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Ingrid Ingersoll

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Everything posted by Ingrid Ingersoll

  1. Some of the great summer stuff that's been on sale over the past few weekends
  2. If you're trying to sell a product, make it look good. I'm an oldbie. I've had a plot on the mainland since i started. Fix the trees, fix the roads, get rid of whatever doesn't look good. People are paying for this and sl is a visual experience.
  3. Even the mole builds at SLB20, while competant, have a low detail, spacey quality to them, the fonts used look like something from a star trek build. I get. Sl and nerds. But if this is how LL thinks they're going to attract new users who have played games with quality graphics, they're mistaken. LL got rid of their professional 3d artists years ago, they canned them and started to use moles who they could pay minimum wage. And this is the result. The only really good mole work in my opinion is that of professional, well known content creators who LL hired for specific projects in places like Belli.
  4. That was the end of it for me. I may log in to sl now but I've not been invested since this happened. I'm not saying it wasn't inevitable.
  5. Mainland plot owners are also Premium members.
  6. Hopefully someone at LL who is an accomplished 3d artist who has a good sense of aesthetics and understands that the bar is pretty high when it comes to the visuals in todays games. And that doesnt include "pretty good Mole work from 2009 ". I say let the professionals decide over residents who, let's face it, often don't have great taste.
  7. I'm not speaking for anyone. Prim objects look old because they are old. They objectively don't look good in comparison to today's good content. You can cherry pick anecdotal examples where this isn't the case but for the most part, as sl gets upgrades, the content gets better when it's made by people who know what they're doing. A new user is going to fly by that stuff and wonder why sl looks so garbage compared to other games. While it may have some other significance for you other than aesthetics.
  8. I just reported it. Totally misogynistic/ offensive/ sexist. Even for SL.
  9. I don't think most new users want simulated physical touching from strangers right out of the gate, with or without scales and boobs. People are free to discover their sexual fetishes on their own, later, if they want, but lets give newbies some personal space.
  10. No it's not, nobody new is going to appreciate old stuff that doesn't look good. They're just going to think it's a crap platform. Put all that stuff in a mole museum if enough people want that but get it off the grid.
  11. Gross, no. Especially not these days.
  12. Hi all, how do you mute a poster here? From their profile? thanks
  13. Clothing, bodies, avatars are a quit point and I actually think LL knows this because they're in the process of creating a mesh avatar that looks good. No one wants to start a game and look like garbage. One of the biggest draws for people is dressing up. And getting the genitals of their choice working.
  14. Nice bathroom, can I ask you who made the toilet and sinks?
  15. Yeah that works there. I've also seen a tub pool by {anc} on one plot that was really nice and in theme. I wish I could link it but i cant find it on the marketplace. I also like this from trompe l'oeil for the ranch themes (if I had a ranch home)https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Trompe-Loeil-Kelby-Copper-Hot-Tub-Deck-PG-mesh/12974810
  16. Oh interesting. I like the Belli trees, if they could swap out the old ones on the mainland for those, big improvement right there.
  17. Yeah I don't think mentors are going to help long term either. And I don't think LL has been able to identify those "quit moments". It would be helpful to get feedback from people who ditched SL because of them.
  18. Just wondering if adding clouds and haze and some types of lighting affect performance? Are some eep settings easier on pc's than others? thanks!
  19. 4 years later and I'm still on the same little plot that I started this thread on, in a sim called Itame. The house is by Trompe L'oeuil and it's called the Ailette Lake Cottage. Most of the furniture is from Nutmeg. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Itame/194/67/89
  20. A friend of mine and i were laughing about this recently. The optics are terrible.
  21. They did this in Sansar and it worked well, they called them "quests". They got new users moving around and learning things. It's probbaly not an uncommon thing in most games, not sure why LL hasn't implemented it.
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