this floating around.

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Apparently, "any1" is a naughty word. Don't ask me why I had that in the listing, but it was definitely the word that made it adult.

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You know, it's not only about teens, it's wrong to expose anyone to pornographic images under the heading General.This should be placed as a priority to get this sorted because if LL are worried about being sued then the market should be shut down until this is fixed. You can't classify porno as general while working on your fix.

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What annoys me most is that the merchants who own these items most likely put them in the right category - Mature. And then LL came along and waved their stupid magic filter wand over everything thus exposing pornography to people who do not want to see it. I don't want to see it. There would be many prudish people who don't and might even be shocked. You know, just because you are over 18 doesn't mean you won't be offended by female private parts being shoved into your face.

How rude


What I don't understand is why they downgraded items from mature to general. The filter should only have been used to upgrade from general to moderate or adult. Why would you downgrade a rating that a merchant decided to place on an item? Just stupid.

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Description" The Kansai region or the Kinki region lies in the southern-central region of Japan's main island Honsh. The region includes the prefectures of Nara, Wakayama, Kyoto and Shiga. Sometimes Fukui, Tokushima and Mie are also included. While the use of the terms "Kansai" and "Kinki" have changed over history, in most contexts the two can be considered the same. The Kansai region is the cultural and historical heart of Japan with 11% of its land area.  The area also contains six of the seven top prefectures."

So, the word "Kinki", not to mix up with the word "Kinky" is a BAD word... Mmmmmmm... I wonder, do they have a spell checker at LL?


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Rya Nitely wrote:


What annoys me most is that the merchants who own these items most likely put them in the right category - Mature. And then LL came along and waved their stupid magic filter wand over everything thus exposing pornography to people who do not want to see it. I don't want to see it. There would be many prudish people who don't and might even be shocked. You know, just because you are over 18 doesn't mean you won't be offended by female private parts being shoved into your face.

How rude


What I don't understand is why they downgraded items from mature to general. The filter should only have been used to upgrade from general to moderate or adult. Why would you downgrade a rating that a merchant decided to place on an item? Just stupid.


yeah.  I had that issue.  Some of my mature items got moved to general.  I didn't notice it till I'd already spent days trying to fix my stuff and figure out what was going to happen with Gor/Gorean (cause an unanimated wood stove kitchen is just SOOOOOOOOOO naughty!)  These were at the bottom of my list and I know they were mature before the switchover cause they have a big female part staring people in the face.  But now they're general and frankly, I'm too fed up to sit here and fix LL's mistakes for them.  I had to fix my stuff when they decided to drop keywords from SLX.  I had to fix them again during migration when they decided to add them back, lose my pictures, add a "features" tab, give us related items.  Frankly, I'm just done.  My sales have tanked again (something I didn't think was possible after the initial drop I saw when they "reindexed" MP shortly before/after it went live).  My eyes are almost bleeding from sitting here going through my listings one by one trying to sort out what's ok and what's not.  Whether it's worth keeping Gorean for ease of search or dropping it for visibility... I'm exhausted and annoyed.  And if LL is bent on 1) taking the liability onto their shoulders by keeping this filter and 2) continuing to tinker with it so we have no way to know if a change we make today to fix a listing will cause a problem tomorrow; then I don't see any need to waste even more of my time cleaning up after them.

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If "gorean" and "slave" are such horriby wrong words for describing furniture, then i give up and rated every single item of mine as adult. I would rather you arrive at my store and find nothing, then you might remember to turn on mature content, than what was happening before where only a handful of items showed up. People would think that was it.

In the old xstreet there was a warning, somewhere on the left side that said something like: "some items were not displayed because of your maturity rating" (something like that, can't remember exactly). And i believe it even had a counter of how many items were "hidden".

Bringing that back would help some.

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Dragonlady Boa wrote:


"See this store: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/22601 (finded searching "ass")"

I think my hand fell off flagging items from this store! And BLATANT sex acts under general? OMG what an idiot!

I only went to page 4.  But technically, according to LL's guidelines, I only saw one item that was improperly flagged.  There was one where I saw a nipple.  The rest aren't animations.  They're just images.  The way the new guidelines are worded, photorealistic nudity (FEMALE nipples or genetalia) have to be marked adult.  But as all the photorealistic ones I saw covered the bits and pieces, they're ok.  And even the one I saw that clearly showed a nipple https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/FALLEN-ANGEL-COLOR/1242786 was a drawing or painting with according to the guidelines isn't photorealistic and therefore, can be assumed to be acceptable as "general".  Even the one I saw of a Dom/sub situation https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/tied-ass/1242820 , they're both clothed.  No bits showing.  He's not actively performing a sexual act on her... it's stupid, I know... but I could see someone making an argument that these are general within the guidelines given to us.  *rolls eyes*


Just another example of how the guidelines are too vague and misleading.


Edit: now watch these posts get censored cause we gave links to items that are sexual in nature on the forums even though LL has labeled them "general".  Back to the same old issue.. we can't even openly discuss maturity issues without violating the PG nature of the forums and many inworld groups.

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actually, that has to been the FASTEST i have seen things change in the MP. ALL of the items I flagged have been changed now, and 3 have been outright REMOVED completly! I am seriously flabberghasted!

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As you are all aware, we are continuing to work on Maturity issues. If you see something that should be flagged, go ahead and do so.

We're still looking into the issue some of you are reporting for items that were moved from a more restrictive category to a less restrictive one.

As I commented yesterday, we had a Maturity User Group today. Here is the transcript.


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