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Baloo Uriza

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Everything posted by Baloo Uriza

  1. Is there a socks5 proxy on your friend's network? If not, then disable this setting as it won't work. If so, and the socks5 proxy settings are correct, then the proxy is not configured to allow connections to SL. If it's something like a college dorm network or other residential network, odds are good that they can request that these connections are allowed. Otherwise, probably not. If you're not sure if you need this enabled or not, odds are very good that disabling this will fix it.
  2. What's the recommended system for 3D modelling according to your favorite Linux distribution? Same answer.
  3. I wish they'd move away from UDP for transport just so we can get the reliable transmission and error correction that offers.
  4. Help us help you, please. http://www.catb.org/esr/faqs/smart-questions.html
  5. If you had bothered to google the question, you'd quickly learn that credit cards only work online if there's a billing address associated with them.
  6. You can't, due to the shockingly bad accountability in the abuse reporting system. It's not like it wouldn't be hard to implement, either, given that they seem to be using Request Tracker, IIRC.
  7. If you generate a strong password and change your password to that, does the problem go away?
  8. You probably want to call support if you have instant needs; volunteers aren't your personal tech support when urgency is a factor. All around, more detail and kindness would go a long way in solving this.
  9. ATI is the superior choice if you ever intend to use anything other than Windows, which is a good thing to consider if you're picking a machine primarily around Second Life due to the inferior OpenGL performance on Windows.
  10. RAGE Zoilin wrote: The "Waiting for Region Handshake" message occurs when the Second Life Viewer does not receive an acknowledgement from the server. The usual cause of this error is a firewall blocking UDP packets. Reconfigure your firewall to resolve this problem. Your router is also a firewall, and a better one than pretty much anything available for Windows. RAGE Zoilin wrote: i dont use antiviruses cuz for one ive had alot of issues with them in the past they always add viruses or stuff thatl slow my laptop down or even fry my hardware cuz of the info it gives out even tho i told it not to You want to use something other than Windows, then. Sounds like it's too high maintenance for you, and I don't blame you for that.
  11. Pretty decent, but I'd save your money and get better performance out of the machine by ordering it with no operating system and install Debian instead. Windows 7 is a video performance hog, doubly so when you're using OpenGL like Second Life and the rest of the world outside Microsoft uses.
  12. You can ask the vendors of those products, I bet they have training courses. If you want free documentation, Blender is pretty much your only option.
  13. You can get flatter than a triangle with a plane, but most people call that a texture.
  14. Theoretically, L$10. Good luck actually hitting that, though.
  15. Why disable it? Body language is a handy social cue, and SL adds that element.
  16. Nope, not without being connected. But then you probably wouldn't be asking.
  17. If you think you can do better, I would look into OSgrid.
  18. You don't mention how much video RAM you have. Bit, pretty much every Windows theme but the Windows Classic theme is a known video resource pig. Try switching to the basic Windows Classic theme, clear you cache again and restart SL.
  19. Disabling HTTP textures is more likely to cause this problem, as running textures in band over UDP is, by definition, not reliable. HTTP uses TCP, and TCP is what you want for reliable transmission.
  20. You might want to google for ESR Smart Questions. Eric Raymond wrote a wonderful essay about how to ask for tech help from volunteers with no obligation to help you. You would benefit from this.
  21. JohnMiddlefield wrote: For a pure IT company such as Linden Lab not being able to make a viable, workable, and easy to use viewer interface as the standard viewer, and to enforce it so that everyone uses the same thing, is not only the height of incompetence on its part, but is incredibly stupid as well. I think you're missing the point that their corporate culture encourages innovation, which requires being a lot more open than your assumption makes.
  22. There should actually be one specifically for when the viewer is minimized.
  23. There should be an option that you can disable in the preferences about setting away when minimized in most viewers.
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