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Ultima Cloud

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Everything posted by Ultima Cloud

  1. If its 1024M around then you'd only need 512 draw distance for it to be visible all around when standing in the center of your sim. 768 for it to be visible regardless of where you're located.
  2. Honestly, if there's no demo I won't even bother when it comes to clothes. I know I'm not alone with that line of thinking either. There's maybe a handful of vendors I am comfortable with that I know are great at rigging to the point I wouldn't feel the need to demo their outfits. But even they offer demos.
  3. actually i was responding to the op. which is probably even worse xD. That being said I believe we are all in agreement that I necrod a thread. It's been pointed out a few times already. Doesn't mean it should be hijacked.
  4. OH mb. Didn't realize it was that old. It was on page 2 of the forums... And the election is next week so seemed current.
  5. The post I responded to was from an hour ago.
  6. Hi I don't like politics but I clicked an obviously political thread and commented on it anyways. Seems logical.
  7. okay thanks that explains why it works for me in builds but not for hair.
  8. Just curious why hair makers do not use alpha blending. I notice this whenever I put on a pair of glasses. There's interaction between the alphas of the hair and the alphas of the glasses. And since hair is no-mod for some reason (If its not made of prims, a script or an animation then that mod button really serves no purpose) I cannot just fix it myself. Ive never made hair or anything so I am not sure if there is a legit reason for this practice or not. I just know when I am building something and I get a similar situation where a glass object in my foreground interacts with say a window in the background I just flip on alpha blending and the issue is resolved.
  9. IDK I think its warranted. And you should correct your statement to conservatives since they have drifted pretty far right and are hardly republican anymore. Unless republican just means anyone who isn't a democrat. Which is pretty sad if that's the case. Even Abe Lincoln would be considered democrat in today's political spectrum. Regan looks like a moderate in comparison to 2020 "republicans".
  10. I mean if it took you like 30 tries to get there do you really want to have to come back at another time? Its kind of a pick your poison thing lol. In my defense I didn't know it was a timed demo til I afk'd to get a coffee and came back.....
  11. The worst is when they have timed demos at packed events. Get stripped naked and have to wait for your clothes to rerez.
  12. Happened to me in a laggy sim as well from another vendor. I sent a screen shot of the transactions (happened like 3 times in a row) and everything to the vendor. But I think we just have to take the loss since there's really no way of proving whether or not we received the item unfortunately. It was probably my fault anyways for spamming the box while the sim was lagging.
  13. Some are very temperamental as well. I had an issue with getting banned by a vendor for leaving a bad review. Ive noticed they haven't been at any of the recent events that they were previously apart of so Im guessing they have rubbed others the wrong way as well. As for Catwa, I wouldn't concern yourself too much. I bought catwa on all my avies (4) a few years ago. Im not sure what they are now but they were 5k each back then. After a few years off SL I came back to realize catwa is exactly what it was 3 years ago, meanwhile there's like 3 or 4 heads currently better than theirs (in a couple instances they aren't even remotely close) at nearly half the cost.
  14. The only way you'd get taxed from SL is if you withdrew net LLs and converted it to USD. Lindens just sitting in your balance cannot be taxed. At most it could be considered an asset but I don't think there are any laws requiring people to claim virtual property as assets.
  15. Ive been around SL off and on since 2006. I think I was premium for maybe 3-4 months combined. I spend quite a lot on SL between events shopping and my parcel of land. Much more than the average monthly sub MMO. I have no real need for premium as I never go to mainland sims and would never get a parcel there. Maybe it's just me but whenever I did go there I felt like I teleported back to 2008. And the stipend is pretty minuscule for today's standards. There's really no benefit for me switching to premium. Personally I think they need to reimagine their whole philosophy of what they should offer for premium. I think a higher stipend would be a good start. It would be a way of rewarding creators in SL who induce people like me to throw more money into the game to buy their wonderful things.
  16. Okay yes I know what you mean now. Ive always thought that to be an issue with the animation more so than the body. But I could be wrong about that. The size of your avatar can also have an effect on that. My female avi is 185 cm. I prefer her to be 175cm but her AO suggests 185 so I just go with it. I thought you were referring to the shape of the body itself.
  17. Yes I like Maitreya too. I use it on another avatar. I don't see an issue with the shoulders. For men I like Slink but Im often forced to use signature since it seems a lot of clothes makers have turned away from Slink for whatever reason. Which is a shame since IMO Slink is the better of the two. The shape is more ideal. Sig has like popeye forearms which only seems to look right if you make an 8 foot mongloid avatar. Slink also has probably the most user friendly hud with more options than sig.
  18. Ya Im with you there. I could afford it but I already have slink and signature. I tried the Legacy demo and it is a really good bod and hud. Maybe even the best of the bunch. But ya 5k is a total price gouge. I find it funny that it is offered at the Lelutka store. I was looking to get a new head from Lelutka after seeing a skin i liked for it at Stray Dog and was planning on pairing it with a new bod. But after seeing the price of the bod I decided not to get either. I am not sure if this practice was fully thought out since the price of the body cost them at least 1 head sale as well as a skin sale from stray dog and the sale of an outfit from NeoJapan that's only available for legacy which got me interested into looking at legacy to begin with.
  19. I'm with you. In the 14 years I've played I think I've only spent 5 minutes on mainland.
  20. Ive only stated that because Ive been denied before with the reason being because it was lindens I had purchased. Im sure there's other policies for playing the Linden Exchange. There's also this statement in the process credit page on SL. "Net proceeds from your sales of Linden Dollars remain as credit on your Second Life account, and this credit is automatically applied to your account fees as described above. If you do not wish to apply your Linden Dollar sales proceeds to your fees, you may withdraw this portion of your account credit through a real-world credit process. (See Process Credit) Note that you may only process credit due to net proceeds from sales of Linden Dollars. Purchases of account credits and credits due to gift codes or other promotional account credits are nonrefundable, and may not be processed as a payment to you."
  21. The title and timing of the blog made it obvious that it wasn't intended for you yet you clicked and read it anyways then somehow got offended by it? Personally I find you being upset about a US company promoting voting in the US offensive.
  22. I'll give it to them but only if they show me their weibo with a #Freehongkong in it.
  23. That's because most games are closed world and/or use nothing but baked textures. They are designed for you to travel through them and not necessarily stand still and stare at a texture. If you did, you would realize the textures low resolution. SL has come a long way but most builders still don't know how to bake textures and even if they did they would be high rez bakes since people in SL do actually stand around and stare at things. I have a gaming PC with 32gb ram and 2080 vid card. I can play other games well over 100fps on ultra settings. SL on ultra im around 14-20 fps. 60+ with dof enabled.
  24. Only the linden converted into USD is taxable. Also my understanding is you can only withdraw net lindens from transactions. You cannot take out linden that you've deposited yourself. Unless something has changed.
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