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Syo Emerald

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    Actually a cat on the keyboard

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  1. Here is my male alt! Long hair was a must.
  2. I'm not taking the first step with anyone. Its not because you are a man. Its because I'm shy.
  3. PayPal funktioniert immernoch hervorragend. Verknüpf einfach dein Bankkonto mit deinem Paypalaccount.
  4. When the whole Titan story was still hot news, I saw nobody blame the controller. It was mentioned so often, because it stood out as the most balant and visual example for the extensive corner cutting the man behind the project did. He wasn't trying to be cost-effective, he was cheap to an absurd degree.
  5. Not just a game controller (which I learned are actually modded and used for a varity of things, from professional drone control to defusing bombs), but a cheap, off-brand controller.
  6. My peeve today: That my favorite beach club has become a mainstream sell out, at some time during my absence. It used to be really cozy and nicely designed. Fem avatars only, demanding a beach-wear/nude dress code. The crowd was lovely and very appreciating of creative avatars and the vibe was fitting for an adult sim (kinky/sex-positive, but not too much in your face). Today I returned and not only did they change the sim layout for the worse (if I have to fly from the landing point to reach the dance area its bad), they also scrapped the cozy design for the typical "wide square with club equipment" look. On top of that, they got rid off the fem-restriction and stopped requesting a beach dresscode. This of course attracts a completely different crowd. Call me mean, but my first thought was "ugh, basic".
  7. I decided, I need to be a furry again for a while.
  8. I think SL has just become the land of avatar extremes. Everything is either gigantic or way too tiny.
  9. Couldn't that just mean that someone just deleted her account for good? Maybe promted by seeing that her email account had filled with notifications from SL.
  10. I just moved into a Sakura home. Here is the garden + livingroom/kitchen.
  11. Ah, I'm feeling young! Turning twelve this year.
  12. My personal Zen in SL is setting up and decorating my home parcel. I think sorting my inventory might do the opposite for me, since it seems like such a huge, chaotic task. I haven't taken proper care of it in over 11 years.
  13. First of all, Twitter and Second Life are very different. A lot of Twitters value relies on how many of their accounts are *real people* and not one dude with 20 sock puppets. Social Media apps generate their market value by this. Because it suggests to advertisers and other business people that this thing is actually used and that their advertisement on the app won't be wasted on less real people, than they expect. Second Life does not operate like this. The only people interested in the amount of real people in SL would be other users, but not whoever owns the plattform, because they just care about the money that they get out of SLs revenue streams. Independend of how important the question of % fake/bot accounts is, its something Elon Musk has a right to ask in the process of purchasing Twitter. Its a business stat and knowing it is part of not buying the cat in the sack. Now the true hot water is, that there are hints that Twitter might have not been so honest about that 5%. That they made their own statistics prettier. This would give Elon the legal ground to back out of the deal with Twitter and that would be something that is likely to be very negative for the app. So independend of how important it is to know the percentage of fake and bot accounts on a social media app, the true nature of Elon asking this question is probably more of a strategic motive, instead of a pure buyer motivation.
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