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Blush Bravin

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Everything posted by Blush Bravin

  1. Super happy to see a new sub forum just for Linden Homes. And all those threads scattered about in the forums have been moved to one handy spot! I've been absent from the forums because my mother was in the hospital and I was staying with her. She's better now and at home. It was a nice homecoming seeing this new sub forum.
  2. I question whether it was even the respected merchant selling the product. I have seen numerous scammers selling the Maitreya Lara Mesh body for 99L. They show a nice box with a picture of the body on it .. but is it the body? No! Is it Onyx selling the product? Again, no! I think the OP needs to file a ticket or provide more information before we can really help.
  3. My messages get capped all the time on both Debi and Blush, but my messages also go to email so for the most part I get my messages anyway. I routinely send myself messages to remind me of tasks I need to do with either of my alts. Sometimes I don't get those messages when I log in my alt though because the messages were capped. I've never ever gotten any kind of notification that the person I was trying to message had their messages capped, including messaging my own alt. I did get the message in my email though.
  4. Sounds like you fell victim to a scammer. One of those who rip people off trying to sell empty boxes saying they are selling some of the most popular items on the grid for unbelievably cheap prices. You will see these stores pop up over the weekend many times. They only last a day or two at best before being reported and removed from the marketplace.
  5. Some shapes that you purchase are not editable. So if you recently changed your shape perhaps you're not using a no-mod one.
  6. I don't remember it ever being a promise. As for Ebbe's comments. Remember he's a big idea person. I don't remember him ever saying anything more than soon, and as a big idea person that's probably what he should be saying. Just keep in mind Marianne that here in the forums we do a lot of speculating. What I read and what you read or any number of others here in the forums read may be interpreted differently. Unless it comes straight from the mouth of a Linden I'm not going to put too much faith in the statement. I also know that even if it came from the mouth of a Linden that unforeseen things can come up out of nowhere and throw speed bumps at them and then a project can get delayed. All that said, at this point, from what I've read in Inara's blog, the only thing holding up the new Linden home launch is the website with the flow for acquiring the homes. So I keep watching the website and the regions connecting the new continent with Sansara and Jeogeot. I'm pretty sure we'll be moving soon. But I'm speculating.
  7. I have toyed around with a couple of breedables for brief periods of time, but never with the intent of raising them for profit. I did it because I enjoyed the game of breeding. I never had a large number of them all pinned up and spitting out one after the other and clogging region performance either, but I do have several packed full boxes of bunnies and meerros sitting in my inventory. During my time of experimentation I did enjoy going to auctions just for the experience. I can assure you that the number of those who actually made money on their offspring are very, very rare. So if you want to play for fun ... go for it, but if you are thinking of it as a business opportunity .. think again.
  8. The idea of community is one I've been thinking about as well. I brought up the idea of having a sub-forum specifically for Linden Homes. I think along with being a good place to share our home and garden pics and useful tips for living in Linden homes, it could also be a way to build community. We see in the various posts about SSP that a sort of community of followers is already starting with our sharing our thoughts and excitement over the new homes. I am very happy to see Keira Linden has agreed that it's an interesting idea and is looking into the possibility.
  9. My guess is Ebbe was referring to EEP and BoM. Both of those are nearly there.
  10. The problem is his last statement wasn't weeks ... it was a week or two!
  11. It starts June 20th .. that's two and a half months away!
  12. Plus Patch just said this past Thursday at the Education Summit that the launch would be in a week or two. Daniel Voyager posted a link to the video where you can hear Patch say it yourself .. right here:
  13. I was answering her question about where to find the textures for the old Linden Homes. She wanted to play around with those while waiting.
  14. I think you misread her comment Rolig. But I agree, I think the system will work very much the same. The question is what will be in the pack. In Horizons you also get some of the new plants and all the textures. I'm kind of hoping that they will include doors and windows that match the ones in the houses. It's going to be a pain to try and recreate those to add into additions.
  15. https://lindenlab.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/31000134947-linden-homes Scroll down nearly to the end of the page until you get to the sub-heading "textures". You will see a list of Infohubs where the textures for each of the themed areas of the current Linden homes are located. Clink on the link for a tp.
  16. There are contents pack available for the old Linden Homes that contain all the textures used in those homes. In the Horizon's area there are content packs that are available through the mailbox to anyone who owns one of those parcels. I have gotten content packs for the textures used in my region of mainland as well. I don't know what's going to be available for the New Linden Homes except that Patch specifically said content packs would be available because I specifically asked him about the house textures. So we'll just have to wait and see what's inside the pack.
  17. That's a lovely pool and basically ready to have a set of steps leading up to the pool deck. And if you love something and it's on sale .. it's your duty to buy it now .. or it will cost you more money later. Didn't you take economics in school? .. Ummmm I mean SL economics
  18. I'm probably going to take all the animations from one of my pools and make some kind of diving platform on the deck of my houseboat so I can go swimming in the Linden waters.
  19. The problem is by leaving that grass surround you are loosing a lot of valuable gardening space when it's easy to build a nice platform with steps for the pool. Personally it would aggravate me no end to not have the grass matching .. I'd constantly be looking at it. But I'm (wow - did not realize a personality description would get censored) I freely admit.
  20. It's possible to remove the grass, then using standard prims create a concrete surround that has nicely finished walls with steps going up to the pool surface area. You will have to be handy with using cuts and hollows to get prims to work but they can. In fact, if you want to use this and once we are actually able to get to the homes and start rezzing, I will happily come to your home and build you a surround for that pool if your heart is set on using it.
  21. If it doesn't, though I would think it would, but if it doesn't, we can always ask nicely to have it added to the content pack that will come with the homes.
  22. I am constantly doing just this. I have several homes I've bought from various creators that have lovely pools with animations. So I've used them with pools I've build for myself. Because of this I've not bought any new animations in a long time but I've not been selling anything with animations in it so perhaps now is the time to invest in swimming animations.
  23. I just used prims to demonstrate placement. When I actually make my pool add-on for the Linden Homes I will create a mesh pool where the pool will have a bottom and everything will line up nicely. I'm not fond of the square or rectangle look so will most likely make a couple versions with different pool styles. I'm not sure what I'll do about animations at this point. I do have the tools to install animations though most of my animations are older so I might be buying new ones. I'm just not certain at this point.
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