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Alec Kaestner

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Everything posted by Alec Kaestner

  1. ALTs rule (been having an out of body experience in SL, lately.....)
  2. Not to mention all the home styles not yet created/approved/or even dreamt of - tiny homes, A Frames, apartment buildings, hobbit (earth sheltered) homes, barn conversions, big honkin tents, space habitats, igloos, actual DRIVEABLE houseboats/narrowboats.... (inhales) saltbox homes, carriage houses, castles, hovels, quonset huts, tree houses and - not to mention - the used refrigerator boxes under Linden Route 27 overpasses for Basic accounts.
  3. The BBB also has a HOME FINDER HUD, which will return you the SLURL's of any home in a Bellisseria Region not yet claimed by someone.
  4. If you don't like the telephone poles/wires - simply derezz them for yourself.
  5. Overall, I'm rather proud of this image (even if I DO have a gap in my hair...._
  6. Thank you everyone ! I appreciate your responses, and you've certainly answered my quesiton(s)!
  7. Does anyone know if there is a documented way to 'sign up for/reserve' any of the Linden Home Community Centers? (Such as Campwich Forest, Randalsham Treehouse or the Sakura Community Center) for an in-world event? Or, is this only limited to the Bellesseria Fairgrounds? Please, and thank you.
  8. I'm looking forward to the '2048s as well, though I'm still enjoying my Newbank (and the neighborhood!). What I REALLY WISH LL would do, would be to start publishing FLOOR PLANS of the Linden Homes.
  9. I've encountered this behavior in the past - and typically it results from my computer changing from Wifi to wired connection (or back). Changing your wifi could also trigger this behavior, IIRC.
  10. Just a thought, but wouldn't it be a cool idea, if Linden Lab were to publish FLOORPLANS of the various Linden Home styles, alongside their pictures? I've gone to https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:New_Linden_Homes_2019#Traditional_Homes and can see nice pix, of the homes, and all - but I would also like to see floorplans. I'm not much for multi (small) room homes.
  11. Follow https://fabfree.wordpress.com/ for free/low cost items. The people blogging there are very talented.
  12. Would it be posisble for LL (or a TPV) to enable Rich Text format, on notecards?
  13. One thing I would recommend is exporting your shape via Firestorm to an XML file. THen you can don a new shape (with your new head) and IMPORT thos XML settings. It won't get you (even) vlose, head wise - but it does give you a starting point - and you WON'T screw up your old shape!
  14. Shades of Frank Lloyd Wright. Kewl! How about HOBBIT HOMES (Earth Sheltered)?
  15. STILT Homes (as in S/E US). There'll be three styles, all on stilts. Overland Overwater Mixed (over land AND water) They'll just be on demo, for now. They cannot really proceed with any regions until their Project: UPLift is complete (move to cloud). 1024m², as well. JUST got crashed out of the region - so - yeah, it'll be a while.
  16. Tiny Trailer.... Owner: Notta Mole Creator: FrankLee Anatra http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SL17B Exhilarate/51/34/23 Can't wait, for the big reveal!
  17. I wonder if the theme has something to do with VACATIONS and Vacation Housing (hence the tiny campers, tents, etc). That could also explain the 'Bungalo' {?} Patch posted.
  18. One of the peccadilloes of the Linden Lab SL viewer (and TPVs) which has been bugging me of late, is the support for multiple monitors. Now, I'm not talking about being able to extend your screen across two adjacent monitors, I'm talking about the ability to pop out, and move chat windows, notecards, HUDs, etc off to a second monitor, leaving a 'clean slate' for SL in all its SLishness :-). Now, I'm not a programmer, but I wonder if some smart viewer programmer would be able and willing, to rise to the challenge, and garner a legion of fans (or at least, just me).
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