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Baloo Uriza

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Everything posted by Baloo Uriza

  1. That said, I don't think that's a bug so much as "working as designed." The area you're trying to download can be calculated the same way as finding the sector area of an arc. By default, the field of view is 60°, and in Ultra, the draw distance is 256m (or slightly beyond a quarter of a kilometer!). 60/360 = 0.166666... (what we'll need to multiply by later to get the area of the wedge instead of the whole circle, this is the wedge) π256² = 205887.416146m² (this gives us the area of the full circle without taking into account the field of view) 0.166666 * 205887.416146m² = 34314.4320994m² So as we can see here, with the default settings on Ultra, you're attempting to download and render almost 3.5 hectares of area, assuming a two-dimensional plane. I could get into calculations that takes into account the vertical field of view, since Second Life is a three-dimensional environment, but this is enough to get the idea: long draw distances cause you to render a lot of stuff. This is awesome for photography (and depending on the view, might fall short of a full scene if you're trying to photograph a full valley or something). But for every day use, moving much shorter will use less bandwidth and render faster. 96m is plenty of draw distance for driving most vehicles, 128 is good for flight. For walking or clubbing, 32-64 is plenty. This brings that rendered area down to an extremely manageable 536m² at a 32m draw distance (or about 1/64th the detail you're trying to suck down), and 8,578m² at 128m (or about 1/4 the detail). That alone will save you a lot of bandwidth right off the bat without having to change any other setting. Bring in that draw distance to avoid downloading background detail.
  2. MoiselleErin Teardrop wrote: BTW Bears are awesome creatures. Thanks!
  3. Given that the two most common meanings for "the cloud" is either "a meaningless buzzword marketing droids love" or "redundantly hosted in multiple data centers," then either the question doesn't make sense or it already is. Dealer's choice.
  4. MoiselleErin Teardrop wrote: Yeah but are you a Kodiak bear in RL too? I mean it could happen... Spiritually, yes. First Life seems to have an avatar glitch.
  5. Consult your attorney. Let them sort it out.
  6. I think you might need to tell 'em to... YEAH.
  7. In Second Life, I'm 8'1" and a Kodiak bear.
  8. Are you located in Korea?
  9. Disable voice. I think this also adds to the SL experience considerably. Problem solved.
  10. Curious if you're on a home LAN, and if so, what the router you're using is.
  11. Think twice, delete once. This is why we have a trash can to start with; I usually only purge it around the time it gets to the point where I can't find anything without items in the trash getting in the way, which works out to about once a year or so.
  12. sodasullivan wrote: I would use SL Viewer instead of a 3rd party one is i could turn of the abilty to see where other residents are looking and if i could turn off their ability to see where I am looking. Seems like an odd thing to get upset about...I find the avatar body language to be helpful in following a conversation, particularly when I don't have voice turned on (most of the time, since too many people lock the key and then eat, scream at their kids, watch television and sit right beneath a fan with thier mic open, if it's not just a "everyone talk at once" free for all).
  13. Singularity works great on my aging ThinkPad T400 that I've had for a little more than half my time in Second Life now, and I have no reason to believe my desktop machine, which has been sitting in a storage locker for over two years now, wouldn't outperform my laptop today as it did last time I used that machine. The official viewer works, too, if I turn down the eyecandy to minimum. Remember, the low end isn't getting appreciably more advanced, and this is the way it is to maintain compatibility with folks who have older hardware. The high end is just getting more awesome for the folks who have newer hardware.
  14. I think you're missing the Tao of Linden. The viewer is open source, so residents may submit improvements, or just flat out fork the code and start a new viewer. The Lindens are more concerned with making a viewer that works for them and works for new residents best, with full knowledge and understanding advanced and long time residents will probably use other viewers to access Second Life. This is something to be encouraged, not browbeaten...
  15. Hmm, I seem to recall at some point in the last few years, the maximum value possible for coordinates in SL was (256,256,4096). I wonder when this changed.
  16. Cougar Hotaling wrote: Hi. funny you should mention CAD because that is one of the reasons I bought this machine. I'm still saving up for a CAD program to test it out with though. Prepare for pain! Cougar Hotaling wrote: So you think the CPU at 100% is not indicative of that being a limiting factor then. I spent 5 hours trying to get the Radeon 6670 to work (It was the top value on Toms Hardware site earlier this year) . More indicative of the CPU having to do the GPU's job in that case. The Radeon should work; it may be easier to get that working in Linux. FGLRX (the linux drivers for most ATI/AMD GPUs) seems to be a bit more of a sure shot and reliable than the Windows drivers in general on the Radeon line. If you go that route, I recommend Debian. Quite a few CAD open source programs available on Linux that can accept and save to dwg files, too.
  17. GPU. Big time. Intel makes GPUs that are fantastic for office desktops, but not really all that great at gaming or engineering applications. If it handles AutoCAD well, you'll probably do well with SL.
  18. JobsFox wrote: I want to use spam bots to advertise into groups. My question is - can I be banned for this activity? Yes, and quite rightfully so. JobsFox wrote: Is there guidance from LL and what can I do to protect myself? Don't spam. Not only is it douchebag behavior that will hurt the brand you're spamvertising more than it helps, it's a great way to get permabanned. We have Classified ads and a Marketplace for a reason. Use those instead.
  19. No, there's plenty of routers that don't have the memory to handle the sheer number and size of UDP packets that SL blasts. Anything that is as UDP intensive as SL would cause problems with that router.
  20. No. Big barrier is the Intel GPU. Intel makes GPUs that are great for standard office desktops that don't do a whole lot of 3D rendering. Look for laptops oriented towards drafters, cartographers and other CAD/GIS users to get the GPUs that work best with SL.
  21. It wasn't a dick size war. Though if you're using a platform that lacks package management, well, expect this sort of thing to happen. If you're insulted about design choices you weren't part of, maybe you shouldn't use that design.
  22. Baloo Uriza

    hacking ??

    Probably a ghosted avatar, especially if they were not moving and unresponsive. That said, you should always use unique strong passwords. I recommend using this javaScript based strong password generator and Universal Password Manager to create and keep track of your passwords. If you use the same password or easy passwords, then you're just asking to get hosed.
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