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Parrish Ashbourne

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Everything posted by Parrish Ashbourne

  1. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Selling-in-the-Marketplace/ta-p/700193 If this in your first avatar in SL {your rez day is only 7 days old) , then I recommend getting to know how SL works better before starting a store. All so this should have been posted in the merchants forum, I highly recommend reading the post in the merchants forum to see what your about to put yourself though. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/Sellers-get-ripped-off-by-Market-Place-and-Lindens-won-t-help/td-p/1818609 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/Is-there-anyone-with-still-the-wrong-pics-displayed-on-market/td-p/1815493
  2. I watched all 3 videos, reminded me of how I lived back in high school, I had a very clear goal back then and I thought about it a lot, things like this happened to me a lot back then: when I was in high school my girl friends mother was a grade school teacher. One day my girl friend need to drop some thing off to her mother while she was working. I walked into the class room with her, I had a Mohawk at the time (1985) back then there were only about 5 punks in town, the whole class stopped and starred at me. I walked up the the chalk board and wrote "it's not that I don't under stand, I just under stand differently." A few days later I got a call form my girl friends mother, (her mother hated me because of the way I looked) she was very excited. In her class she had her students write in a journal every day, one of her students had never written anything in theirs, until they had read what I had written on the chalk board, and was now writing more then the rest of the class. Back then I measured goals in terms of inspiring people. Second life has been a big disappointment to me. I had goals in SL and spent the last 5 years trying to grow a business in SL. If I look at SL in terms of profit then it's been a big waste of time I figure I make about 0.41$ per hour for all the work I've done, but after seeing the videos if I look at SL in terms of inspiring people then I've been successful, all so in terms of research and development SL has been a huge success for me in RL and for setting me up for future projects in SL or other virtual worlds. My favorite story of inspiring some one in SL, was a RL film maker who wanted to make a film about SL and after visiting my shop and talking to me a few times, never made the film and later stopped logging in to SL. A few weeks after that he started to email me links to eBay where he was now selling steampunk good in RL. When I first met him in SL he had no idea what steampunk even was.
  3. Toysoldier Thor wrote: Parrish, dont mess with medhues purist logic by feeding him commonsense logic and facts. Extremist theories only make sense if you dont apply real world details and logistics to them. You will stress him and his followers out. to late I was all ready typing an other reply. If his followers are all individuals, why are they fallowing ? I use to like the saying "Those who forget history are condemned to repeat it." Problem with that is most the people writing history are the people that want you to forget something, which leave us needing to remember why there's so much we should be forgetting.
  4. Medhue Simoni wrote: I never said that corporations, of any size, weren't the problem. Go back and look at how I reference corporations. I never purposely put them in a good light. If I do, it is totally by accident. Corporations are entities created by the state. By governments. They are, by definition, a government agency, because they are sanctioned by the government. You have to register them. Look up what register means in a law dictionary. In general, they are evil. They are a tool, by which the riches people in the world can take over any industry they want simply by buying up all the shares. If they can't buy all the shares, they will do a hostile takeover. I'm not an expert in anything, but what SL has allowed me to do is research whatever I want. I haven't had to actually work for some1 in 6 years. This means, when I want to learn about something, I can study it until I have a clear grasp, and study it from every possible angle. I'm no smarter than any1 else, I'm just an extremely curious person that realized that I've been lied to all my life. It starts with the TV. I don't even own 1 now. It is the TV that molds most of the knowledge people have about the world. I started noticing that everything the TV told me was a twist of the truth. I was a high level triathlete in my early 20s, and learned everything I could about training the body. I watched as the TV said the opposite of things I learned. Then, my son was diagnosed Autistic, and I watched as the TV told me that it had nothing to do with mercury, despite everything I read telling me different. Then, I watched as the show ER addressed autism and lied to the public at the height of the autism scare. Then, 30 Rock had a show on getting your flu vaccine. From then on, I threw my TV out the door, which gave me lots more time to research things. Oh sure, corporations have destroyed the earth, and much of the earth's water supply. Global warming tho, as defined by the TV, is total BS. I've researched the heck out of it, but all it really takes is a little rational thinking. Scientists still can't explain the drastic climate changes in our past. Heck, the Vikings farmed most of Greenland until it changed drastically and is now mostly covered in ice. So, the scientist can't figure that out, but they somehow know we are doomed. I'm sure something drastic will eventually happen, it has happened many a times on this earth, but it won't have anything to do with humans. Global warming is about the rich wanting to tax every human on this earth with a carbon tax. The corporations that pollute the earth, will get a pass, while we'll all pay to fart. Yeah, I know, I'm way off topic now, but I wanted to illustrate a point. Don't listen to the TV, and do your own research. Corporations are not a Free Market entity. They are part of Socialism. I use socialism as a general term that refers to any system that uses force as the solution. Statism, marxism, communism, fascism, totalitarianism, and many more are all just different forms of socialism. All governments are just a form a Statism, which is just another word for socialism. They all require violence. And we wonder why our world is so dang destructive. So, how do we as people fight back against the evil that surrounds us? We demand voluntary exchange and reject violence all together. We embrace Free Markets. Each 1 of us does what we were meant to do, which is be our own person with our own businesses, supplying each other with the things we need or want. The computer age is here and we can now all do business and inform each other. We can reject the chains they want to put on us. Profits are not the evil part, it is the people behind all the profits that create the world we live in. Profits mean that the business is sustainable and provide value to each other. They are a measure of just how efficient your business is, and how you might improve it. To save the earth, we all take ownership of it and protect it. When it's our water, we'll make sure it is clean. Each of us, individually, to benefit every1 in the market. Markets, business, profits, and self interest protects our world, 1 by 1. It's the TV that makes us think differently. With each of us, doing our own thing and providing value to each other, we will create a utopia. I don't need to grow the corn, because he will. You don't need to make the clothing because she will, and with every1 doing their thing, we'll all live in abundance. We don't need governance, all we need are markets that are without restrictions. So which one person could by them self build a high way or a rail way. Cooperate rules were changes to build the rail ways in the 1800s because there was not enough rich people to fund them, that opened up the stock market to the middle class, but all so took the liability out of owning stock if the company when bankrupt. The type of free market your talking about could only exist before the middle of the 1800s. The free market your talking about would work great for sol proprietorship type business. The society we live in today is too complex to create and maintain our infrastructure as individuals, infrastructure needs to meet the needs of the society, and not be for profit, profit turns evil when it has the opposite effect on the people it is suppose to serve. Health care for profit = sink people are good for profit. Prisons for profit = prison quotas. Energy for profit = energy company faking power outages to increase rates. Water for profit = water rates go up when people conserve more water. I don't think there any one economic model that fits the needs for individuals, small business, larger corporations, and the infrastructure of society at the same time.
  5. Medhue Simoni wrote: Luna Bliss wrote: Yes Knowl...there are lots of wide open spaces on the google map...but that is not how you determine if we have overpopulation. Cities require lots of land surrounding them to support the population - all this land is needed to grow food on and supply other raw materials. If there's not enough land to support the city then the city suffers. I live on the prairie - it's turning into a dust bowl as the drought continues. It's not going to be providing much wheat for the numerous cities that need it. 40,000 children die every day from starvation. I'll just throw out some calculations. You could put every person on the earth inside of Australia, and each have more than .1 acre of land around them. With today's technology, each could own their own hydroponic system with fish underneath a garden that can grow almost all your food using artificial lights that gives your plants 24 hour lights growing them more than twice as fast. The first woud be mercury free too, as they don't grow up in contaminated waters. What makes you think there's enough fresh water in Astralia for that many people. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.cazr.csiro.au/connect/images/rain.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.cazr.csiro.au/connect/resources.htm&h=2481&w=3506&sz=1389&tbnid=CMqmxQkOhpUglM:&tbnh=86&tbnw=122&zoom=1&usg=__hdHcwNhAii74QVW8XWSLjl5knqU=&docid=jfcUPTApW0fzpM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=2fvxUJX9GYaKjAKcsYBI&ved=0CDIQ9QEwAA&dur=651
  6. Pamela Galli wrote: I see merchants as being on a continuum between those who do not need to make any income from producing content and therefore do not need to place any value on their time, and those who make all their income from producing content and must therefore ask fair value for their time. Everyone is on this continuum somewhere. And where you are does not mean you have superior or inferior quality of merchandise or customer service, or are in some way morally superior to those in other locations on the continuum. However, those at either poles not only have very different goals and strategies, but conflicting ones. For example, those who have plenty of free time and/or no need for SL income, can afford to earn nothing for their time and can charge very little or nothing for their products, which has driven prices down. This is good for customers, but not good for those who do need their SL income -- often because it is the only earning option left to them -- and must earn something for their time. Therefore I don't see any way for those at opposite ends of the continuum to make common cause. Couldn't agree with this more, I just finally gave up on SL after some one who got a free sim from LL (from LEA) for a year, started pumping tons (as in 24 pages on the market place) of free, high quality, full perm items, I can't compete with that and pay for land let alone feed my self. Add to that LL talking about having Premium subscribers scavenger hunts, this year. I just can't see LL running that in a way that will benifet merchants. It's quite clear what LL thinks of merchants, but we just keep pretending it's going to get better because we all have an idea of what we want SL to be, or we depend on it for RL income. As the old saying goes "never put all your eggs in one roller coster."
  7. Pamela Galli wrote: It has been a while, but in my experience the MP gives specific warnings that there are two or more of something in the cart; they always give you an opportunity to review your order. If people are given the opportunity to review an order, whether here or on Amazon or eBay, and do not take it, I don't think the website can be blamed. (There is plenty of other stuff it can be blamed for tho!) LL removed the warning
  8. I had the same issue today but on a much smaller scale, I was stuffusing variables in to a note card name for storage. I copied the note card name into the note card changed some of the variables, but not the length of the string and copied it back and lost the end of my last variable, and now seam to be stuck with a shorter length for a not card names, but I only lost 3 or 4 spaces not a few hundred lines(ouch). There's been several problems reported related to the internal systems maintenance done today, clearing my cash fixed some of the issues I had earlier, might be worth a try. http://status.secondlifegrid.net/
  9. failing to rez with viewesrs other then current LL beta both on magnum and main chanle. I cleared my cash on firestorm and was able to rez again.
  10. Just save it to a child prim's description, a child prim wont lose the info.
  11. There never was 80,000 real people online at one time, a lot of them were traffic bots, when LL banned traffic bots the numbers dropped by 10,000 to 15,000. Then there has been a gradual decline to where we are today. Lots of BIG improvements in SL while you were gone, some even work , but none of which involve competitive pricing or good customer service policies.
  12. Griffin Ceawlin wrote: One person can have multiple free basic accounts, subject to the alt account policy. (http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Accounts-overview/ta-p/700019#Section_.2.1) Cost Your first basic account is free, and so are a few alternate accounts. However, if you create an army of alts, Linden Lab may charge a small fee of US$9.95 for the creation of each additional basic account as a way to recoup some of the cost. This is explained further in section 1 of the Second Life Billing Policies, linked to from our Terms of Service. Note that in the billing policies, "Access Account" means basic account and a "Subscription Account" means a premium account. Restrictions Currently, you can create: Up to five accounts per household. No more than two accounts in a single 24-hour period. Alt accounts must adhere to all Second Life policies. For example, by agreeing to the Terms of Service (TOS) you agree to provide truthful and accurate information about yourself when you register for accounts; that includes not only your contact information and real name but also whether this is your first free basic account or a new alt (see TOS section 2.1). People who do not provide truthful information risk losing their accounts. What if I have a premium account already? Your first account, paid or not, counts as your free basic account. The free basic account is meant as an incentive to new Residents to try Second Life with no associated charges. If you have many accounts already, additional accounts may incur an associated cost for maintenance. (http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Alt_Account_FAQ) I submitted a ticket a few days ago about the policy's you list here asking LL to clarify some of the numbers such as a few alternate accounts create an army of alts Up to five accounts per household fee of US$9.95 for the creation of each additional basic account Only one Access Account is permitted per unique user; additional Access Accounts for the same unique user require a one-time access payment (from: http://secondlife.com/corporate/billing.php) So is it a few accounts, an army, 5 per household, or one per unique user? The answer I got back from LL in the ticket, was to write or fax their legal department. I haven't had time to do that yet, I all so feel like writing their marketing department, I seams strange for LL to not take $ from people who want to play for extra accounts.
  13. http://slurl.com/secondlife/terri/96/175/21/ Great view, and water access, protected water front, on the Zundria adult mainland. 25,000 L$ / 8.1 L$ sqm 3072 sqm 703 prims
  14. http://slurl.com/secondlife/terri/96/175/21/ Great view, and water access, protected water, on the Zundria adult mainland 50,000 L$ / 16.3Ls sqm 3072 sqm 703 prims
  15. Toughlove Sabra wrote: I'll have to check yet again, A old SL pro told em that the support for all of it is gone, not sure if they know what they are talking about or not......do you use a "group only" vendor from them? Thanks for the response ) I stopped using vendors about 2 years ago, so I'm still on the old version and don't know all that the new on can do, I'm intrested in seeing if they still provide service too in case I need to use a vendor again, but I've closed down all my inworld stores so not on my to do list any time soon. Sounds like you may have the old version too so may be a good time to shop around.
  16. Dilbert Dilweg wrote: Hello All, I have decided to pull all my products from the marketplace. and unlisted everything. I do not see a way to delete them all? Is there and easy way to delete the listings? One of my demos from one of my products got pulled off of marketplace for advertising? Its a group joining service and the demo shows how it works. So I cant seem to have a demo on my group services. Pretty lame when its a freakin demo. Heh users can run around abusing the hell out of others but god forbid you put up a little demo to show how your service works See ya I had the same issue a while back, I had it listed in the services category, It would seam to me that by default all most any listing as a service would be an advertisement. In true linden tradition there is no clear definition for services. If Linden Labs were to make a dictionary It would read: As long as it does not violate our TOS any letter or group of letters can be used to represent any thing.
  17. Have you tried contacting their support to see if it's still there. http://www.hippo-technologies.co.uk/support/ http://help.hippotechnologies.us/hipposupport If your still useing the old Hippo vend system they might just not be providing soupport for that as its out of date the new hippovend elite only uses one script and has 20 times less lag, not sure if it has the features your looking for.
  18. Lots of good points Charlene, I hope LL sees this, really points to the fact that, any changes to the categories need a lot of planning and feed back, not just a few quick fixes to one or 2 categories.
  19. Bash Quandry wrote: So there is a category dedicated to neckties but the only scifi specific category remains to be Rockets and Space Ships... I suggest that Science Fiction gets its own Community just like Furry and Steampunk. And no Fantasy does not qualify. I agree that there needs to be some kind of Scifi or cyberpunk community listed on the market place. I track the total number of items listed in each community group listed on the market place weekly, I all so added scifi and steampunk to that list to see how they compared. ( I dint use the term Science Fiction because it has mush fewer listing on the market place, as of today it's only at 2003 items) community 12/12/2011 6/3/2012 Steampunk 16097 18720 Tiny 12405 18145 Goth 55175 66535 Gor 36260 42616 Fantasy 85886 101986 Furry 25303 28770 Vampire 47036 55543 Scifi 5279 5623 Cyberpunk 3278 3572 Total Market 1938237 2104179 place items Besides having the smallest amount if items and very little growth of new items on the market place, Scifi has other issue out side the marketplace that keep this from being a thriving community in SL. Mostly it's seams to be just a bunch of RP Sims with no one doing much to promote the community as a whole. All communities have some of the same problems on the market place, some worse then other. Key word spam for community names is huge issue, not only dose it effect the individual merchants but all so the community as a whole, for example some one new to SL that is into steampunk in RL, is not likely to get a good first imprecision of steampunk in SL when the top 2 items listed are penises. Fantasy may be the largest community group, but it's mostly spam, it's like trying to find an Elf in a giant Lingerie store. Human normal sized shapes and skin combos for a human avatar are not furry or tiny. Glowing cyberpunk items that look like there are from Tron are not steampunk. The list goes on and on. Communities help attract and keep people in SL, the over all diversity of communities SL is an attraction in it's self.
  20. Linden Lab wrote: Great ideas, all! We have added a Masquerade category to the destination guide. If you have an upcoming masquerade event, please submit it for review to be added! Thank you! Wow that was fast! Thanks for considering our suggestions and participating in the forums. I realize that this a new idea only a day or 2 old, so it would make sense to think about it for a bit before doing much more with it, but I'd just wanted to point out that other then people watching this thread few people knows about it yet, some how the word needs to get out to club owners. Which brings up good question how would you do that, other then sending out a message on the log in page, or some place like that where every one would see. There's the upcoming events and activities forum but that's looks like just event listings not a place to discuss events ideas. Considering the importance clubs, events, DJs and live music have to the appeal of SL, an Event Organizers forum similar to the merchants form would be great place to share ideas, ask for advice, and get info on new promotional events like the Masquerade, or other changes to the destination guide.
  21. Josh Susanto wrote: My current recommendations for future promotions are: 1) ALWAYS set a keyword that will not already be in use such as "masquerade2012". This makes the theme of the promotion clear, but without causing to be included items which will only incidentally pop up on the promotion. 2) Rather than try to regulate what fits the keyword and what doesn't, simply set a limit to the number of items a merchant may have on the promotion at one time. This provides an incentive to merchants to promote only the items which they see as best fitting the stated theme. If they do otherwise, they'll only be hurting themselves. And if they have nothing very appropriate to offer, the amount of spam will remain smaller than previous and stay ranked low for relevance. Some people may use alts to get around the limit, but that seems like a tactic that would require a lot of work for not all that much benefit, so even people with no integrity at all will mostly not create more than a few alts. 3) Set up a forum listing possible future promotional themes, based on legally viable keywords for which shoppers are already searching at high rates. If shoppers are looking for it, that would seem to be a pretty good hint that at least some of them are trying to buy it. Letting merchants know about this instead of keeping it as some kind of secret (as is done now) could be a win for LL, merchants and customers. 4) Set up a referendum system in that forum by which users can vote on future themes in order to help LL prioritize them in terms of what merchants expect they will be most able to provide. If merchants already have something that shoppers want, promoting that first might actually generate sales (instead of just a bunch of dubious delisting work for Linden employees). And if merchants don't have enough of something yet, a referendum could at least provide some ability to project what can be made available before trying to promote things or before deciding not to promote them. 5) Change promotional themes more frequently and announce them several promotions in advance. Plans do have to change sometimes, sure. But having some kind of an advanced plan is almost always better than not having one. Making new promotions more frequent and more predictable allows merchants to focus on any foreseeable promotions for which they might prefer to devote their time in preparation, rather than being tempted just to look for ways to game the current and/or next immediate promotion, not having any idea what might be a better use of their energies. This should also help prevent promotions from becoming stagnant, and somewhat broaden the total range of promoted items over the course of a year. It also provides a more clear comparative basis for a decision to either repeat or not repeat a promotion at some later time. If there's a concern that generating a new graphic for each promotion is going to be (unwanted) extra work for Lindens, forget about that. Users can submit suggested graphics for possible future promotions on the promotions forum well in advance, and if there's a problem, it's more likely to be spotted early. OK... what am I missing? Their not even using a keyword this time, for the Masquerade promotion they have created a category for it, so it wont include items that were not intended to be there, all so I think people will be less likely to move thing there if it's not related sense moving it requires taking it out of an existing category. I think my suggestion to combine the promotion with events that would be listed in the destination guide would help make guessing what fits in the definition easer, if every one knew that at the end of the promotion there were masquerade balls and events to go to and that the promotion was to get ready for it, all so gives people a reason to want to shop during the promotion. Totally agree on needing more time and that we should be able to suggest promotion ideas.
  22. Gharam wrote: yes happen to items you all ready had listed.:womansad: Then I would suggest putting in a support ticket.
  23. This is part of a comment I made on an other thread, I wanted to move it here because this thread seams to have more constructive comments and is all so being watched by the Lindens. I think Masquerade is a great idea for a promotion in SL but to really make it work it needs to go beyond the marketplace, for starters add it to the destination guide for clubs hosting Masquerade Ball or party's during the promotion. Even with the short 3 day notice this still could be pulled off just make the destination guide part happen the last week of the promotion assuming the promotion will run at lest a month long. That would be time enough for club owners to get ready and would give people a reason to go shop to dress up for the Masquerade balls and party's at the end of the promotion. This would all so be good for sales as club owners would need to do some shopping to get their clubs ready for the events. This would turn the promotion from a simple sale into an event where people would have a reason to want to shop, and have some thing to do in their new costumes.
  24. One thing that my help is that this time you have to chance the items category to be in the promotion and not just add a keyword. This could mean moving the time out a category that the item all ready has good placement in so I think people might think a but more before doing so with an item that's questionable. I agree that the definition could be clearer, but it's better then some in the past. Here's my comment on banner promotion form an other post [One suggestion on Banner Promotions, I realize that not every one is going to have items that fit into every promotion, but if we have more notice, then at least every one have the choice if they want to participate or not. Often my items don't fit in to a promotion, but I find it fun to build new things that I normally wouldn't, all so I think this my make the promotions more interesting for shopper if more people have time to build new items specifically for the promotion instead of only moving existing items into the promotion.] I think Masquerade is a great idea for a promotion in SL but to really make it work it needs to go beyond the marketplace, for starters add it to the destination guide for clubs hosting Masquerade Ball or party's during the promotion. Even with the short 3 day notice this still could be pulled off just make the destination guide part happen the last week of the promotion assuming the promotion will run at lest a month long. That would be time enough for club owners to get ready and would give people a reason to go shop to dress up for the Masquerade balls and party's at the end of the promotion. This would all so be good for sales as club owners would need to do some shopping to get their clubs ready for the events. This would turn the promotion from a simple sale into an event where people would have a reason to want to shop.
  25. It's not just an IP issue It's a trade mark issue and trade marks have a lot more protection under the law. If your selling a car and make an add image with a coke machine in the background that's actually a trade mark violation. You may even see a coke machine in a car add but ether the car company got or paid for permission to have it there, or coke paid for it to be there as product placement to create brand awareness. Some company may look the other way or even encourage people to use their logo as part of a viral marketing campaign, they may even give you material to use, but they still hold the trade mark and could change their mind at any time. I've used some one else's trade mark in one of my items before but I got permission in writing before, they even gave me the images I needed for free. Here's an interesting article called "Can't Drink Coke In A Movie Without Coca Cola's Permission?" http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20070406/115104.shtml
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