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Aislin Ceawlin

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Everything posted by Aislin Ceawlin

  1. I have the same one! We used to pass it among friends as well as a joke along with a few others.
  2. Thanks everyone. Although I am way beyond having ever been on the teen grid, I did have a friend of my son who took an interest and was on there for a while. I set up his account and helped him with his avie. I even bought him a few lindens every month. (He's like my own son...lol). It would be cool to just wander around and see what's left. Sorry, this was for everyone, didn't mean to reply to Tex only!
  3. I did find this, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teen_Second_Life Apparently the teen grid was imported to the mainland, but it doesn't give an SLURL. Guess I'll try the dreaded search...lol!
  4. In another thread there is talk of accessing the old teen grid. How do you do it?? It would be cool to pop in and explore!
  5. Pussycat Catnap wrote: Its not so good for shopping, but I find it handy enough for finding places to visit / play around in. That said... if they list something like "furry neko dance gor naked 7seas AO racing sailing houses" ... Then I just might consider showing up as a purple fox furry with neko ears and tail, running a dance HUD, wearing gorean fashions but mostly nude, with a fishing rod in hand, a house on my head, and riding a sailing boat that has a motorcycle attached. - and if they ask WTF... I can claim I'm in theme. Then again its a decent tell when a place just lists a series of keywords and no context or description - that the place will likely be junk... Keep in mind that its a relevancy based search engine - and relevancy based search engines are only as smart as their users because they improve as a result of how they are used. You can get better results with more savvy searches and filtering - but it takes lots of people in that same interest set using it well for it to begin adapting. (My bolding) LMFAOOOOOOOOO!
  6. LMAOOO....I've had that in my inventory for about 5 years. Never thought I'd have a reason to pull it out again!!!
  7. I'm guessing he means Margaret THATCHER??? I've never heard of a Margaret Tatcher :matte-motes-wink:
  8. If you're not using the Facelight 3000, you're really missing out :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:
  9. I don't personally play the lottery because I'm just not lucky. That being said, SOMEONE has to win! It is unlikely, but it's less likely if you don't try at all! Edited for typo
  10. Paratrex wrote: You think I give a rats a** about this company and their precious community guidelines. I have never ever met such socially inept , lost, soulless, and ignorant people in my life as the people in this game. These people have socially trolled my real life job, my parents and the list goes on. WHY do any of these "ignorant people" have this information in the first place? Unless you're running around giving out your personal information willy nilly, they have no way of getting it, especially if they're so "ignorant" Sounds like BS to me! ETA If you DID give out this info, YOU'RE ignorant!
  11. I joined in June of 2007, and created my first alt a few months after that. To the best of my memory, I was never charged for it.
  12. I know I'm late to the party, but, WOW, REALLY? Rude much?
  13. OMG, those are ADORABLE!!!! (running to the MP! lol)
  14. I, personally, rent a skydome. They can be rented in different sizes. Mine is a large one. It's extremely private, I have no neighbors, It's much cheaper than renting actual land (it's in the sky). I will send you a link in private message for the agency that I rent from as soon as I can get inworld. You could always try to catch me inworld, and come see mine so you know what I mean.
  15. I can't remember if anyone mentioned it, but you might look into renting a skybox or skydome if you want more privacy, and they are generally cheaper than renting an actual parcel (sometimes.)
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