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Aislin Ceawlin

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Everything posted by Aislin Ceawlin

  1. Storm Clarence wrote: CheriColette wrote: Dillon Levenque wrote: :smileyhappy: :matte-motes-big-grin: :matte-motes-shocked: (sorry...just wanted to join the fun)
  2. Great...now I can't get the word "Boolean" out of my head...lmaoo!
  3. Thanks! You would think after almost 7 years I would know this already...lol :matte-motes-wink-tongue:
  4. I apologize if this has been asked before, but does anyone know if there is a way to filter out demos when doing a MP search??? I get so tired of having to wade through all of them.
  5. This is the same response I gave in the "Your Avatar" section; I've had this problem on several occasions. The one thing I have found to correct the situation is to go to the advanced menu, and do a character test. Removing everything right down to "Ruth"....that always works for me. In other words, remove EVERYTHING your avatar is wearing, including skin and shape. You will be reverted back to the LL avatar you started with. You should be able to see your avie at this point. Then you can start replacing everything one by one. Hope this helps!!! BTW, clearing the cache has rarely solved any of the problems I have ever had, especially not this one. Edited for syntax
  6. I've had this problem on several occasions. The one thing I have found to correct the situation is to go to the advanced menu, and do a character test. Removing everything right down to "Ruth"....that always works for me. In other words, remove EVERYTHING your avatar is wearing, including skin and shape. You will be reverted back to the LL avatar you started with. You should be able to see your avie at this point. Then you can start replacing everything one by one. Hope this helps!!!
  7. That is SUCH a cute outfit, would you mind telling me where you got it???
  8. Perrie, The Gossipgirl names were actually sanctioned by W.B. and there was a sim designed to mimic the style of the show. One of my best friends was the W.B. representative inworld. (I helped her decorate some of the "GossipGirl" homes...yay :matte-motes-big-grin:) Edited to replace "grid" with "sim"
  9. Absolutely gorgeous, Perrie, thank you. Your response to the child porn comment was spot on, couldn't have said it better!
  10. Glad to hear that. I think that went out to the supporters of that group who are a very small percentage in the bigger picture. I was simply blown away by it when I saw it, and wondered if others had heard about it.
  11. KlistiesSeMio Ewinaga wrote: Even tho I've more or less become a full-time creature of sorts, I do have many RP alts that offer a full range of human shapes and features and tones. I find the thing that irks me MOST is the lack of African skins. Now, don't get these confused with the 'Well I started making a white person and tinted it dark that's close, right?' skins, because those hurt my eyes. I'm talking ones that actually take into account NOSE SHAPE and SHADING!! I think I've come across maybe three up-to-date skins that don't have a caucasian nose on a black skin. The Shops - old body co I think - have lovely dark tones, (however their separate skin/head thing makes for an ugly white neck line so I don't use their skins) that don't ignore the nose shape. I find it hard to make a decent looking black character who isn't overly muscled to the point of it looking painful, or ones with a decent body that then ignore the facial structure completely. I've also seen so many people who don't have any idea what a body even looks like and I just want to drop modify shapes on them and run away. I never had an issue with the sliders because I was used to the Sims and various RPG games. :B When I first started 6 1/2 years ago, there were few good African skins. One of my best friends in SL looked high and low for a good one, and ended up a very tan white girl...we (she and I) used to call her my racially ambiguous twin...lol!
  12. Czari, I completely empathize with you. My avie, like the RL me, is a red head of the Irish persuasion, and therefore tends to wear paler (but not sickly or goth) skins. I get a lot of good feedback on mine, but also get the occasional "Hey, you should hit the tanning bed" comments.
  13. That was actually one of the best, most helpful summaries I have seen to date. Thanks so much, Jaeden! I may give it a go myself now! After 6 1/2 years I remain reluctant to mess with shapes. When I have tried, I generally end up with a grotesque shape that sends me running from my monitor...lmao! The idea of using a picture is sheer brilliance!
  14. I wish I could point you in a specific direction, but being the hair whore that I am...lol...I have been seeing it all over the grid!
  15. Thanks for your insightful response! You are right, it is the best way to deal with it. I sometimes act on my gut feelings before thinking about the rational approach. I usually get there after I think about it, though...lol!
  16. I mentioned this in another thread, but thought it might make for an interesting discussion. A family member of a close friend of mine posted this on her FB wall. I simple can not believe the ignorance, and closed mindedness of some people. Even Pope Francis has called for an end to human judgement of the LGBT community. The following is from a post in the American Family Association website. http://secure.afa.net/afa/activism/TakeAction.asp?id=457
  17. If I understand correctly, the "ex father" has actually created groups devoted to defaming her. I don't know if LL would get involved, but I would certainly take screen shots of the group name, and all conversations you can (if you can) and file abuse reports, like Marigold said. You never know, they may do something. I am so sorry this is happening. It totally sucks. People can be so petty and childish, especially when they're hiding behind an avie. Feel free to look me up inworld if you need a shoulder!
  18. Did anyone see this spectacular piece of Garbage? http://action.afa.net/item.aspx?id=2147542206
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