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Ingrid Ingersoll

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Everything posted by Ingrid Ingersoll

  1. It's not though, I wonder if LL knows what's going on here. Be a mole cheerleader or gtfo. LL was far more tolerant of any criticism from customers.
  2. It makes you think about whether or not you want to continue to be a paying customer doesn't it?
  3. Another day, another email from Quartz mole. Never had this when lindens ran the forums.
  4. I would like that considering you made a lot of false statements about me and the moles I've known. In turn, I will delete my response to your comments
  5. One of my best friends in sl has one. I might use this. It'll probably mean retaliation though.
  6. Your house is lovely, but yeah, could use some prim furniture for sure.
  7. Okay now lets have some aimed at male avis! Those are all aimed at women.
  8. I didn't say "just for Bellisseria and nothing else". I said: "well known content creators who LL hired for specific projects in places like Belli." I've been in sl for 20 years, I've known lindens, I've known people who worked as moles, this isn't uncommon for people who have been around as long as i have been. There are lots of us. I'm confused by the attempts to discredit what I've said. This is obviously personal at this point, so I'm bowing out of this thread.
  9. Comment redacted by me since false staements were removed.
  10. I've never in my 20 years gone looking for old mole builds and yet i find them. Am i trawling the mainland for old mole content? No. There's stuff along the roads, there's stuff in lakes, there's stuff in geographically neat places that are ruined by old junk. Put it all in a museum of mole prim objects that nobody will ever visit if it's sentimental to 6 people. Problem solved.
  11. https://i.gyazo.com/5ce406304c3d0634c77f9870c76b9f7b.mp4
  12. why what? why did i post it? as a comparison obvs.
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