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Pix Jigsaw

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  1. Thanks for the post. I've been having the same problem since downloading the last viewer. Hmmm remove iCloud? I don't think so. More like remove Second Life. Fortunately upload seems to be working again for me again. Maybe I won't have to make the choice.
  2. When I get an unexpectedly high prim count for a mesh, it can usually be reduced by uploading a simple physics shape for the item and/or reducing the number of triangles at the lowest LOD. Just a few extra triangels at that first level really makes the prim count for the item increase.
  3. If you are using Blender, Hide is the H key. Unhide is Alt H. You can also find the command at the top of the Mesh menu.
  4. Karl -- Is he looking 3D max or Maya videos specifically on rigging mesh for SL? That's how I read your post, but the responses seem to be focused on general video training for Max and Maya (which he probably already knows about if he works with those packages professionally). I did a quick google and didn't see much specifically for SL rigging for 3D max or Maya. Your friend might have to watch a Blender tutorial and adapt the basic process to his package of choice.
  5. What is the lowest LI a mesh object can have? Is it .5? Is the lowest upload fee L$11?
  6. Thanks for the alert on the update. I appreciate the helpful news and links you provide. Note to anyone trying to download the new version. The main download link was really slow (about 10kbs for me). The mirrors are much, much faster right now.
  7. Take a look at these videos, Kimori. http://blog.machinimatrix.org/category/mesh/ They will give you an idea of what is involved. Lots of people here are working in Blender, so if you have a question you might have more chance of finding the answers then you would with Poser.
  8. Nalates states in her post, "As things are now we bake the normal and specular maps into our textures to make the best illusions." Could someone say more about how this is done? Does she mean she lights a model that has a normal and specular map and then bakes the visual impact those maps provide onto a diffuse texture?!
  9. That was really useful for me. Thanks. Question: Are AO textures a special kind of material based Image texture?
  10. Thanks for the great answer! I didn't know Dissolve left the UV map intact. I hope knife does, too.
  11. I am wondering how have people been organizing the multiple models that need to be built to control what things look like at the various LODs. Do you build the models side by side in a Blender scene and export them as separate dae files? Build the low LOD model first and work to the more complex models? Build them on different layers? Must they have the same origin?
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