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Lucinda Bulloch

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Everything posted by Lucinda Bulloch

  1. There is always more than one way to skin a cat, what do you see?
  2. Again why do you see drama as negative, i make roll play systems so want more drama, more acting, why is it when ever most of you try to role play it ends up as negative drama, look i think you have all taken over the word drama and want to use it for your own pet hates. There is nothing wrong with drama, stop looking at the word as if it means trouble. Look anyone looking from the outside could see the problem and you do appear to be a major part of it with your fixed view.
  3. Why don't you just print out the destination and click on it, I been doing that for ages, just print it out in chat and click on it you tp to what ever sim you printed out, my game 1 meters had that 2 years ago so armies could meet up from all over sl.
  4. Yes, I found that to but I wanted info from them so put up with it while I was there, funny how some of the rudest in this forum have them as picks, so it does make me think there could be at least 2 types of people here, wont go into analyzing them here as the lindens may see that as abuse, but it is all very 2D and a waste I feel.
  5. I have looked at this thread with some interest, I think the problem we have here is that it is all a bit 2D thinking, I was waiting for someone to suggest to you that you don't put the firework in an inventory but in a launcher, then rez the launcher to the ground, once the launcher had fired it it could then delete the fire work inside, quite easy really, just I think people look for the first solution then don't go any deeper, or it is just me and I am alone on this planet, make the launcher none copy. I am sure one of the helpers here could tell you how to code that, it is simple code.
  6. Just put the script blow in an object, wear it then go into mouse look, put the cross hairs over the center of the AV and click the left mouse button and the AV's profile will be chatted in owner chat, it is fun to mess with. integer firecontrols; string av; default { state_entry() { llSetMemoryLimit(0x3800); firecontrols =CONTROL_LBUTTON|CONTROL_ML_LBUTTON; } attach(key id) { if(id == llGetOwner())llRequestPermissions(id,PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS|PERMISSION_TRACK_CAMERA); else llReleaseControls(); } run_time_permissions(integer perm) { if(perm)llTakeControls(firecontrols, TRUE, FALSE); } http_response(key req,integer stat, list met, string body) { list dat = llParseStringKeepNulls(body,["meta name=\"description\" content=\""],[]); llOwnerSay(llKey2Name(av)+" "+llGetSubString(llList2String(dat,1),0,llSubStringIndex(llList2String(dat,1),">")-1)); } control(key id, integer level, integer edge) { if(level&edge&firecontrols) { vector start = llGetCameraPos(); list results = llCastRay(start,start + <1000,0,0>*llGetCameraRot(),[ RC_REJECT_TYPES,RC_REJECT_LAND | RC_REJECT_PHYSICAL | RC_REJECT_NONPHYSICAL, RC_DATA_FLAGS,RC_GET_ROOT_KEY, RC_MAX_HITS,1, RC_DETECT_PHANTOM,TRUE ]); av =llList2String(results,0); if(llStringLength(av)>10)llHTTPRequest( "http://world.secondlife.com/resident/" + av,[HTTP_METHOD,"GET"],""); } } }
  7. Below is a scanner that scans AV's profiles for a key word, if it finds that word in their profile it prints their profile out, change the search word for anything can even be a phrase, enjoy playing with it, if you look it uses a meta name filter, which is a handy bit of code. string searchstring = "drama"; string profile; list keys = []; integer cnt; default { state_entry() { llSetMemoryLimit(0x8000); llSensorRepeat("","",AGENT,96,PI,20.0); } http_response(key req,integer stat, list met, string body) { list dat = llParseStringKeepNulls(body,["meta name=\"description\" content=\""],[]); profile = llGetSubString(llList2String(dat,1),0,llSubStringIndex(llList2String(dat,1),"\" />")-1); if(llSubStringIndex(llToLower(profile),llToLower(searchstring))!=-1) { llSay(0,llKey2Name(llList2Key(keys,cnt-1))+" "+ profile); //if you want to top them home then take the // from the line below //llTeleportAgentHome(llList2Key(keys,cnt-1)); } } timer() { llSetTimerEvent(0); llHTTPRequest( "http://world.secondlife.com/resident/" + llList2String(keys,cnt),[HTTP_METHOD,"GET"],""); cnt++; if(cnt<llGetListLength(keys))llSetTimerEvent(1); } sensor(integer t) { integer x; llSetTimerEvent(0); keys = []; for(x=0;x<t;x++)keys+=llDetectedKey(x); llSetTimerEvent(1); cnt = 0; } } Some people have abusive profiles, this can be used to tp them home before people get a chance to read them, good for removing drama queens.
  8. Here is a simple script that will read the contents of a box and create a folder named after the box and place the all contents but the script in that folder, if you put a web address in the description then it will display that web page as well. It will update if you change the box contents, put the web address in the description like this - http://msdcs.co.uk/v2combat_meters/index.html list items = []; default { on_rez(integer p){llResetScript();} state_entry() { llSetMemoryLimit(0x4000); string name; integer x; integer ivi = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_ALL); for(x=0;x<ivi;x++) { name = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_ALL,x); if(name != llGetScriptName())items += name; } } changed(integer change) { if(change & (CHANGED_INVENTORY))llResetScript(); } touch_start(integer total_number) { if((llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner())&&(llGetListLength(items)))llGiveInventoryList(llGetOwner(),llGetObjectName(),items); if(llGetSubString(llGetObjectDesc(),0,3)=="http")llLoadURL(llGetOwner(),llGetObjectName()+" web help",llGetObjectDesc()); } }
  9. Yes, I agree, to be honest it was a mistake posting this question, what it has taught me is to stay away from this forum, way to many disturbed people here.
  10. like i said i have 2 emails telling me, but if i repeat them or hint to them i will be banned.
  11. I think you know full well what happened to them, i do have 2 emails telling me from the lindens Seems telling people they are dramaqueens is not allowed unless you are one, i think that is how its goes, not sure.
  12. I agree, the most drama i have seen inworld has been good roleplay, only here does it get so bad.
  13. It is easy, just put this in the state_entry function of any object, then when the object hits the av then the amout of damage you set is done to them sate_entry() { llSetDamage(100.0); rest of code.... } when a av hits an object with that in the he will lose all its health and be tped home the common amount is between 5 and 10 llSetDamage(10); then 10% damage is done OK does that help.
  14. Hi, yes I didn't watch all but saw enough, I think there will be a world war by next year, so the internet as it now will be gone by then, it is all a case of timing, forget what the press say, just look at things like pipe lines and the movement of troops, movement of fiat currencies and the movement of gold, plus many new scandals that will come out before then, many things that some thought safe have been ponzi schemes, they are going to come all crashing down this year and will spark of war if it has not already started, it is all down to a simple sum, "resources / population", it is so low that this civilization only has a limited time at its current expansion rate, plus there is a huge difference in race reproduction, so has to end in war or plague to sort, our whole civilization runs on oil and our life styles are affected by its price.
  15. I think we are in the twilight years of the internet, the USA is becoming a fascist state and fascist states do not allow freedom of speech, it is as simple as that.
  16. I know, I left face book because some one said they could see my kids and how nice they looked, and I should hope they stay that way. But if people don't know that face book is all part of the fascist network that has taken over the USA then they are fools.
  17. For most it is just plain acting or role playing, put for those with it in their profiles and the ones that claim to hate it it seems to be a way of seeking attention, they talk a lot about not liking it to such a degree, that if you removed it from their chat they would have ended up saying nothing, so if you have nothing to say but want the attention then get into talking about hating drama, the biggest drama queen I ever met talked of nothing but drama, even had signs on her land saying no drama, she really needed a doctor.
  18. ""I wonder if I've been changed in the night? Let me think. Was I the same when I got up this morning? I almost think I can remember feeling a little different. But if I'm not the same, the next question is 'Who in the world am I?' Ah, that's the great puzzle!" --Lewis Carroll , "Alice in Wonderland"" Your tag, Need i say more.
  19. ty, i just hope i get included in this program.
  20. The fighters at sparta are a far better quality, go and watch, thinks its 3pm gmt on sundays, cant rem, the sim is called The Spartan Empire, go there and ask the time it starts.
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