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Ingrid Ingersoll

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Everything posted by Ingrid Ingersoll

  1. Yep, I heard the same thing. I divide my time between the two, theres good things about both and when I'm finding one place kinda meh i can hop to the other, since they're similar and offer a creative outlet/social space. The community is incredibly small but really helpful. Like sl was.
  2. I have a feeling poseballing will be coming to Sansar soon. Along with new hair.
  3. LOl i swear those are friends who already happened to be online. Didn't even have to send out the bat signal. TBF there's nowhere near the amount of people in Sansar as sl. It has it's fans though.
  4. Nope! Still going! https://i.gyazo.com/d7bf296fa398810b52203f2b22fc2fa7.mp4 https://i.gyazo.com/13c7de2c0b4629a78cbe2a8f9c56cc58.mp4
  5. If there's a mole seeing this, I'm finding the HUD a tad small and I can't make it bigger. Can anyone else read this?
  6. I'm actually really pissed that LL dumped Sansar, it works well for the most part, but it needs good content creators. Amongst other things. I feel like they dumped it because they didn't know what to do with it.
  7. Okay but they'll be 14 on the weekend. What's your point? 😉 Actually it reminds me of sl when I started. Tiny dedicated user base, everyone knows each other. I like it a lot, but I'm not particularly sociable online. The lighting is really nice, and I love creating worlds. Sorry I know this is off topic but there may be other people like me who are looking for this kind of thing.
  8. On a related note: https://www.sansar.com/ Visit Ingrid's Sansar Worlds! (I don't have prefabs anymore)
  9. I just want to frame this.
  10. They all came out to see me, my fans!
  11. Not crazy about the font.🤫
  12. It's been removed by LL I believe so thanks to them and for the info you guys provided here!
  13. Sounds more adult than moderate 😁
  14. I've have an annual permium membership that I'd like to downgrade to basic before the renewal date of Sept 7 2023. If I downgrade to basic before that date do I immediately lose all tier or does it stay until September 7th because it's an annual membership and that's the renewal date? thanks!
  15. sigh. [image redacted because the open edit window identifies the signs' owner] image edited to protect the grieffer as per forum mods.
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