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Lucinda Bulloch

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Everything posted by Lucinda Bulloch

  1. Yes, i stopped custom works a year ago, i am now constructing a system that is interlocked and needs my web site, i will be selling the scripts so people can make there own objects for food and such, then it will be self contained and sellable as a company.
  2. Yes but do you think it is for love or to feed the kids, if it is for love then great i am sure lots will tip, but your unlikely to get the rent, if it is to feed the kids then it is a dead loss. could bring one of the kids in and chop a leg off that might increase the tips, works in india so i hear.
  3. The SL economy has changed since 2008, in 2008 I owned an estate, my success at the time was using the prim factor on low prim sims(later called homesteads), I could make a few 4k, 2k islands with sea all around giving them more prims than they would get from a full sim, this worked well and I was expanding, then they changed the prices, my tenants could now afford to buy their own homestead sims, so rather that watch to slow decline of my estate(31 sims) I closed it all down, didn't sell the sims just closed and abandoned all 31, cost me a fortune but I was not going to help the lindens in their cash striping, as I have other skills I put those to use and created MSDCS. The lindens changed the prices so they could strip the money and business from people like me and my estate, they dressed it up as other things, next on the list was to strip the malls, they did this by buying Xstreet, before sim owners were getting the commissions from sales and from that they paid for there sims, well now the lindens get all the commission though market place and now malls are dead and all buy though market place with a forced commission given to the lindens. Can't you see what is happening, all the sources of income that we created they have taken over so to strip it of money.The minds behind this see you as cash cows Now we are left with entertainment, well that was a hot potato for the lindens always, as so many play songs that they don't have the copyright rights to do so, so now we find copyright and such things being dealt with, clubs relied on the old form of search and traffic, that has been changed and now the lindens are creeping in step by step to take that over, when the copyright issue is sorted the lindens will step in and take that over to, they will use search to promote their partners, they offcourse will receive a fee, all avenues of income are being taken from us, at the moment they get us to make all the things to give this world life, once done, they take it over by stealth. SL may have been started with good intentions but since 2008 has been taken over by the money men that have no empathy, they only want money. As for you trying to make a living from tips, isn't that like saying that the begging on the station platform is bad today, wow, look at what you are saying, tips are begging, if you want to earn money then you must be like the lindens, you must make your own products, create your own company image and fight as hard as you can against others that make the same as you and pay the lindens their cut, wow as I have said in this forum, I have had 2 business in sl, the first an estate, and now combat and have have fought epic wars with estate owners, combat makers and the lindens, stop begging and create something that the lindens or anyone else can't take off you, and give up any ideas of friends, if you can't do it alone then you are no good, if you need one person to help then you deserve to have it taken from you. Sorry to be so hard, but after 8 bannings and 1000's of greifers I am still standing, don't know how long you would last as me. .
  4. Yes they are slow, but it is the creators that make this world, they just give us a platform, I have found that most people here are consumers and want to be entertained, well great we can provide all the things they need, we just need a partnership on our terms, like getting rid of the federal system and allowing the people to create the market, linden labs are a federal system they just need to relax and bend more with the wind, other than that we have great opportunities if we can get out of these shapes and skins.
  5. I would prefer to have my company name as a first and last name, I am not very good with people and tend to get absorbed for weeks in a project, so I would just like to be the machinery rather than a person now, business in sl is no longer personal, I don't mean this in a negative way but in a cold logic way, market place has taken away the need for land, the new inventory system will push all creators into being virtual in this virtual world, so no real need to log on, I have a set of OS sims on one of my PC's so can do a lot of building and experimenting there, but at the end of the day sl is the best place to test and build as it has real time problems and gives better results. But for me to be here as a person is pointless, to have a shape of either male or female only brings attention and implies reasons for being here, for you that seek personal contact then its a great place for you, but don't assume people like me do, I am far to busy and to be honest most of you destroy trains of thought that are days old just because you want personal attention, I am providing website were any faults and problems can be feedback directly to me, I will explore and fix any as I should do in my function as the machinery, But come up to me inworld and expect a relationship other than business is a step to far, so I think what would help people like me is more isolation and a more detailed method of transmitting errors and faults that can be dealt with in the way they should be as the lindens do, with direct contact by email with the company and go onto a list of things to do and im them back inworld with a solution or a date that it will be done by, I will refund anyone not happy and give them a free replacement, because they are customers and it is not my place to know them personally. Would be nice if the lindens had some sandboxes that only creators from market place could use, that would be a great place for all us store holders to build and meet, with business being the main focus of them, and make some water sims, I would spend all my time in them, lol, you sandboxs even in the beta group are a bit wild west, so create a group that are only market place members and give us some sand boxes, it will be you that benefits.
  6. I cant use any of them editors, i tried once it kept trying to do things for me i counted up to 3 as that is the limit i give all things and on the third time it added its own rubbish i deleted it, i would prefer notepad to those, i have a way that i lay out brackets, in all the years i have been doing it and can speed read any script or program if it has the brackets laid out how i want them, seems the creators of theses editors dont know these simple things.
  7. Below is how msdscs game versions 1 and combat meters do the damage data transfer, this is very fast and low lag, no common channels are used. setchannel()// only open one channel with the script for the fastest responce, use the range and angle of the sensor to suit the sword { string hexkey = "0x"+llGetSubString((string)llGetOwner(),0,6); llListenRemove(my_dynamic_channel); my_dynamic_channel = llListen(DYNAMIC_CHANNEL+(integer)hexkey,"","",""); } the send code sensor(integer n) { string hexkey = "0x"+llGetSubString((string)llDetectedKey(0),0,6); llRegionSayTo(llDetectedKey(0), DYNAMIC_CHANNEL+(integer)hexkey, (string)damage); } the receive code listen(integer channel, string lname, key id, string message) { health-=(integer)message; do dead code... } the dynamic channel is generated and midnight gmt on an inworld server or website. Game versions 2 use a diff method and passes on disease with the damage if they have any blood diseases, they have a random seeded sequence, so once they have connected once to a server dont need to do it again and will produce the same number as meters that do connect for the next few million years. but the above is old MSDCS tech that can now be made public oops, very important make the DYNAMIC_CHANNEL a large negative number at least 9 - 10 digits long
  8. Sorry to hear that, you were a great inspiration, even to me and even after you banned me and told all others to, you still inspired me, ty, you did more to create combat in second life than any one else, I wish you the best of luck in you future endeavors, I hold no grudge and I hope it is mutual.
  9. I think it will be used to just disable scripts from people you don't like, sorry, but all things fall to the lowest common denominator
  10. Have you left the combat world or still making things. LOL didnt think you would answer that one.
  11. It dont work like that, i know lots think they bug places like face book and such, but all emails are filtered, its the law, even if you sent an email to yourself they would know its contents, they have programs that search EVERY EMAIL sent for key words and phrases, this is done by the security services as it leaves your machine and before it gets to the person your sending it to..
  12. Most greifers are far from new, there are organised gangs in that you can hire, estate owners use them to drive tenants out of others estates to their own, in fact the biggest estates use them and you may have been ruining an event one of them had, they are new because they aim to get banned, there is old second lifers behind them, but if you have the money you can hire them.
  13. Didnt watch it, as the USA is slowly turning into a facist state do you realy think sl has a future, no when the rest of the world dump the dollar the usa will collape into a police state, about 30% of the US income comes from the fact that they are the reserve currency and exporting inflation, when that ends as it will, the US will plunge to a 3rd world status, hyper inflation will set in and sl wont be able to function.
  14. Hi, me virus thing could not remove it, it is still there but disabled, its called. Trojan:Win32/anomaly.gen!A Security Essentials encountered the following error: Error code 0x800700df. The file size exceeds the limit allowed and cannot be saved. Category: Trojan Description: This program is dangerous and executes commands from an attacker. Recommended action: Remove this software immediately. Security Essentials detected programs that may compromise your privacy or damage your computer. You can still access the files that these programs use without removing them (not recommended). To access these files, select the Allow action and click Apply actions. If this option is not available, log on as administrator or ask the security administrator for help. Items: containerfile:D:\preload\base.wim file:D:\preload\base.wim->(Image47544)\SwSetup\HGEN\WT\src\bits\WT\games\plantsvszombies-oem.exe->(nsis-3-Plants vs. Zombies-WT.exe)->(EXEEmb)->(EXEEmb)->(EXEEmb)->(EXEEmb)->(EXEEmb)->(EXEEmb)->(EXEEmb)->(EXEEmb) file:D:\preload\base.wim->(Image90894)\Program Files (x86)\HP Games\Plants vs. Zombies\Plants vs. Zombies-WT.exe->(EXEEmb)->(EXEEmb)->(EXEEmb)->(EXEEmb)->(EXEEmb)->(EXEEmb)->(EXEEmb)->(EXEEmb) it cant delete it.
  15. Just did a virus scan, it found a virus, now it seems it works, how odd that the removing of it stopped the 400 error, and on only this site, LOL.
  16. I had problems with other weapons makers, 2 of my bans were for calling lindens bent, 1 ban was for spamming an estate owner for a refund, she owed me 70 lindens, would have done the same for 1 linden, 1 ban, for a month was for not paying my teir on my island, was banned till i paid it, 2 bans for were for telling people they should end their lives and to F--off and 2 1 hour bans for trying to ban lindens from land and orbiting them. i think, mostly due to rows with estate owners, weapons makers and lindens. Most must know quantum, my battle with her was epic.
  17. More likely they have been banned for life, when people cancel it is there for a short while so you can reactivate it, to just go over night says they were banned.
  18. only once i was banned from here 2 years ago, anyway the forum is not like it was then, the forum now is more like a nazi propoganda front, i dont find this usful at all and dont realy care to come here, i had just 2 issues, one why am i being asked to update my card info every 2 weeks and why has the llcastray instruction stopped working for worn things, i did a lot of work converting guns to it and it worked then but now does not. i come here to make things and dont get involved in social things so dont spend here, my card just pays for my account and i use the weekly money to rent percels to sell. Al the post i made about my card were removed, so you didnt see them.
  19. My machine is clean, and i have 3, no it only happens here when i click sign in i just have to click on forum from my account, the forum is shown, but i am not signed in when i click sign in i get a 400 error. or using just the browser i click on the forum from google, again i see the forum but i am not signed in, i click sign in and i get the name and password sreen, click ok like i do for my account and get the 400 error, i can log into my account but not here, i wont tell you how i got here, but i am here. never get it anywere else, as live chat keep telling me its is my account and only lindens can sort it.
  20. Yes, i am told it is an account problem that no one can fix but lindens(live chat told me that), seems that there is a flag against my account, and not just the 400 error, things like my homeset position becoming a sim that dont exist to me but does to all others, that was the oddest one, live chat people even tpped there and said that in my home was there but for some reason not to my account, they didnt know what to do, i had to send tickets, never got a reason, just it being visable to me a few days later, just a few of the odd things that keep happening, i sent 2 emails asking the lindens to check if a linden was doing it, both emails and tickets were deleted and the lindens said i never sent them, so make your own mind up as to what is going on.
  21. I have lernt to never trust anyone here, that is the best way, but most of all never trust or expect anything from a linden, they see us as cattle.
  22. Why do i keep getting a 400 error when i try to sign in to this forum using the normal ways?
  23. Yes, bit like russian roulette, i feel they treat us with contempt, cant log here using the normal routs since i posted this, keep getting a 400 error when i try to sign in, seems they do every thing covertly now.
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