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Lucinda Bulloch

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Everything posted by Lucinda Bulloch

  1. I make vehicles, but vehicles of war, I make guided missiles, they do a very good job of following me no matter how I try to dodge and twist to escape them, I would not do it the way you are doing it, I would turn both objects into vehicles and have the lead transmitting its vehicle state to the slave, I would use llRegionSayTo to transmit the key data to the slave vehicle, and use llRegionSetPos(none physical) you quickly put it in place should it change to much, what you seem to have is a none physical object following a physical object, in my world the none physical object is of no use cos how will it fit in a war game were it can be blown up or knocked over, so it is something I would never do, I do know that with my missile the math's gets complex plotting paths, I feel that would be a nightmare to paste here as it would lead to a 100 more questions and I don't have the time. You can set the physical state to false do the setregionpos then set the state true, never use instructions with a delay when doing this or it will make the vehicle jerk, but if you use moments when the lead is turning some jerks never get noticed, I don't use any form of setpos instruction in the missiles, they are pure vehicles and use sensor to find their targets and steer towards them, they have their own set of flying stats so to simulate the fins they have and turning angle, their speed and acceleration are the same according to the engine they have, now that castray is working for all things again they will have that replace sensor, well I hope, I have to see if my ideas about using cast ray will work, in scan patterns. But I feel what you want is in fact quite complex and will need a good understanding of the available instructions, sorry that I don't have the time to help, but my knowledge is limited to what I make, were the helpers here have a wider scope than me, but you are asking them to do a bit more than they normally do here.
  2. I have been away from this forum for 2 years, when I came back I noticed it had changed a lot, including the people, at first I thought you all plants just to fill it out, linden pretending to be residents, so I looked at your sl profiles, to see if you were all real, I found lots of you have these info hubs as you picks, and you had nothing but info hubs, so still not sure if any of you are real, well, would not lindens have info hubs as picks, i would never, anyway so I looked round them and at the kind of people at them, so led to my question why have you all got info hubs as picks,
  3. Hi, yes you have it in your picks, in fact it is all you have in your picks, made me curious, so you could say it was you that started this thread.
  4. As an ex estate owner I can't see how you can blame being logged out on the estate, much that I would have liked to log out residents I could not and had to log out myself to avoid them, so can't see how it is them.
  5. "individuals" what a good word, some thing people strive to be but need others to confirm, such concepts that the human race can contrive.
  6. Yes, things like that need some thought, but i am sure you can help him.
  7. Is a good day, so many doors open.
  8. Once two objects have exchanged keys they is no reason as to why they should not stay in a relative position to each other now that we have llSetRegionPos & llRegionSayTo, but I will leave that to the experts here to explain to you.
  9. Below is a basic scanner in mouse look that uses cast ray and not sensor, it will only work in a region, cast ray wont cross boarder yet, but will work within a region to your Max draw distance, just put this script in an object and wear it, go into mouse look and put the cross hairs on any object or av, click the left mouse button and the script info about the object/av will be printed out, they wont know they are being scanned, the code below will only get the data from the first object it hits, but this code is fun to play with, have fun. integer firecontrols; default { state_entry() { llSetMemoryLimit(0x2800); firecontrols =CONTROL_LBUTTON|CONTROL_ML_LBUTTON; } attach(key id) { if(id == llGetOwner())llRequestPermissions(id,PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS|PERMISSION_TRACK_CAMERA); else llReleaseControls(); } run_time_permissions(integer perm) { if(perm)llTakeControls(firecontrols, TRUE, FALSE); } control(key id, integer level, integer edge) { if(level&edge&firecontrols) { vector start = llGetCameraPos(); list results = llCastRay(start,start + <1000,0,0>*llGetCameraRot(),[ RC_REJECT_TYPES,RC_REJECT_LAND, RC_DATA_FLAGS,RC_GET_ROOT_KEY, RC_MAX_HITS,1, RC_DETECT_PHANTOM,TRUE ]); list dat = llGetObjectDetails(llList2Key(results,0), [ OBJECT_NAME, OBJECT_OWNER, OBJECT_CREATOR, OBJECT_RUNNING_SCRIPT_COUNT, OBJECT_TOTAL_SCRIPT_COUNT, OBJECT_SCRIPT_MEMORY, OBJECT_SCRIPT_TIME, OBJECT_PRIM_EQUIVALENCE ]); llOwnerSay( "\nName = "+llList2String(dat,0)+ "\nOwner = "+llKey2Name(llList2String(dat,1))+ "\nCreator = "+llKey2Name(llList2String(dat,2))+ "\nScripts running = "+llList2String(dat,3)+ "\nTotal Scripts = "+llList2String(dat,4)+ "\nMemory used = "+llList2String(dat,5)+ "\nScript time = "+llList2String(dat,6)+ "\nPrims = "+llList2String(dat,7) ); } } } No need to right click and edit now, you have no idea how much that upsets boat owners. I have just changed the getpos to getcamerapos, the getpos had an offset the getcamerapos does not Ps, thank you for fixing castray.
  10. Great news, cast ray is working again on worn things.
  11. I found it sad, I could almost feel it, most I wanted to say it will be fine, maybe that is a norm and people that role play are different, they could do as they are doing but in a role play situation, what would make them do that, I felt opportunities were lost, I could think of a few things to liven them up, the lindens could have random paper chases with a small prize at the end, to take them all round the info hubs, a small percentage would drop of and explore other places just by the fact that they have started to move. They will see thing like the Blake sea and all the other places the lindens have made, this will increase property prices around all hubs, they should allow advertising to, one does not want to force them one only wishes to raise curiosity in the corner of the eye.
  12. Sometimes DJ's give you things, one did me, it was full off full perm sinewave dances, i deleted it, cos i knew how bad that was, later i did hear of banning over it.
  13. I have been banned from 1 hour to a month, 8 times, each time you get a box tell you the date and time you can log on, also you get an email explaining, all my fights were with lindens and competitors, so not for abuse as such but for saying things to lindens that they found offensive, I was very rude to them, very rude, so don't really blame them but they think I am a nut anyway so don't matter. But the message you got is more like your IP has been banned, the only people i know that that happened to used banned viewers for copying or copyright stuff or contant greifing, you dont sound a greifer to me so can only think its a copyright issue.
  14. "That role-player 2 was garbage", that view could only be held by role player 2, so that makes you role player 2, I feel it is wrong to get involved with people that you feel the need to pass on RL info, many here seek attention, the whole skin and shape industry rely on it, or we would all be happy being Ruth, what you seem to be saying is that you had a personal issue in RL and wanted empathy, well if a true friend they would give it, but they seem to have used it as an excuse to ruin you and your role play, this is the action of a bully, someone with low self esteem, they used you to enhance their own self esteem, the fact that he got support shows just how similar the people are around him and would expect the same support if they did it, so realy it is the politics of friendships, because the RL element of SL is very low, people escape the body language feedback that would limit some things they do or say, so they go to far To be honest, you should use every thing you can, most here are affected by image, so use that to the max, create an image that others have to choose a narrow path to go down, that way they are on your ground and can be defeated in a flash, sorry but some one told me to read the "art of war", my life changed in a second.
  15. Yes some of the older ones were very hostile to me, so can see why they feel isolated from sl, but most were not like that.
  16. From a business point of view there is every thing wrong with them, they are static, sl works by people moving about, if they all hang about in one spot and never move then the whole of SL follows suit, an example, if i tp to dance island there will be less people there than in a info hub, once it was the oppersite, why didnt you and your freinds choose a cafe or create your own meeting place.
  17. Why do a lot of people hang about in info hubs, i just looked at one, i found all ages, i found the older ones hostile to any form of question and the younger ones not knowing what to do, i found a few heartbroken, plus a few pervs, but it was still a static group and a large one, why do you think this is happening, these static groups are not good for anyone.
  18. That's SL leprosy, you will need to be cured, try standing on one leg and chanting, if that don't work take you hair off and try tpping, scripts do funny things these days when changing region, you might have hair or cloths filled with resizing scripts.
  19. Didnt you know it was common in india for beggers to remove a limb from their children so to better their chances at begging.
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