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Baloo Uriza

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Everything posted by Baloo Uriza

  1. This also has some additional tips on how to get some positive feedback and increasing the odds of using pros volunteering their time to find a solution for your problem at no charge: http://goo.gl/KaqG4
  2. This is almost certainly not a software issue, but rather a hardware issue. Some things to check: Make sure nothing is covering or close to anything that looks like a vent or holes in your computer's case. Turn off and open your computer and ensure all fans turn freely. Use canned air to blast away any dirt, especially in heat sinks and fans. Before closing the computer, turn it on and make sure all fans turn under their own power, especially ones attached to heat sinks. If any fans aren't turning, you should replace them. Computers typically will shut down if they overheat, which is most likely why you're seeing this happen when putting the computer under high load.
  3. Yeah, I mentioned OSgrid because you can bring your own region and it has more exposure than any of the other OpenSimulator grids.
  4. Depending on how much original content you have, might consider getting a region on OSgrid and keeping it there for posterity.
  5. JeanneAnne wrote: I thot "rezz" was a ghetto for Native Americans ... Depends on the tribe. Ours got the last laugh. They gave us northeastern Oklahoma. Now we control more oil than Saudi Arabia.
  6. Kathmandu Gilman wrote: Nvidia and ATI (AMD). If you are forced to use a laptop you aren't going to get stellar results no matter what graphics solution you end up with. That's funny. My Lenovo Thinkpad T400 performs like a champ.
  7. JeanneAnne wrote: With my old computer i got fps ~20 at best, & with the mesh enabled FS fps dropped to ~7. There was a very definite strobe effect but it was the best the machine could do. I used the FS beta viewer to keep my fps higher even tho I couldnt see mesh properly with it. Fps of ~12 was common in dance clubs even w/ the beta viewer. This was with settings in preferences & draw distance set low. Immy has something relevant to say about this.
  8. Nalates Urriah wrote: 64 Bit OS. This makes a significant difference. While there is no 64 bit viewer, AFAIK, there are LAA (Large Address Aware) versions of the viewer that can use the additional memory available in 64 bit systems. There are 64-bit viewers on Linux. Nalates Urriah wrote: NVIDIA video cards - You have a choice between ATI-AMD or NVIDIA. NVIDIA provides way better support for OpenGL and SL is an OpenGL based application. Windows-specific issue. OpenGL support seems to be fine on ATI on MacOS and Linux. Nalates Urriah wrote: Windows provides better OpenGL support than Apple. Other way around, actually. That said, if you want good SL support on a budget, Debian's the way to go. It's what the Lindens use in-house.
  9. Masami Kuramoto wrote: Myth #1: Second Life cannot render more than 45 FPS. Fact: Sim/physics FPS and client FPS are unrelated. The viewer will interpolate between simulator updates, predicting updates before they happen and rendering intermediate frames to keep things smooth. This is precisely why avatars start walking through walls or beyond simulator boundaries whenever there is sim lag or network congestion. "Overkill" is any framerate above the monitor's refresh rate (e.g. 60 FPS on LCD/TFT screens). I'm not saying it can't render more than 45 FPS. I'm saying it's overkill. Even if that was a hard limit to SL, it's still at least 10 frames faster than the human eye can even distinguish as individual frames, short of taking a lot of meth. Masami Kuramoto wrote: Myth #2: Windows has no direct support for OpenGL. Fact: Plans to provide OpenGL only as an emulation layer on top of Direct3D 10 were discarded before Windows Vista started shipping. So that's why it's been a part of Windows since DirectX stopped being supported exclusively in hardware (ie, dx3)?
  10. Higher FPS is better, but you're running into what your eyeballs can tell the difference easily after 25 FPS, and what SL can deliver at 45 FPS. Go with what you can afford, but anything rated past 45 FPS on that benchmark will be overkill. I do appreciate the level of detail on the graph, though I'm curious which operating system they did this on, since you'll have lower framerates on platforms with no direct support for OpenGL (Windows) and lower again if you're not using a Windows Classic-based theme on versions that have Aero enabled by default (Vista, 7).
  11. Seems like if you have to ask, the answer's probably no.
  12. Novel Criss wrote: Solved by upgrading to the Xubuntu 12.04. Not exactly elegeant but it now works. OK, that's kind of the WTF fix. I wonder what's different in 12.04 and what you were using.
  13. Sounds like group dividends. An example would be a group that you have to pay to join, but owns no land and runs no ads, so everyone who is already a member splits the pot every time someone else pays to join. A couple groups I belong to operate this way to deter people from joining simply to cause trouble.
  14. Nyll Bergbahn wrote: ATI pink bug...fixed in viewers but you need to update your graphics card driver. Is it a desktop or laptop and what card? Hmm, must be a Windows-specific bug, never encountered it on Linux.
  15. You've probably enabled a debugging option of some sort, not a graphics option.
  16. I wouldn't fault Netgear for this, it doesn't seem to be Netgear's problem. Any brand of cable modem will get hosed if it's getting too much interference from the line, and the symptoms are consistent with the RF interference hypothesis.
  17. Background: I formerly worked for the @Home Network and am familiar with the applicable cable data specs and troubleshooting. Sounds like two factors are in play: Damaged cable causing RF interference on your cable carrier's network. Your cable company's internet "technicians" are morons. Let them know you suspect RF leakage on your line (especially if this is more prone to happening at sunrise or sunset, and especially if you see ghosting or fuzz on analog channels 2 or 3, and especially if it continues higher in the band than that). If the interference is causing TV picture issues, complain to television support first; for some reason, cable companies throw more resources at TV issues even though internet's their breadwinner these days...
  18. You have a device between you and your ISP that can't seem to handle the firehose of UDP packets required for an SL connection. Call your ISP and let them know you're getting dropped offline when you start using SL.
  19. I doubt it's media specific, I've seen similar issues on wired networks with about the same frequency.
  20. The Linden Dollar is somewhat pegged to the US Dollar. So, if you really think there's a Get Rich Quick scheme in Second Life, then I have a bridge in North Channel I'd like to sell you.
  21. That's not running it on your tablet or phone. That's remoting into a computer that's running it and sending the display over the network to your tablet or phone.
  22. Good idea to add the Second Life Grid Status RSS feed to your Google Reader (or other RSS reader you prefer) and give it half an hour or so to update if you think there's a site down.
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