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Kenbro Utu

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Everything posted by Kenbro Utu

  1. As I had stated previously in the thread that was deleted, this is a user's forum. All you will get are opinions. You will not get an official statement from the Lindens here. You will likely not get an official statement from the Linden's if you file a support ticket. They just do not make official statements of policy on individual events as a habit. These "know it alls" are trying to provide you with enough information to make your own judgement, because that is all you can do. You best quit biting the hand that is trying to feed you. No one here is obligated to help you, but they are trying, in the only way they can.
  2. It seems the real question is "how" is consent obtained. Just a statement in the estate covenant stating that by entering the sim you give consent for IMs to be shared is no different than the TOS disclaimers people have in their profiles that by entering into an IM with them, you grant such consent. It seems from past discussions that no one considers that a valid form of consent, aside from those who aspire to use it. Does a notecard being given to you stating such imply your consent if you stay and participate, or should it require a notecard from yourself stating that you agree? I just wonder what LL would consider explicit consent in such a situation.
  3. The wiki indicates in a footnote, that the L$50 Stipend is "Per weeks on which the account is logged in." Guess you missed a week and so no stipend? Crap, I only missed that stipend by about 3 months, Sept 12, 2006, for my birth date.
  4. Change my look? I don't even change my clothes...
  5. ROB34466IIIa wrote: Kenbro Utu wrote: I prefer the grammar/spelling nazi derail. Priding yourself to be master of the English language at anyone's expense is as stupid as a wartime nazi proudly exclaiming 'Heil Hitler' . ( Sorry .. could not pass on this golden Godwin .. well, i could , but I didn't , so I did ... ) Aha, someone did pick up on the 1st-reply Godwin after all! :^)
  6. I prefer the grammar/spelling nazi derail. It always leads into lively discussion on the importance of proper communication or the lack thereof. I was going to start by nitpicking your post, but you seemed to have crafted it very carefully and thwarted my derail plans. The only faux pas, beyond a questionable comma or 2, is that you forgot to capitalize Janelle's name in one instance.
  7. You need a reality check. You know nothing about this person who says they are in Columbia, who says they are female, and could have any number of alts involved in any number of operations already. She could be legit. You have absolutely no way of knowing. Unless you are willing to lose the money completely, keep it in your pocket, or do as has been mentioned, get the extra land, let her use it, and when/if things go sour, you can easily return her prims and give her the boot.
  8. Medhue Simoni wrote: Been done?! Almost everything has been done, and failed. What succeeds has nothing at all to do with whether it has been done before, but how it is actually done. The reason it did not work before, and will never work within SL, is not because of "how it is done," but because in SL there is no true accountability/transparency, and as many alts obtainable as one desires to achieve a personal agenda. The examples of this can be seen throughout the history of SL in griefer blacklists, banks, self-appointed justice leagues, etc.
  9. As stated, been done, didn't work, still won't work.
  10. I see no one has yet mentioned the old Voting Stations. Couldn't wander the grid without bumping into one...
  11. The last few years that Phillip was in charge of LL, he was also working on other products, not all of them related to SL. I see nothing ominous.
  12. I remember that thread. There were some very creative sim names being concocted. I remember laughing out loud to some of them.
  13. In world if you own land, you can ban anyone from your land for whatever reason or no reason at all. You can even prevent them from looking into your parcel at you or others if they are banned. You can mute someone for whatever reason or no reason at all. It just seems a logical step that you have the same control over your feed, for whatever reason or no reason at all. The reason should not be an issue, just the same amount of control over our second life we have come to enjoy in world. That being said, I am not an opponent to following at all. I enjoy following those who I think post interesting feeds. It all comes down to choices, we like them, and used to having them.
  14. It has been conclusively identified by several people in this thread as the LSL bridge not forming and attaching correctly. Here is further proof, there are wikis about it for phoenix and firestorm. LSL Rock
  15. Is this feature set in stone so that one could go back and "retool" existing products to enjoy the benefit of less land impact?
  16. Wow, thanks for the heads up. Don't know how this got by me, but I had no idea. I just gained 36 "land impact points" converting a set of stairs and porches to convex hull in a matter of minutes. It does not seem to make a difference to legacy viewers either, other than they still see the original prim count, though land impact still shows the savings (obviously since one is client, the other server). On my way to land impact heaven. Woot!
  17. Peggy Paperdoll wrote: One thing you said that brought a question to my mind. You want to run multiple monitors. Many video cards can do that (of course those card are the highest end of the models available from the manufacturers). I don't know if you meant you wanted to use multiple video cards or a single card to achieve the 3 monitors you want to be able to run at once. It would most likely be cheaper to get a single, very high performance card than to get 2 or 3 lessor performance cards (not to mention that, in order for the performance the cards are capable of you need the fastest PCI express interface......most motherboards only have one x16 slot (some MB's may have more, but I don't know of any myself). Indeed there are many SLI options with motherboards having up to 4 x16 slots.
  18. It is a form of custard, though not as smooth as traditional custards as it contains flour also. The buttermilk lends a very nice tanginess. Totally delicious!
  19. Buttermilk pie hands down, all time favorite. I have few favorites in life, I just hate to pin down one of anything that I like, but that is how much I love buttermilk pie. YYYYYUUUUUUMMMMMMMM!
  20. I listen to SomaFM Lush. Sensuous and mellow vocals, mostly female, with an electronic influence. http://ice.somafm.com/lush
  21. Perrie Juran wrote: This! Also, a lot of people don't realize the relationship between many things that they do and enjoy and the merchants. We all know it's not cheap to own/maintain a SIM. When I started a bit over four years ago many clubs and other things were tied or connected to malls. So their was a Symbiotic relationship. (Mayalilly, you wanted added value....there's some for you). No doubt that it can be a time saver shopping the Market Place. But shopping with friends can be fun also. Key word: Relationship. I started to write a diatribe in response to Mayalily's "not my responsibility" dribble, but I believe it would be totally wasted effort. But since you brought it up, I will respond to you. SL is a community. It takes many roles within a community to make them work. It takes relationships of many kinds. Commerce compromises a large part of what makes SL enjoyable, where practically ALL of the content we enjoy is created by the community. Merchant/creators not only provide amazing products that enable us to use SL as an entertainment platform, but many of them are responsible for the "places" that we enjoy going to in SL. Put simply, merchants need customers to keep land in SL, customers need places to visit and explore in SL. It's a relationship that helps our community thrive. If you don't know that about SL, then you don't understand SL at all. In a community we all have a responsible part to play.
  22. Mayalily wrote: Pamela Galli wrote: Mayalily wrote: All in all I've ordered over 10,000 items from Marketplace... Wow. I was under the impression that you had been shopping in SL less than a year. In order to buy 10,000 items from the MP in one year, you would have to buy on avg. more than 27 items a day, 7 days a week. I imagine that must have taken quite a lot of your time! A lot of items come in a folder. I said I have over 10,000 items now, not I've made 10,000 purchases. Actually, she posted your direct quote, which was " All in all I've ordered over 10,000 items from Marketplace... " Excuse me, but doesn't ordering from Marketplace indicate an attempted purchase? And if it does not indicate a purchase, then I presume they all failed delivery... The least you could do when trying to prove a point is remember what you said and stick to it.
  23. Okay, that was in Chrome. IE7 does show a blank page. I have to use IE7 for proprietary software for my job, but use Chrome for more intensive browsing (such as the forums) as IE7 just struggles too much with some sites.
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